Mage Veja

Chapter 607 The Sixth Great Country

Chapter 607

The war empire has finally won.

Under Vega's entanglement, the imperial army came from behind and killed 50 people from the Holy Dragon Kingdom at a place less than 2 kilometers away from the station. In the end, no more than [-] soldiers from the Holy Dragon Kingdom escaped.

Total annihilation in the true sense!

After this war, the Imperial Army finally developed self-confidence.

It is foreseeable that the next time they encounter the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, at least the imperial army will no longer show fear, and they will be defeated immediately after a slight contact.

There is a saying that everything is difficult at the beginning.

As long as the imperial army tastes the sweetness, the next step is to finally enter the rhythm of the empire.

In the next few days, the empire fell into carnival. The civilians celebrated the imperial army's defeat of the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom. They were sincerely happy for the recovery of the northwest. some dignity.

Some people may wonder, isn't Veigar the dynastic army represented by the real protagonist of this war?
As in the phenomenon.

The Empire did not mention the existence of the Dynasty Army. Of course, it is impossible for them to attribute the victory of this war to the Dynasty. This would make the Imperial Government lose the support of the people, so it was declared that the Imperial Army won the victory independently.

Veigar didn't say anything about it.

Because the empire has the ability to guide public opinion in its own country, all the media of course serve the official empire. Veigar, a foreign military officer, can't influence the public opinion of the empire. Anyway, he has already got what he wants, so Veigar doesn't care about this matter. care about.

Of course, even if he really cares about it, Veigar can't do anything about it.

Because even if they can control the media, the civilians will deceive themselves and think that it is the unilateral contribution of the Imperial Army. The civilians also need faith. Now the army and government that can protect their safety are their beliefs.

It is quite difficult to destroy a person's faith.

Although the civilians of the empire were led by public opinion to unilaterally believe that all the credit was due to the imperial army, but the strata at the top of the pyramid did not think so. They knew very well about the empire's request for assistance.

Therefore, the matter of whether the Holy Dynasty is eligible to be ranked first has been brought up again.

If some people thought that the Holy Dynasty won a war by coincidence last time, then this time it was directly proved that it was not a coincidence, but that the Holy Dynasty did have the ability to defeat the Holy Dragon Kingdom with the same force.

Known now.

The empire that the Holy Dragon Kingdom can fight has no power to fight back, so the strength of the Holy Dragon Kingdom is higher than that of the empire.

Secondly, it has been confirmed that the Holy Dynasty can easily defeat the Holy Dragon Kingdom, that is to say, the Holy Dynasty is indeed stronger than the Holy Dragon Kingdom, then a conclusion that everyone has to accept can be drawn very clearly——

In the Jialan Continent, the status of the largest country has changed hands.

The empire is no longer the largest military country in the mainland, and it is not enough to continue to hold on to this title even if they are beaten by the Holy Dragon Kingdom without fighting back, even if they have an army of 700 million.

The current largest country on the mainland is——

Holy Dynasty!

This oldest "small frontier country" stood in the center of the continent again overnight.

I'm afraid that Saint Laurent XVIII did not expect that it was not Shia, whom he had placed high hopes on, that brought the dynasty to a new height, but Vega, a traitor and traitor who tried to seize the holy dynasty.

at the same time.

Okasos, a loyal minister of the kingdom, heard the news and began to drink alone.

He prepared two cups, drank one, poured one, and muttered to himself: "Your Majesty the Eighteenth, the long-cherished wish of more than ten kings of the Holy Dynasty has come true. realized in form."

"A rebellious courtier who bullies his superiors and his inferiors."

"An underage child."


Okasos poured the bitter wine down his throat as he spoke: "It turns out that our years of hard work are nothing but a surprise to that person. I was wrong, we were all wrong, the holy mage can't save the dynasty, You risked the country's destruction and asked me to find an opportunity to achieve the holy position, but unfortunately I have not yet achieved the holy position, but the goal has been achieved by that person."

"Next...what should I do?"

Okasos is lost, and his goal is to make the dynasty rise again.

And he has always believed that the outside must be settled, so Vega is a stumbling block that has to be removed, so he has been waiting for himself to advance to the holy position, and then kill Vega with lightning speed, and then use himself The strength of the Holy Throne is the starting point, allowing the Holy Dynasty to stand on the top of the continent again.

But following Veigar all the way, he found that he was too naive.

The empire has a trump card of 700 million troops, the Liberty Alliance has a variety of powerful arms, the kingdom's blitzkrieg almost wiped out the entire holy dynasty while he was away, and now the holy dragon kingdom that just emerged is so powerful that he deeply deep despair.

In the face of these giant-like existences, even an advanced holy position, can one change one's destiny?

The answer is obviously no.

Just thinking about these existences makes people feel extremely hopeless.

Standing in front of him were towering peaks, and even if he was promoted to the holy position, he would not be able to climb these peaks.

But that existence—

Vega's innocent and bright smile like an angel appeared in front of Okasos' eyes.

No!It was the grin of the devil.

It was that existence that easily climbed countless peaks, and then announced the return of the king to the whole world.


This time the returning king is not the empire, but their holy dynasty.

Facing the greatest hero of the dynasty, the devil who played with people's hearts, can he really raise his butcher knife and kill him now?
The answer is still no.

Almost subconsciously, Okasos gave the answer.

He drank the bitter wine in his hand, and then came to Vega's command room while he was drunk. He patted Vega's desk and ignored the superficial etiquette, but said angrily: "Little devil, listen to me!" I mean, if one day you dare to betray your surname and let the seven words 'Saint Laurent' and 'Holy Dynasty' disappear from the Jialan Continent, I will definitely kill you."

After finishing speaking, he left without waiting for Vega's answer.

At this time, Vega was at a loss and didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the Okasos gourd.

If it is understood literally, probably as long as he does not erase the names of the Holy Dynasty and the Saint Laurent royal family from the mainland, Okasos will work for him and will not take any actions against him.

"What am I doing to erase the names of the Holy Dynasty and the Saint Laurent royal family?"

Veigar muttered to himself, what he wanted was to eliminate all the existences that might threaten his life and live a truly comfortable life, not to establish an immortal dynasty for thousands of years.The name is just a code name, he has no interest in those so-called honors and fame left in history, a great talent is roughly like Qin Shihuang, after death, it is not for the descendants to burn the huge foundation.

He is just an ordinary person, not to mention Qin Shihuang, he can't compare to an ordinary genius.

"After I die, don't care about the flood."

Veigar laughed at himself, then looked at the direction where Okasos was leaving and said, "Hmph, do you think I will believe your nonsense? If you want to make me take it lightly with just a few words, then you will be disappointed."

Vega obviously didn't believe Okasos' words, and stepped up his vigilance against Okasos.

(End of this chapter)

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