Mage Veja

Chapter 611: The Gratitude Report

Chapter 611: The Gratitude Report
"Ridiculous friendship."

After Veigar got the information, he showed such a look.

Was it a surprise that the gates of the city of war were suddenly closed?

Obviously, Veigar was not surprised at all, because in this world, honest and trustworthy guys who still hold good people and rewards are probably dead, and even if they are still alive, the good times may not last long.

Veigar doesn't believe in friendship, and he doesn't believe that good things are rewarded.

Compared to waiting for others to return, Veigar prefers to hold the initiative in his own hands.

Do you think Veigar dared to break into the empire without any preparation?

Don't forget that he has always been a suspicious person, and even has a certain tendency of persecution paranoia. Unless someone like Shia can see through the bottom of his heart at a glance, he is not at ease with other existences.

Even Qi Lisi, Veigar had fantasized about being betrayed by her, let alone the empire as an enemy.

Really counting, is the number of times betrayed by the empire still small?
So before coming, Veigar had considered the possibility that the empire would turn its back on him and want to keep him here, and made corresponding countermeasures based on this possibility.

For example--

The existence of the Jialan Empire.

Vega's Jialan Empire is located in the north of the empire, strictly speaking, it is in the northeast direction. It is only separated from the northwest by a mountain range, so it takes less than five days to go from the Jialan Empire to the city of war.

As long as Qi Lisi and Vega attack the city of war from both sides.

So when the time comes, it won't be that the empire won't let Veigar go back, but whether Veigar wants to leave or not.

The situation in the northwest of the empire is now very chaotic.

Neither the army nor the civilians have recovered from the war, and the reconstruction work in the northwest has not yet been completed. Although there are a lot of 100 million troops at this time, Vega is not weak here.

Now the quality of the 50 soldiers in his hands is no worse than that of the empire.

Following Vega's battles in the south and north, and two more victories against the Holy Dragon Kingdom's army, which was regarded as the legion of hell, they no longer feared the imperial army. When they really fought, Vega dared to guarantee that they would be able to deal with it head-on.

Secondly, the Jialan Empire can mobilize 30 soldiers.

In this way, there will be an army of 80 in total. Under the attack from both sides, the city of war will definitely be taken down.

Don't forget the existence of the star mage Okasos.

With the star mage Ocasus, as long as there is no city equipped with crystal hubs and war colossi, there is almost no city that he cannot break through from the front. Therefore, if this battle is only for the imperial army, there is really no reason for failure.

Now this stage.

The combination of Vega and Ocasus is basically unsolvable. Although the empire has not really experienced this, the Holy Dragon Kingdom probably does not want to try it a third time.

Therefore, Veigar is full of confidence in this battle.

He wished that the empire would attack him, so that he would have an excuse to take down the city of war, and then annex the entire northwest, doubling the territory of the Jialan Empire. Even if he was allowed to leave under such circumstances, he would not leave.

Just like Veigar's self-confidence, the empire is also full of confidence.

Because they have an existence beyond Vega's expectation - the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

As long as the Holy Dragon Kingdom joins the battle, Veigar will have absolutely no hope of turning things around.

After all, the existence of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was not even counted by Vega.

But in this world, not everyone will sell everything for profit, and this person is Escal.

Originally, when he received the order, he should have launched an attack on Vega immediately, held back Vega's footsteps, waited for the arrival of the Holy Dragon Kingdom army, and then united to wipe out Vega, but he did not do so.

He merely closed the city gates, cutting off Veigar's retreat.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Imperial Army in the City of War, Escal walked back and forth: "Vegar, Vega, what do you still think of me? If you don't leave, it will be too late."

As seen.

The reason why Eskar made the seemingly correct, but somewhat alarming action of closing the city gate was to imply to Vega that the empire is going to attack you, so you should quickly find a way to escape.As long as you don't leave the city of war, I can turn a blind eye to other places.


When Eskar was at his lowest point and almost lost himself, it was Veigar who saved him, reawakened him, and gave him this big victory. Without Veigar, there would be no Eskar now.

So when he saw the order of the empire, the anger in his heart was naturally beyond words.

This has just won, and you are ready to kill the donkey?
This kind of thing can be done by the empire, but he, Escal, can never do it.

But as a senior general of the empire, he couldn't disobey orders openly, so he came up with such a compromise.

As long as the city gate is closed, Veigar's ingenuity must know what is going to happen.

At this time, as long as Vega immediately ordered to go all the way north, taking advantage of the entire northwest has not yet re-established a defense network, it would take two months to easily reach the extreme north, and then detour from the Kareni Mountains to the Jialan Empire openly.Of course, he will also order the army to chase after him symbolically. At that time, he will tell the empire that he has not caught up, and the empire will punish him at most.

The plan is perfect.

But this time, Veigar seemed to have lost his mind. After so many days, he didn't even have the slightest intention of retreating.

So it's different from Vega's calmness.

The current Escal is like an ant on a hot pot. In ten days, the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom will arrive. Even if Vega wants to leave, he may not be able to leave. Ka attacks.

Think before and after.

Escal finally wrote a letter and sent his trusted guards to Vega's army station. In the letter, he told the Vega Empire that he was going to kill him. At the same time, he also united with the 20 troops of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and planned to launch the war in ten days. total attack.

Send this signal.

Escal's uneasiness reached its peak.

Now his behavior is collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. If this letter is discovered, it is completely conceivable how the empire will treat him and his relatives. For this sake, the pressure on Escal can be imagined.

Didn't sleep all night.

The next day Escal finally received a reply from Veigar.

He couldn't wait to open the letter, and immediately saw a few words of thanks in the letter, but nothing else.

This made Escal heave a sigh of relief.

Speaking of good things, Veigar must finally know how to retreat.

But what surprised Eskar was that Vega remained unmoved in the next few days, and had no intention of retreating at all. Why is this?
At this moment, Escal broke out in a cold sweat.

He immediately shouted to the guards: "Quick! Prepare the war airship, I want to go to the imperial capital immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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