Mage Veja

Chapter 613

Chapter 613

The commander of War City has changed.

As for the replacement, it was his former defeat-Kafein Dahlberg.

But the place where he defeated Kafuin was an illusory place of war after all, which is naturally different from the real war. At this time, it is estimated that Kafuin is ready to avenge his shame and prove his ability.

Veigar didn't take this matter to heart.

At this moment, he was applauding secretly for Escal's understanding.

Because Veigar doesn't want to be an enemy of Eskar. After all, it was Eskar who told him the news that the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the Empire formed an alliance. At that time, he will attack Eskar again. Does it seem a bit inhumane? ?
Inhumanity is inhumaneness.

If Eskar insisted on being his enemy under the hint of his reply, he could only put aside the so-called benevolence and righteousness, and at most leave Eskar's life after the victory of the war.

Are you sure you will win now?
That's right.

If Escal hadn't told him that the 20 army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was coming, maybe he still had the possibility of failure, but Escal had already told him that the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was coming, so how could Vega fail.

Spread out the map.

Veigar looked around with his own residence as the center of the circle.

The first is the City of War, which is located in the southwest of the garrison, and is the only way to the central part of the empire and the direction of the Jialan Empire. Now this only way has been locked by the imperial army and cannot be broken through for the time being.

But don't worry.

In the Jialan Empire, Qi Lisi's 30 reinforcements are about to arrive. When the time comes to attack the city of war from both sides, it will be very easy to take it with a little effort. This is where Vega's retreat lies.

But what Vega wants is not retreat, but victory!

Since the people of the Holy Dragon Kingdom refused to change after repeated admonitions and wanted to make trouble for him, Vega felt that it was necessary to teach the Holy Dragon Kingdom another lesson, so that whenever the Holy Dragon Kingdom saw the banner with the golden crown on a white background and his name, it would be heartbroken. fear.

Kill people and punish their hearts, get rid of evil and do their best.

This is Veigar's first goal, and the second goal is naturally to take down the entire northwest direction.

As long as the northwest direction is included in the territory of the Jialan Empire, Vega will occupy 2/5 of the empire's territory. This is completely the territorial standard of a superpower, and it will also surpass the Principality of Baya in terms of the size of the territory.

After seeing the escape route, Veigar began to look up.

He wanted to deduce from which direction the Holy Dragon Kingdom army would advance.

True north, northeast, and northwest, these three directions are the possible invasion routes of the Holy Dragon Kingdom army.

Among them, the north direction is a smooth road, which is the national road of the empire.

It needs to be known that during the last invasion of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, they marched through this route.

While true north is well suited for large-scale marches, it is not suitable for concealed marches.

Because the news of the alliance between the empire and the Holy Dragon Kingdom cannot be spread, and if he chooses to march on the national road in the north direction, he will inevitably be detected in advance, and the concealment effect will be lost.

So this can be ruled out first.

Then look northwest.

There are thousands of miles of yellow sand and lonely smoke in the desert, and there is no doubt that it can be directly ruled out.

In summary.

The only route of march was the northeast direction.

There is an extension of the Kareni Mountains. Although the mountain road is difficult, it is hidden enough.

The most important thing is that from the extended section of the mountain range, you can directly attack Vega's residence through the Anglos Forest, achieving a surprise effect, so this is the best choice.

But this is only based on Vega's ignorance.

Now that Vega knew that the Holy Dragon Kingdom was going to attack his garrison, he could use his tricks and instead ambush the Holy Dragon Kingdom's army in the Anglos Forest.

need to know.

The first time the Dynasty army fought against the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was in the Nygard Forest near the City of Ice and Fire. The forest is the most common place where wars break out, and it is also the easiest battlefield to start a tug-of-war.

Therefore, the existence of Anglos Forest is beneficial to the Holy Dragon Kingdom, but it is even more beneficial to Vega.

It is absolutely impossible for the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom to know that there is an ambush there, so they will never have much defense. As long as Vega sets up an ambush here, there is absolutely no reason for failure.

But war is not so simple.

The Holy Dragon Kingdom may not be aware of it, but the empire still has a slight possibility of detecting Veigar's abnormality.

So just in case, Veigar decided to immediately order the attack on the city of war.

of course.

This attack is not really an attack, but a feint.

Vega's plan is to destroy the 20 troops of the Holy Dragon Kingdom first, and take the opportunity to ignore the fact that the empire and the Holy Dragon Kingdom have formed an alliance, causing social and military turmoil in the empire, weakening their morale, and finally attacking the city of war in the empire. The reinforcements of the Jialan Empire fell in one battle.

So attacking the city of war is just to attract attention.

Veigar was afraid that the empire would be idle and idle, thinking about his movements all day long, so he was going to find something for the opponent, so that they could focus on the present, so as not to expose the ambush of the Holy Dragon Kingdom army.

Time came to the second day.

Veigar first sent envoys to the City of War to ask Kafuin to open the city gate and let them withdraw to the Holy Dynasty. If there is no reply before the morning of the day after tomorrow, the Dynasty Army will not rule out the use of force to solve the problem.

"That kid, didn't you realize it so soon?"

Kafuin muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear, and then smiled and said perfunctorily: "Please tell His Highness the Prince that the procedures are being processed, please stay calm, so as not to damage the relationship between the two countries. friendship."

"But Commander..."

Veigar's envoy wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Kafuin: "Let's come here first today and see off the guests."

The messengers were driven out.

At this time, Kafuin laughed loudly: "Hmph, I just told you not to let go, I want to see how you can break through my million-dollar army, this time you are not as lucky as the last time in the land of war. "

Kraft is very confident.

What he told the messenger, even a fool could hear that it was all perfunctory.

Rather than saying it was perfunctory, it was better to say that he told Vega directly that he was going to keep him here, and at the same time hinted that Vega would take a vacant place in the city of war even if he came to attack them.

The reason for the confidence is.

Kafuin holds a million-strong army, and he is very good at blocking and defensive warfare.

So he thinks that even if he clearly tells Vega to keep him, he can delay Vega here with his ability. Anyway, the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom came in less than ten days. Fuyin has 100% confidence.

on the third day.

Veigar seemed to have completely fallen into Kafuin's trap, and took the initiative to order the legion to launch an attack. Although the offensive was not violent, Kafuin understood it as a tentative war in the early stage, which made Kafuin even happier.

After all, where in the world is there more fun than watching your enemies fall into your trap.

(End of this chapter)

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