Mage Veja

Chapter 625 Ambitious

Chapter 625 Ambitious
The empire cannot move.

The Principality of Baya can be destroyed at any time.

So during this period of time, the only enemy in the east that can really attract Vega's attention is the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

Now the northwest has been included in the territory of the Jialan Empire, and Qi Lisi has consolidated the rule here, and the post-war appeasement and reconstruction work is basically completed, so Vega thinks it is time to plan to use force against the Holy Dragon Kingdom .

It is advisable to use the remaining courage to chase the poor bandits.

The Holy Dragon Kingdom has lost consecutive battles under the hands of Vega, and has long been cast into a psychological shadow. The whole country is terrified of the banner with a white background and a golden crown. This time is the best time to kill it.

If you let it go.

When Shenglong Kingdom forgets the fear of being dominated by the golden crown banner on a white background, it will inevitably become troublesome.

Just finished the battle on the Holy Dragon Country side.

The turmoil within the empire is probably coming to an end, so he can take the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Therefore, on the second day, Vega officially held a high-level meeting of the military department, and explained his combat plan to all the senior generals present, seeking their opinions.

"The officer has no objection!"

A lieutenant general seemed very excited: "May I ask when your highness will use force? Your highness is applying to lead the vanguard army one step ahead and clear the way for your highness."

"Who is the commander of the Vanguard Army?"

An old general with a beard and staring eyes looked like he would fight with his life if he dared to take the vanguard from me.

Another dwarf major general who was quite short and not even as tall as Vega said with a smile: "Your Highness, I would like to be the Minister of Logistics, in charge of the armaments for this war. Within a month and a half, I will definitely be able to make all the preparations. "

"Damn, why didn't I think of it."

The old general slapped his forehead, and he looked at Vega with a sincere face: "This officer is old, and he is really not suitable for the position of pioneer. The foreword is withdrawn, and the officer applies to be the logistics minister. Now he can organize the logistics. Work."

"Old man, are you still shameless? Obviously I came first!"

"Major General Dorian, your qualifications are still young, so you should leave such an important job to me."

"Your Highness, our Jialan Empire has also applied to join the war."

Several generals of the Jialan Empire couldn't bear it anymore, for fear that Vega would not bring them to play together.


A trace of doubt flashed in Vega's eyes. He didn't understand when these people were so excited, and they rushed to apply for the battle one by one. In the past, these generals were not so active, and they often gave in to each other.

The adjutant saw the doubt in Veigar's eyes.

He bowed and whispered to Vega, "Your Highness, Alliance language..."

Hearing the adjutant's words, Vega suddenly realized.

It turned out that these generals were afraid of learning the Alliance language, so they scrambled for the positions of the vanguard and logistics. Once they served as the logistics officer and the command of the vanguard, they could concentrate on preparing for the logistics and finish learning the Alliance language ahead of schedule.

Vega held his forehead in pain.

He knocked on the table and said: "Let me tell you! Although I hope that you will actively respond to the war, I don't want you to compete for the vanguard for such ridiculous reasons. I have made my own arrangements for this matter. Since no one objects, then we The combat time is set at the beginning of summer two months later, and the logistics officer allows the suspension of courses to prepare for combat in advance."

"In addition, the Jialan Army does not need to participate in the battle this time."

Vega believes that the predecessor of the Jialan Army was the Imperial Army that was beaten badly by the Holy Dragon Kingdom, so he is not going to let them participate in the war. If the morale of the Dynasty Army is lost due to the psychological shadow here, it will not be worth the candle.

"For victory!"

Everyone stood up and solemnly swore their oaths.

This meeting also directly demonstrated Veigar's ambition to dominate the East.

Once the Holy Dragon Kingdom is destroyed, there may still be time to destroy the Principality of Baya. At that time, the Holy Dynasty and the Jialan Empire will dominate. thing.

So it works out.

Veigar is sure to unify the east within three years. With this three years, the alliance language of the whole army must have reached a level that can cope with the war in the west. At that time, it will be able to point the sword at the west.


The actions of Vega can't be hidden from the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the western countries.

Because to launch an army of 100 million people, the resources that need to be consumed are astronomical. Generally speaking, it takes more than half a year to prepare.But Veigar asked for the preparations to be completed within two months. As long as this kind of big move is investigated a little, it is easy to know that Veigar is going to start a war next time, but they don't know who to point the finger at.

Who will the sword of the dynasty point to next?

The western countries didn't care about this, anyway, across the Jialan Mountains, they couldn't get their turn anyway.

So the question comes to the east side.

Including the empire, the people of the three countries in the east are in panic, for fear that Veigar's sword is aimed at them.

Among them is the empire.

"Everyone, isn't the situation clear enough?"

The senior government official patted the table and said: "Now that our country is full of civil turmoil and we are exhausted, it is the best time for that brat to act. With the greedy nature of that brat, he will definitely come here. We must discuss an effective defense plan."

"It's all due to the incompetence of the military!"

The government system has considerable resentment towards the military: "We have taken out thousands of years of war reserves, but what about you? You can't beat the Holy Dragon Kingdom, you can't beat the Holy Dynasty, and now even the civil strife cannot be quelled! Please! Give an explanation!"

"This time our military will definitely give a solution."

With the facts in front of them, the military was powerless to refute. After all, the economy that eats the most and produced the fewest results is right to be criticized. In the end, the head of state stood up to quell the anger and promised to come up with a combat plan.

So in the next few days.

The main force of the empire moved closer to the north, assuming a posture of defending the country to the death. It was precisely because the attention of the empire was shifted to the north that the results of the rebel army in the central region doubled, which intensified the collapse of the skyscraper of the empire. speed.

Not even Veigar thought of it.

Just ordering the preparation of logistics directly affected the war situation within the empire, which made Veigar wonder whether to cry or laugh. When did he have such influence?
In addition to the empire, the other two countries are also trembling.

Needless to say, the Holy Dragon Kingdom is just to the north of the Holy Dynasty and the Jialan Empire. The border line is as high as 90.00% connected with the Jialan Empire and the Holy Dynasty. Vega can even invade from any angle, which makes them hard to defend.

Shenglongguo vaguely felt that Vega had a great chance to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

How would they defend themselves if Veigar attacked them?

If there is a real war, can they win?

Shenglong Kingdom fell into self-doubt, and its former confidence no longer knew where it was lost.

(End of this chapter)

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