Mage Veja

Chapter 635 Afterglow of the Kingdom

Chapter 635 Afterglow of the Kingdom

Outside of Gasilien High Ridge.

Veigar's army has arrived here, and is about to launch a surprise attack on Gacili City at night.

However, at this moment, Gaxili City didn't notice anything.

The [-] defenders in the entire city seemed to be in a coma, not even noticing that the poisonous snake in the shadows had revealed its sharp fangs and was about to bite their throats.

This is also of course.

Now, from top to bottom of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, everyone knows that Vega's main force has appeared in Naxisir City on the other side. That city is thousands of miles away from here, and it is impossible for the war to reach here.

During more than a month when Vega disappeared.

The nerves of this army are tense. Every soldier is afraid of waking up to face the flag with a white background and golden crown. Now that he knows that he does not need to face the Uyghur army, his tense nerves will relax. Even basic security work has begun to be perfunctory.

All the psychology of the enemy is controlled by Vega.

The reason why they disappear for a month is to make the enemy tense and consume their energy. This is equivalent to planting a seed of fear in the heart of every soldier, and then letting it take root and germinate over time.

It's like a doctor giving you a death notice.

You know that death will come sooner or later, it may be today, it may be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, so you live in the shadow of death all the time, and this shadow will eventually torture you so that you cannot survive but cannot die.

You won't be free until the moment when death actually comes.

It's not a brilliant method, but it works unexpectedly.

The slack army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom never thought that tonight would be their death day.

Vega sat at the command post and began to issue orders in an orderly manner: "Tonight, the aviation army's attack will be the main attack, and the army's attack will be supplemented. Let the air force target the enemy's army station for me. Don't release magic at the residential area. "

"Your officer understands." The commander of the air corps retreated.

Veigar looked at the generals of the army: "I need you to block the four city gates for me. I don't need to encircle the three gates. It is absolutely impossible for us to shake hands with the aliens, so I want to wipe them all out! At the same time, I need After the air force bombing, you entered the city to sweep up the enemy, and the time for the enemy's magic defense probably expired by then."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

According to Vega's instructions, the army divided into five groups, surrounded by four routes, and attacked the city all the way.

Vega finally looked at the star mage Okasos: "Master Okasos, I will leave the enemy's city walls and flying dragons to you. As for the holy professionals, I will take care of them myself. Please don't worry."

Okasos just nodded and said nothing.

Veiga took a look and said: "I have to go into battle personally to restrain the holy professionals in order to prevent the enemy from attacking Ocasus when his magic power is exhausted, so please perform your duties according to the original plan." Action, if you are really undecided, please solve it independently, I believe in your ability."

"I swear in the name of Saint Laurent that this battle will be won!"

After everyone made their vows, they began to act on their own.


The time came to 23:00 in the evening.

Okasos led the charge, preparing for a magical attack on Gacili.

Vega cast tricks and followed closely behind Okasos. Once the holy dragon envoy of the Holy Dragon Kingdom appeared, he would fight against him immediately. Okasos is the weapon against the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

Da da da--

The military boots stomped on the ground, and the neat sound shook up bursts of dust.


The war airship moved from far to near, obscuring the bright moonlight, and the city of Gacili fell into darkness that could not be seen.

dong dong dong-

The urgent alarm bell echoed over the city, and the civilians hurriedly hid in the basement, or ran to the nearest air-raid shelter.

boom boom-

Meteor-like fireworks fell from the sky and hit the Red Dragon Legion's garrison, officially kicking off the prelude to this war.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Howling, crying, screaming... This series of sounds went straight into the sky, and the Shenglong Kingdom army, which had completely let down their vigilance, never thought that the enemy would suddenly appear here, and they didn't even have time to hide in the air-raid shelter.

"No! I am a noble sub-dragon, I cannot die here!"

A soldier pointed his spear at the war airship in the sky angrily. Unfortunately, his anger was useless. What greeted him was a huge fireball, and his body was completely annihilated the moment he touched the fireball.

That's right.

The air force is the only force that can deal with the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Kingdom except magicians and professionals, but this is indeed the first time that the Holy Dragon Kingdom has tried the power of the air force, because in previous wars, the flying dragon would block the air force for them .

And what about their dragons?

Roar! ——

After an unwilling roar, two huge bodies descended from the sky. These two flying dragons were easily suppressed by Ocassus magic. Several holy dragon envoys in the distance tried their best to stop them, but they couldn't get rid of the dark shadow anyway. shadow.

boom boom-

The war continues.

Under such a fierce offensive, the city of Gazili trembled.

In a residential area a little far from the army, the kerosene lamp in the basement of a two-story residential building flickered because of the vibration of the ground.At this time, in the corner of the basement, a couple hugged their child in the corner.

The dust rustled down.

The 7-year-old's eyes were full of fear, he looked at his father and mother and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm hungry..."

"Hey, be quiet."

The wife picked up a loaf of bread from the nearby basket and handed it to the child, then picked up another loaf and stood up, ready to walk towards the table in the middle of the basement.

"What are you doing, we are running out of food!"

The husband stopped his wife: "Usually it's fine if you give him some food, but now who knows when this war will end, if it lasts for seven or eight days, the leftover food will not even be enough for us, and we have to help the broken man." An old man with legs?"

"After all, we rescued him. We can't watch him starve to death."

"We did our best to save him and come back. I didn't expect him to be kind. It's fine if he doesn't repay his kindness. He still stays at our house and doesn't leave. He knows to stay in the basement to write and draw all day long. There is a limit to your kindness."

The wife was so taught that she couldn't lift her head up, but she glanced at the middle of the basement. Sitting in front of the dilapidated table, the old man who was missing a leg still couldn't help but said: "It's not like he's handicapped. If you drive him away, he will definitely die." Not long."

"Hmph, at that age, what else can I do other than drag others down? It's better to go to the ground as soon as possible."

The husband growled and turned his head away.

He said to the child insinuatingly: "Remember, you must never learn from your mother's benevolence."

There was a flash of struggle in the wife's eyes, and then she picked up two more breads and came to the table, and handed them to the old man who was lying on the table writing and drawing: "Old man, I'm very sorry, I didn't expect the war to break out again , our family may not be able to support you in the future, this is the last food for you, and you can only rely on yourself."

"It's me who should be sorry."

The old man smiled friendly: "I've dragged you down for so long, I haven't been able to make up my mind, but what I saw and heard in Jiaxili made me understand that some things should indeed be let go."

A trace of loneliness flashed in the old man's eyes: "The kingdom has become history, and it's time to stand up again as a human being."

Put up a cane.

The old man picked up three loaves and walked towards the exit of the basement step by step.

"Old man, let's wait until the outside is calmer before going out."

The old man moved slowly without stopping: "Please don't worry, according to that brat's ability, this war will probably end after tonight, and the things on the table will be given to you as some compensation for a long time. I will come back to thank you in the future.”

The figure of the old man disappeared at the door.

After watching the old man leave, the wife also looked at the broken desktop at this time.

The first thing that appeared in front of her was a gorgeous medal made of gold, with a lifelike golden lion engraved on the medal.That priceless treasure that was once a symbol of the glory of the United Kingdom can only be regarded as an ordinary valuable item now.

The wife carefully put away the medal.

Although she didn't know what the medal meant, it didn't prevent her from knowing that gold was very valuable.

After tidying up the medals, she looked at the unrecognizable map drawn on the desktop.

This is a world map.

The various marks on it were beyond her comprehension, but there was a place marked with a very large circle by a red marker, and that place was called Gacilion High Ridge.

Not knowing why, she carefully folded the map and put it away, then returned to her husband and children.

But the moment she turned around, she noticed a person's name written in the lower right corner on the back of the map. If she guessed correctly, it must be the name of the owner of this map——


Tenniel Rheinberg.

(End of this chapter)

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