Mage Veja

Chapter 638

Chapter 638
The current situation is extremely urgent.

Both Augustus and Palitzer are aware of this.

Therefore, as the head of the Silver Dragon Legion, Palitzer suggested: "Now your Red Dragon Legion and my Silver Dragon Legion have a total of 80 soldiers. If you rush to Gacili City now, you will definitely be able to retake Gacili City."

"Please don't be too optimistic."

"We have an army of 80, while the enemy is only 50!"

Palitzer emphasized again: "We are the sub-dragon species favored by the gods. Our army has the strongest combat effectiveness. We absolutely cannot be compared with those humans. Victory will definitely belong to us."

"Do you really think that we can win if we lead the army directly?"

Augustus had long lost that pride and conceit when facing Vega, and his heart was already full of humility, so he said: "What I'm really worried about is that we haven't reached the city of Gacili yet. On the way, the whole army was wiped out."

"Are you joking?"

"Aren't you underestimating Vega Saint Laurent?"

Augustus asked back: "It's not alarmist. Even our powerful army has not defeated his dynastic army. If you are confident that you can bring back the city of Gacili if you drive the army over, go ahead. Please." Forgive me for not being able to accompany you."

"Then tell me what to do!"

Palitzer was a little annoyed by what he said. He was not a very patient person, and he didn't have any ideas. After being told by Augustus, he had already lost his mind.

"In my opinion, the soldiers are divided into two groups."

Augustus gave a sentence that puzzled Palitzer.

"May I ask how to divide the troops into two groups?"

If you don't understand, you have to ask. Although Palitzer has no opinions, he is obedient enough, and he will ask questions immediately when he encounters a problem that he doesn't understand. He will not pretend to understand like other laymen.

"You take the clear path, I'll take the dark path."

Augustus chuckled and said, "Recall carefully how that brat took down our city of Gacili."

"One army is in the west, attracting our attention, while the other army..."

Palitzer's eyes became bright: "And another army is ambushing in the east. After we are attracted by the west, they take the opportunity to take the city of Gacili in the east!"


Augustus said: "This time we might as well learn his fighting style. You attract his attention in the open. I don't believe he will not send troops to ambush you. Once he sends troops to ambush you, the city of Gacili will be empty." , when the time comes, my army will secretly detour from the Kareni Mountains to the Gacilian High Ridge, and recapture the city of Gacili from the rear!"

"Perfect! This method is absolutely perfect!"

Palitzer was so excited that it was hard to add. For the Holy Dragon Kingdom, which has always been straightforward in its battles, any strategy is a revolutionary creation. It is no wonder that Palitzer feels that the method that Augustus came up with is perfect and impeccable.

"It's not too late."

Augustus took a breath and said: "Because it is difficult to march in the Kareni Mountains, my army must start now. Your Silver Dragon Legion can march to Gacili City in seven days, so that when you are ambushed, I also happened to arrive at Gaxilien High Ridge, and launch a surprise attack on Jiaxili City from the rear."

"I understand, I will definitely hold back their main force to the death."

Palitzer made a loud and clear assurance that he is obviously full of confidence in this plan.


at the same time.

Gacili City, Veigar has finished cleaning up the city.

He ordered the troops to dig out the remnants of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and slaughter them all, but he did not order the massacre of the civilians of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, because the civilians of the Holy Dragon Kingdom are physically stronger than humans. It must be a very meaningful thing to go to the north to mine, which will greatly enhance the productivity of war airships of the dynasty and empire.

And most of the Yalong species have been relocated from overseas.

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to exterminate the race. After all, there are too many sub-dragons. Instead of spending manpower and material resources to wipe them all out, it is better to deal with them in their own way and degrade them. for slaves.

Except for these.

Veigar was welcomed by the human civilians in Gazili City.

Enslaved by the sub-dragon species, they no longer care about the hatred of the empire and the dynasty in the former kingdom. For them, whoever can save them from the dire straits is their belief.

Now this belief has become Veigar.

Tenniel Rheinberg, who had just joined Vega, came to the conference room: "Congratulations, Your Highness, the city of Gazili has been stabilized, and now you can use the horns formed by the city of Gacili, Kareni, and the city of ice and fire to create an easy An impenetrable defensive circle."

"Your Excellency, General, it's too early to be happy."

Vega stopped what he was doing: "If I'm not mistaken, the Sacred Dragon Kingdom army in Naxisir City must have already rushed over here."

"Your Highness is wise."

Sitting on a chair, Tanier put his crutches aside and said, "Everything is as you expected. We received information that the Holy Dragon Kingdom claimed to have 200 million troops marching towards us from the city of Naxisir, and vowed to bloodbath Gassi. Here, I will crush you to ashes."


Veigar shook his head and said: "They have 80 soldiers to death, where did the 200 million come from? If you want to scare me off with numbers, it would be too small to underestimate me, Vega, but even if the enemy only has 80, I don't have many soldiers." Be sure to defend the city of Gazili."

"Excuse me, sir, is there any good way?"

Veigar looked at Tennier, not sure if he was considering his ability intentionally, or if he was just asking casually.

"I'm afraid His Highness already has a plan in mind."

Tanier licked his scarlet lips: "Since you can't keep it, why don't you take the initiative?"

"Take the initiative? I would like to hear more about it." Vega looked at Tanier intentionally or unintentionally.

And Tanier didn't fall into the trap at all: "Your Highness, please don't pretend to be confused. According to your personality, it is absolutely impossible to use the city wall as the last line of defense to fight the opponent to the death. If I guess correctly, you probably I have already planned to ambush the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom on the way, and catch all of them."

"Hahaha, goodbye!"

Vega nodded, but shook his head again and said: "This method is indeed feasible. Judging from the war style of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, which has always been ignorant of beating around the bush, now that Gacili City is lost, their commander must be in a mess. , At this time, ambushing them on the way may have a miraculous effect."

"But ah—"

Vega looked at the map of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and said, "Is your appetite too small?"

"Your Highness means..."

Tenniel looked at the map following Veigar's gaze. The place marked by Veigar on the map was so dazzling that he dared not look directly at it. For the first time, he realized the gap between him and Veigar.

(End of this chapter)

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