Mage Veja

Chapter 641

Chapter 641
Augustus has been scared by Veigar.

But Palitzer had never fought Vega before, so he felt less fear in his heart. He saw the enemy open the city gate and let him attack openly, which naturally made him very angry.

Because this behavior is an insult to the attacker.

The opened city gate seemed to be mocking the weakness and incompetence of the attacker, and even said openly: "Even if you have a city gate, as the attacker, what can you do to us?"

How could a powerful person like Palitzer bear this kind of insult.

So he said to Augustus: "Your Excellency Augustus, the enemy dared to open the city gate in front of us. Obviously, they didn't take us seriously. I think we might as well order an attack immediately and give the enemy a blow." A harsh lesson."

Say so.

Palitzer was going to let his soldiers attack.

However, this action was stopped by Augustus: "Please don't be impatient, and please think about it, could that brat let us take back Gacili City so easily? The geographical location of Gacili City is important. I'm sure you know that too."

"What does this mean?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the opponent opened the city gate, obviously to provoke us and let us attack Gazili City in anger. Once we enter the city, what awaits us is not victory, but ten face ambush."

Palitzer was taken aback by Augustus' words.

He let out a long breath, and then said very aggrieved: "But I can't swallow this breath anyway. The other party insults us with such a posture, should we still swallow it?"

"Forbearance? Who said to endure?"

Augustus stared at the city of Gacili and said, "Don't forget that our goal is the city of Gacili. No matter what means we use, we must take this city back."

"Hahaha, as expected of Lord Augustus."

Palitzer was very happy when he heard that he didn't intend to endure it: "Then what should we do next, please point out a clear way, as long as we can get Gacili back and destroy Vega Saint Laurent, I will definitely be in the court later." Only Your Excellency will follow the lead."

"I already have a plan."

Augustus said: "That brat shouldn't have done anything wrong. He only brought 50 troops to attack our Holy Dragon Kingdom. Leaving aside the quality of our country's army, even in terms of quantity, it can crush the local people. .”

"You mean..."


Augusta snorted: "Since 80 troops still have the risk of defeat, is there any risk in gathering the remaining 140 million troops in the whole country? It is absolutely impossible to still have risks."

Palitzer seemed to understand a little bit: "Do you want to..."


Augustus said confidently: "No matter how powerful that brat is, it is impossible for 50 humans to defeat our entire country's 140 million army. Now our 80 soldiers are in front of Gacili City, and the national capital, Sacred Dragon City, is behind. In other words, that brat is already surrounded by us. As long as we let His Majesty send reinforcements to attack from the rear, this city of Gacili will no longer be a strategic location, but will become a dead city with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. "


Palitzer's blood boiled when he heard this: "Yes, since the strategic position of Gacili can threaten the Holy Dragon City, then the Holy Dragon City can also threaten Gacili. This kind of thing has always been corresponding, as long as His Majesty can send troops , that Vega Saint Laurent will inevitably be trapped to death in it, and we will remove a deadly stumbling block to the hegemony of the Holy Dragon Kingdom."

"I'll just send a letter to Holy Dragon City."

Just do it, Augustus immediately sent a letter of help to the Holy Dragon City.

There is a saying that the old master was beaten to death by random fists.

He thought that since he couldn't outplay the other party by playing dirty, then he should use absolute power to crush these conspiracies and tricks.

After all, conspiracies and tricks have limitations. Relatively speaking, absolute power is much simpler and more effective.

As long as Vega can be buried in Gacili City, then they can say that the loss of Gacili City was deliberately released to Vega Na, the purpose is to lure the enemy to go deep, so that not only will they not be blamed by the Holy Dragon King, but they may also be blamed. able to be rewarded.

of course.

Augustus has understood a word, when you are acting, your enemy may also be planning.

So he ordered the entire army to retreat and set up camp, and strengthened the surrounding investigation and defense work, for fear that Vega would take the initiative to attack them one night because they were not in the trap.

But in the next few days, everything was very quiet.

The gates of Gacili remained open, and not a single enemy scout had spotted their garrison.

However, Augustus, who was confident in this kind of calm, was in no hurry. The longer the time dragged on, the better it would be for them. Counting the time now, his letter of appeal for help had probably been sent to Holy Dragon City.

The national capital, Holy Dragon City.

At the meeting a few days later, the Holy Dragon King received a letter from Augustus asking for help.

Of course, in line with the principle of reporting good news and not bad news, Augustus did not explain his defeat in the letter, but said that he used the city of Gacili as a bait, and adopted a strategy of luring the enemy deep to trap Vega in Gacili. city.

The letter also said.

As long as the Holy Dragon King sends out the Holy Dragon Legion to attack Gaxili City from the rear, Vega and his 50 army will definitely be buried there. Therefore, this is a godsend opportunity, and I hope the Holy Dragon King will not miss it.

"Luring the enemy deep? Interesting, interesting."

The Holy Dragon King's eyes lit up when he saw the explanation on the letter.

If Vega was indeed delayed in Gacili City, then sending the most elite Holy Dragon Legion from the Holy Dragon City would definitely be able to defeat Vega [-]%, and with the encirclement and suppression of the whole country, Vega and the Holy Magician would not even think about escaping. Ascend to heaven.

The prospects for this plan are very good.

Best of all, there is no risk involved.

Even if Augustus's 80 troops failed to hold back Vega and let Vega's army escape, they could take the opportunity to take back the strategically important city of Gacili, and there was no reason not to agree to such a plan.

After a little thought.

A minister of the Holy Dragon Dynasty ordered: "Commander Summerfield Quick, I need you to take the Holy Dragon Army to the south and cooperate with Augustus to encircle and suppress Vega Saint Laurent. This matter is very urgent. Please leave as quickly as possible."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I promise to complete the task."

Summerfield obeyed the order, and after a night of preparations, he eagerly set off towards Gacili City the next day.

This time he took away 60 of the 40 Holy Dragon Legion, and left 20 Holy Dragon Legion for the defense of the Holy Dragon City. Gain confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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