Mage Veja

Chapter 643 The Holy Dragon Battle

Chapter 643 The Holy Dragon Battle

In the palace, the porcelain cup in the hands of the Holy Dragon King suddenly shattered, and the tea splashed into the hands of the Holy Dragon King.

He frowned, stood up and took a few steps, feeling an indescribable sense of irritability spontaneously.

Sha Lala--

It rained harder and harder.

The Holy Dragon King walked out of the bedroom, stood under the eaves, and looked towards the sky.

But nothing can be seen clearly.

The heavy rain curtain, thick clouds like ink, and lightning bolts like silver snakes seemed to engulf the entire land.

It has been raining heavily for three days and three nights, and the Holy Dragon King recalled some unfriendly memories.

"Just like it's recorded in the book."

The Holy Dragon King couldn't help sighing.

It was handed down from before the battle of the gods, the book of inheritance of their suzerain country, the kingdom of the dragon, and the kingdom of the holy dragon.

The book records the glorious history of the giant dragons ruling the continent and even fighting against the gods in that era, and...the whole process of their sub-dragons betraying the giant dragons, uniting all races, starting the war of heroes, and destroying the dragons.

The day the giant dragons died—

Thick clouds were like ink, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, it was an unprecedented heavy rain.

It rained heavily for three days and three nights.

When the darkness... engulfed the earth, the heroes of all races broke through the rain. They rushed into the Holy Dragon City, and finally stepped on the corpse of the Holy Dragon King. A glorious end.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck a tall building in the distance.

Although this flash of lightning did not cause any harm to the Holy Dragon King, the holy dragon banner with a black background and a gold border embroidered with a dragon pattern on the tall building in the distance broke in response.

"Does God even want to stop us?"

The Holy Dragon King's fists were so tightly clenched that they turned white.

As the king of the sub-dragon species, he inherited the last wishes of his ancestors and tried to restore the rule of the ancient kingdom of the holy dragon. What is wrong with letting that black-bottomed gold-edged flag fly in every corner of the continent again?

The Holy Dragon King's question was answered.

Of course, this answer did not come from the sky, but an explosion that was more terrifying than the lightning from the sky.

The explosion of star magic reverberated over the holy dragon city.

When the explosion sounded, it was frightening that magic elements spread vertically and horizontally. The rain curtain in the sky was broken in the middle, and a thick cloud like ink broke through a hole. Dragon City shrouded it.

"When... darkness engulfs the earth."

"The heroes of all races broke through the rain."

"They rushed into the Holy Dragon City, stepped on the corpse of the Holy Dragon King, and chopped off the black-and-golden flag, announcing a glorious end."

The Holy Dragon King muttered to himself, without any anger in his eyes: "The era of giant dragons has come to an end, and the word "Holy Dragon" has become a taboo. Are we, who are trying to restore the word "Holy Dragon", also regarded as heretics by the heavens?"

"What did our sub-dragon species do wrong?"

"We have been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, but we still can't wait for our era?"

The Holy Dragon King's eyes were full of despair.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

At this time, several senior ministers rushed over and told the cruel reality to the Holy Dragon King: "The Dynasty Army has already entered, please retreat immediately, we are running out of time, and the 20 Holy Dragon Legion can only It can be delayed for 10 hours."

"Retreat? Where are we going to retreat?"

The Holy Dragon King showed a sarcastic expression: "Sacred Dragon City is the hub connecting our hometown and the mainland. If we lose this place, we will be rootless. Do you want me to learn from the original kingdom and retreat to the City of Eternal Hope, waiting hard for the one that was born?" A glimmer of life that doesn't exist?"

Several ministers looked at each other.

Under the leadership of one person, all the people knelt on the ground and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please return to the Dragon Islands to start the 'Dragon's Breath Formation', and wait for the next era to come. We have already remembered the route back, as long as we wait. has hope."

"go back……"

The Holy Dragon King closed his eyes, and then said in a sad tone: "He defeated the United Kingdom with the army, and let some of the people move to the mainland, but now he has left millions of troops and hundreds of millions of people on the mainland, fleeing alone. Go back to your hometown. How do you ask the lonely king to tell the subjects in his hometown, please wait for the next era to come?"

"Your official guarantees with his life that the subjects in your hometown will understand you."

Several ministers worked hard to persuade them that they understood that the Holy Dragon City was the most important hub. Once they lost the Holy Dragon City, they would not even be able to return to the overseas Dragon Islands. Therefore, the Holy Dragon King must be retreated now. hope.

"No! The lonely king will never go back!"

The Holy Dragon King opened his angry eyes: "The era of sub-dragons must be created by us sub-dragons, relying on luck and so on. We sub-dragons who are not favored by God are not worthy of it. We can only rely on ourselves , You must also rely on yourself!"

"Listen to me."

The Holy Dragon King looked at the courtiers kneeling on the ground: "What I want is not the mercy of the loser, but the glory of the winner! I want to return to the Dragon Islands with victory instead of seeking mercy with failure. The enemy is only 50 Thousands of human beings, we still have the most elite 20 Holy Dragon Legion in Sacred Dragon City, and we... still have a hole card in our hand, we! We can still win!"

"Your Majesty, no."

A minister kowtowed again and again: "That hole card is our only hope, and it must not be wasted here. Even if we defeat the 50 troops and kill Vega Saint Laurent and that star mage, what shall we do next? To deal with other forces on the mainland? We can't guarantee that other forces will not have characters like Vega Saint Laurent and Okasos."

"Your Majesty, please bring that thing back to the Dragon Islands."

There was panic in the subject's eyes, as if he was very afraid that the Holy Dragon King would lift the hole card here.

Hesitation flashed in the eyes of the Holy Dragon King.

That is the last hole card of the sub-dragons, and it is also their confidence. Whether it is opened here, the Holy Dragon King is not so determined. This hole card is more inclined to protect the sub-dragons when they encounter strong enemies. Time is not exterminated.

Precisely because he is the king, the entire ethnic group must be considered.

But... Sacred Dragon City must not be lost, this trump card must be used.

With great determination, the Holy Dragon King walked into the bedroom and took out a golden epee engraved with blood-red runes.

"Your Majesty! Please think twice!"

Several old ministers were still admonishing, but the Holy Dragon King seemed determined to go his own way.

But just when the Holy Dragon King was about to reveal his hole card, destroy 50 troops, kill Vega and the star mage Ocasus, and put an end to this sudden war——

I saw a soldier running over in a hurry from outside.

He told Baoshenglongwang a message that Shenglongwang immediately canceled the opening of the hole card.

(End of this chapter)

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