Mage Veja

Chapter 652

Chapter 652
Before Veigar joined the Holy Dynasty.

Feared by the nations is the star mage Ocasus Saint Laurent.

But this fear does not mean that Okasos can lead the dynasty to victory. On the contrary, even some small countries in the West believe that the dynasty army is just a mob, and every country has the ability to defeat the dynasty.

So why didn't they take action against Dynasty?

What they worry about is that after the dynasty is overthrown, Okasos will go to their country to cast two magic spells if they have nothing to do, but they have no means to deal with it.

Weigh the pros and cons.

Including the empire, they don't want to annihilate the Holy Dynasty and cause trouble.

But after Veigar joined the Holy Dynasty, the situation changed drastically.

They gradually discovered that the former holy dynasty, which could be easily destroyed in the past, has become a prehistoric behemoth that chooses and devours people. Even the powerful empire and the Holy Dragon Kingdom cannot get the slightest benefit from it.

Why is that?
Is it because the quality of the army of the Holy Dynasty has become stronger, or is it because the strength of Okasos has improved?

I'm afraid it's neither.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it was Veigar who brought that small border country to a new height.

As long as Vega is in the Holy Dynasty, no force will dare to act rashly, and even have to sleep and eat because of Vega's every movement, and make their own responses.

It can be concluded from this.

It was not the Holy Dynasty they feared, but Veigar alone.

When the dynasty loses Veigar, it will immediately be beaten back to its original form.

Among them, Shenglong Kingdom is eager to try.

above the hall.

After hearing the news, the Holy Dragon King stood up excitedly and said, "Augustus, can this news be confirmed [-]%? If Vega Saint Laurent is really unable to command the war, then I think this opportunity must be seized Army into the land of eternal doom, otherwise, when Veigar regains consciousness, we will usher in a catastrophe."

"Your Majesty, this news can be confirmed 100%."

Augustus was also quite excited: "Empire, Liberty Alliance, the two countries with the most complete intelligence systems have given cut information, and now the power within the Dynasty Army has been transferred to Queen Sia St. Roland's body."

"Your Majesty, I think it's better to be careful."

Palitzer seemed to be under the psychological shadow of Vega: "That kid is full of tricks, we can't rule out that this is a trap set by him to trick us into taking the initiative."

"It's not impossible."

The Holy Dragon King frowned. Although the news had been confirmed by the whole continent, Vega's lingering prestige was still there. They were very afraid that Vega did it on purpose, and the current situation did not allow them to make mistakes.

But what if this intelligence is true?
Sacred Dragon City is the lifeline for them, and they dream of taking it back from the Dynasty Army.

If this information is true and they lose this opportunity again, then they will regret it later.

Just when they were hesitating, the intelligence officer broke in panting.

He didn't even have time to catch his breath before saying, "Your Majesty, according to the latest information, the empire took advantage of the domestic situation to temporarily suppress it, and organized 60 soldiers overnight to attack the west bank of the dynasty and the Jialan Empire."

"at the same time."

The intelligence officer was elated: "The Principality of Baya has suspended the battle in the west, and began to withdraw some of its troops to wait and see. It seems that it is ready to add fire to the empire's attack on the Jialan Empire at any time."

The Holy Dragon King slapped the table and stood up: "Commander of the Augustus Legion, you will be the commander-in-chief. The 80 soldiers of the Silver Dragon Legion and the Red Dragon Legion will attack the Holy Dragon City. A godsend opportunity.”

The wall fell and everyone pushed.

After confirming the authenticity of the intelligence, the countries can no longer take care of other things.

Their only thought now is to directly destroy the dynasty and the Jialan Empire. As long as these two countries are destroyed, even if Vega wakes up in the end, without a single soldier under his command, can they still turn the world upside down?
Veigar put too much pressure on them.

So much so that no matter how painful the price is, they are ready to seize this opportunity.

Even the Principality of Baya, whose center of gravity has moved westward, is no exception. Everyone thinks that other wars can be fought later, but the Holy Dynasty has to be destroyed.

Originally, such a large-scale march required at least 1-2 months of preparation.

However, from the decision of the two countries to the departure of the whole army, the time was compressed to only 10 days.

Late will change. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, they wish they could use it for two days a day. Among them, the empire also took the risk of airlifting soldiers to the battlefield on the west bank of the dynasty. After getting Lops, without Vega's restraint, Foster immediately turned against him.

The battle report reached the dynasty army in Holy Dragon City.

The staff officer saluted Shia and reported: "Your Majesty, the empire has already attacked us. They launched an attack on the west bank and the Jialan Empire at the same time. Now the city of Lops has been taken back by the empire. The fall of the city of Lops has made our Civilian routes have all been cut off, and our logistics routes need to be changed."

"Can't the Jialan Empire deliver supplies?"


The staff officer said cautiously: "Cheris Rodney, the ruler of the Jialan Empire, does not recognize Her Majesty's order, and has now completely banned our army from entering the territory of the Jialan Empire, and closed all routes. They suspect that our country has placed His Royal Highness under house arrest. , and sent us a letter requesting to hand over His Royal Highness, otherwise the possibility of using force will not be ruled out."

"Hmph! What a Cherise Rodney!"

Okasos was furious. He stood in front of the Queen and gave orders: "Let General Tenniel Rheinberg of Gacili City put pressure on the Jialan Empire. Hasn't he recalled nearly 20 remnants of the United Kingdom so far?" ? I don't believe that while fighting against the imperial army, Celeste Rodney dared to ignore the threat of the 20 troops in the rear."

"This... I'm afraid it won't work either."

The staff officer wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "In fact, as early as a few days ago, when Tenniel Rheinberg received the news that Her Majesty the Queen was in power, he no longer recognized our leadership and forbade the dynasty army to set foot on the ground. Otherwise, they will not rule out the use of force to stop our actions."


Ocasos, who heard the news, was almost out of breath.

He said angrily: "Don't these people take our dynasty army seriously? We are the first rank in the mainland! Send me Gabriel as a soldier, and I will personally kill the chickens and monkeys. With this war, the whole world I know that it is not due to Vega alone that the Dynasty army can go to today, without that brat, we are still invincible."

"Lord Ocasus, I'm afraid this won't work either."

The staff officer was sweating profusely, fearing that the furious Okasos would tear him alive, but he still reported in fear: "A total of 80 troops from the Silver Dragon Legion and the Red Dragon Legion of the Holy Dragon Kingdom came from the City of Eternal Hope overnight. Set off and come towards us. With their day and night marching style, I am afraid that they will reach the Holy Dragon City in less than ten days."

"Good come!"

Ocasus snorted: "I have fought against Shenglong Kingdom countless times, and I know their fighting power very well. I just took this opportunity to frighten these damned jumping clowns."

"Grandpa Ocasos, is there really no problem?" Shia's face was a little worried.

After all, the enemy is the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and the number is as high as 80.

Turn around.

Okasos respectfully said to Queen Shia: "Your Majesty, please don't worry. As long as you and I join forces to fight this war against the Holy Dragon Kingdom, we will surely teach the Holy Dragon Kingdom a deep lesson. They will fight against the Holy Dragon Kingdom with our cooperation. Under the circumstances, it is bound to be vulnerable, especially for the two star mages whose strength is enough to match you."

"Then everything depends on Grandpa Okasos."

Shia took a deep breath, and then muttered to herself: "Please wait for me, your dream, Shia will definitely help you realize it."

(End of this chapter)

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