Mage Veja

Chapter 655

Chapter 655
Holy Dragon City.

Dynasty Army Command.

Counting this city defense battle, this is already the No. 20 post-war meeting.

Compared with the optimistic atmosphere at the first meeting, up to now, the entire meeting room has been full of oppressive atmosphere, especially Okasos's face has no expression at all.

This is also of course.

Although they have repelled [-] siege battles of the Holy Dragon Kingdom so far.

But if you look deeper, the retreat of the Holy Dragon Kingdom is not their credit, but the Holy Dragon Kingdom voluntarily withdrew from the city after breaking through the city gate and returned the defense line to them.

They even once thought that this was the way the Holy Dragon Nation used up their troops.

But later they got the information, it turned out that it was because the Holy Dragon Kingdom was very afraid that this was an ambush set by Vega, so even if the city gate was broken, as soon as the time for magic defense was up, they would immediately retreat under the cover of the flanking troops, without any delay. Don't dare to stay for long.

Isn't this battle report too ironic?
Their battle plan was like a joke. In the end, they had to rely on the power of the previous commander to defend the city. Doesn't this mean that their 50-strong army is not as effective as Vega alone?
"When do you think His Royal Highness will regain power?"

A major general sitting at the bottom complained in a low voice to a lieutenant general next to him: "It's been almost 20 days, and we haven't even seen the face of His Royal Highness, if this continues, we won't be able to hold on." Holy Dragon City."

"Oh, the confidence of the soldiers is almost gone."

The commander of the lieutenant general was frowning: "Without the personal command of His Royal Highness, we would not be able to win against the Holy Dragon Kingdom. With 40 soldiers, the empire's millions of troops were defeated, not to mention us. This time, it is better to fight more with less, Lord Okasos thinks that he has the strength of His Royal Highness because he has participated in several battles, right?"

"After all, you are still an outsider."

The major general sighed: "If we can't realize that there is a huge gap between our commanding ability and His Royal Highness, then not only this war, but also the next war we will suffer defeat."


The two discussed in a low voice.

But this is actually a microcosm of the whole army.

Naturally, some people would be dissatisfied with letting them suffer defeat after having tasted the glory of victory.

In the beginning, it could be suppressed by relying on the prestige of the star-level mages and the queen's servants, but such things as prestige will be slowly consumed with continuous failures. Due to continuous wrong decisions, Okasos is no longer used by high-level officials. trust.

A middle-aged general seemed unable to restrain the anger in his heart any longer.

He slammed his fist on the conference table, and said to Queen Sia: "Your Majesty! This can't go on like this anymore. I'm afraid that relying on the remaining power of His Royal Highness, the Holy Dragon Kingdom can no longer be suppressed. These twenty battles have probably convinced them. Knowing the fact that His Royal Highness is unable to command the army, I am afraid that they will launch a general attack next time, so what can we do to resist it?"

"General Baldo Corinthis, please calm down."

Without waiting for Shia to answer, Ocasos rushed ahead and said, "I asked you to come here, not to listen to your complaints. I would like to ask if there is any way for you to repel the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom?"

"Isn't this what you, the commander, should do?"

Baldo has deep experience and is not afraid of Okasos: "When His Royal Highness is here, we can win every battle as long as we obey his orders. Since you replaced His Royal Highness, please come up with an effective battle plan to win the war If you can't even do this, please don't waste your time here, and quickly abdicate to the virtuous."

"Who is this Yin? Could it be you Baldo?"

There was a dangerous light in Okasos' eyes, and the coercion of the star mage came out through his body.

Baldo spat out a mouthful of blood under the coercion.

But instead of retreating, he leaned on the conference table with both hands, and said with a bloody grin: "I am loyal to His Majesty and the dynasty, how can I submit to your force! Ocasos, if you want to be unknown, you have to do it yourself. It seems that His Royal Highness is not in a coma due to illness, but is imprisoned by you, otherwise, why even our request to visit the sick is not allowed."

"Yes, yes, this is too suspicious."

"Ocassus may even have taken His Majesty hostage."

"This is the next crime!"

Successive defeats finally made everyone point the finger at Okasos.

Seeing this, Shia quickly stood up and comforted him: "Everyone, please calm down. Lord Okasos's loyalty to the dynasty is beyond doubt. Please..."

"Your Majesty, please do not be afraid."

Baldo interrupted Shia, he took two steps back, and suddenly drew out the crossed long sword on his body to point at Ocasos: "Even if Ocasos is a star mage, we are just ordinary people, and we will definitely save you, as noble as your majesty How can I be coerced by this rebellious official and traitor, I will definitely risk my life to protect you."

The voice fell.

The whole conference room could hear the needle drop.

No one thought that things would develop like this.

Seeing that no one responded, Baldo stared angrily on the spot: "Colleagues, what are you waiting for? Rather than being killed by the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom on the battlefield, it is better to fight to the death with this traitor here. Your Royal Highness, a chance to defend the dignity of Her Majesty the Queen."


Under the leadership of Admiral Bardo, more and more generals drew their cross swords.

The scene was out of control.

Because it is impossible for Okasos to kill all these generals, and it is even more impossible to dismiss them all. If these senior generals die, not only the army here, but the army of the entire dynasty will be directly paralyzed.

Ocasus didn't know what to do for the first time.

His prestige has been exhausted, and now no one believes what he said.

He opened his mouth and tried to make a sound, but nothing came out, and there seemed to be only one way left for him to go.

That is surrendering command...

But once he handed over the command, wouldn't it mean that he had failed his promise to the queen, and handed over such a large foundation to other commanders, how could he be at ease, wouldn't this ruin the future of the dynasty?
"It's hard to get to this point!"

Okasos clenched his fists tightly, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Her Majesty finally has the determination to become king, how can I, a subject, hold him back at this time, and anyone who blocks him should be killed. "

Okasos stepped forward.

Admiral Baldo seemed to be ready to die, and he took a step forward despite the coercion.

But right now.

Shia seemed to have made up her mind, she stood up from the main seat, and walked between the two forces.

this moment.

Admiral Bardo and his group took a step back, and Okasos also took a step back.

Shia put away all expressions.

She is as majestic as an emperor... No, she said in a calm and mighty voice with the posture of an emperor: "Lord Ocasus, please surrender your command."

"His Majesty?!"

Okasos looked very excited.

But when he met Shiyan's eyes, his heart trembled.

He had seen this pair of eyes before... in the eyes of Saint Laurent XVIII, these were the eyes of a 'king'.

He subconsciously handed the ancient cross sword into Shia's hands.

This is the crossed long sword that symbolizes the command of the whole army. He just took it off Vega's body dozens of days ago.

Everyone looked at the long sword with hopeful eyes.

They were all wondering who Shia would hand over the command to.

But what they didn't expect was that Shia swung the long sword in her hand and made an unquestionable voice: "I am the king of the Holy Dynasty, whether it wins or loses, the responsibility for this war rests with the king." !"

ding ding ding-

A long sword was thrown to the ground by the generals.

During the meeting, all the generals and Ocasus knelt on the ground at the same time, and no one dared to raise even a single question.

(End of this chapter)

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