Mage Veja

Chapter 66 Awe and Fear

Chapter 66 Awe and Fear

"4, Level 4 trainee professional?"

Zieging almost exclaimed.

Although he admitted that there are as many geniuses in this world as there are stars, a 10th-level trainee professional who is around 4 years old is a bit too shocking.

10 years old is the minimum standard for awakening magic power.

The awakening of magic power is different from the awakening of a magician's spiritual power, which can directly cross countless levels. The constant point is that the level of magic power must start from a level 1 trainee professional.

The speculation about Veigar being a level 3 trainee professional has exceeded the limit of his imagination.

But the 10-year-old boy in front of him actually jumped from a level 1 trainee to a level 4 trainee in less than a year after awakening his magic power. Is this the biography of a bard?
Even epic myths dare not write like this!
At this moment, Ziegrein finally understood one thing. Perhaps the young Second Lieutenant Veigar did not rely on any relationship to get to the top position, but relied entirely on his own strength and talent to be favored.

Faced with such an opponent, do we still need to continue fighting?

Zigrin gave a wry smile, and he slowly raised his hands, ready to make a gesture of surrender.

The first is that there is absolutely no need to continue fighting due to level crushing, and the second is that Vega's bright future is doomed to be on a different level from him. Instead of establishing such an enemy, it is better to admit mistakes and surrender now to turn hostility into friendship.

Want to understand this.

Ziglin raised his hands and said slowly, "I, cast..."

"Don't be kidding."

Vega's immature but powerful voice pierced his eardrums: "In the dictionary of the soldiers of the empire, the word surrender has never been used. Don't stain the uniform that symbolizes the glory of the empire!"

Surrendering hands froze in mid-air.

Qigelin looked around in confusion, and found that hundreds of pairs of eyes were looking at this place. If he really raised his hands and surrendered at this time, he might become a laughing stock in the army the next day, and his shameful title would definitely be destroyed. fell on his head.

This sentence is not poisonous.

Seeing Vega, whose height was only around his waist, Zigrelin couldn't believe that a brat casually threw the righteousness of the empire on him, leaving him in a dilemma.

Go forward, he can't beat Veigar.

Back off, and he will be ruined.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his dagger tightly again. Veigar's intentions were already obvious, that is, he wanted to get out of his body after finding faults. There is no such cheap thing in the world. This lesson seems to be absolutely impossible to escape. It's gone.

The battle started again, but there was no suspense.

One is a level 4 trainee, and the other is a level 3 trainee who has no intention of fighting. In the end, Ziglin didn't even survive 10 minutes before he was taught a lesson by Vega, and both fell into a coma with Lalba.


When Chiglin fell to the ground, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

The content is nothing more than marveling at Vega's strength. Although ordinary soldiers don't know much about the level of professionals, but with the body of a child, they defeated the two professionals of their 4 regiments with one enemy and two without any damage. Officer, this made everyone put Vega on the list of people who must not be provoked, and even led everyone to look at Vega's company differently.

See the big from the small.

If it was said that Veigar's troops were regarded as boy scouts before, then I am afraid they have been regarded as scourges now.

Because Vega is so powerful as the commander of the 232nd company, how bad can his troops be? For the first time, the soldiers present were in awe of the backbone troops.

Feel the eyes of everyone.

The soldiers of the 232nd company all stood up, proud of having an officer like Vega, and at the same time feeling a strong sense of belonging for being a member of the backbone force.

Liwei wants to set up a full set.

After Veigar gave everyone a bad start, he turned his attention to the fat man who was the leader of the logistics team.

Keep your word.

Since he said that in front of everyone present, he should start well and end well, otherwise such a precedent will be set, and no matter whether it is his subordinates or others, he will be regarded as an officer who can negotiate everything.

Da da da--

Veigar walked towards the leader of the logistics team with crisp steps.

The dagger in his hand was as cold as white snow, and it just happened to reflect the sunlight that broke through the clouds on the face of the logistics team leader Geluchau.

The strong light made him squint his eyes.

During this trance, he vaguely saw an "angel" walking towards him.

He has a 'cute' face, a petite body, and... a smile that is more dazzling than the sun.


There was a flash of cold light, and he only felt a great pain in his right hand, and his thumb was separated from his body, like an autumn leaf being affected by the gravity of the earth, and finally fell to the ground.


The severe pain made him involuntarily open his mouth and want to scream out.

But right now.

The blazing sunlight had disappeared, and he finally saw Veigar's immature face and... the silent gesture.

"How can the iron-blooded soldiers of the empire cry out in pain?"

When did the empire stipulate that soldiers could not cry out because of pain?

But even with such an unreasonable request, even against human physiological instincts, Geluchow actually suppressed his crying, his heart was already terrified to the extreme.

If there are demons in this world.

Then this young boy wearing the skin of an 'angel' in front of him must be a living devil, at least... Geluch thinks so. If possible, he hopes that he will never meet him again in this life, no, never.


at the same time.

The soldiers who watched the excitement all around took a step back.

If it is said that Veigar's terrifying strength made people feel awe, then the cruel methods now have turned awe into fear. Awe floats on the surface, while fear penetrates into the heart.

Veigar didn't want awe.

Because awe doesn't stick in people's minds, it just leaves them behind as time goes by.

Fear is different from awe.

Fear is something that stays with you all your life, even if you think you have forgotten it, but the next time you experience it again at a certain time, in a certain place, your soul will shake off your reason and tremble again.

Vega did it.

He just made a silent gesture, Geluchow has already been dominated by him even the basic physiology.

This is fear.

He smiled and looked around.

All those who caught his gaze shrank their fingers subconsciously, and even their eyes became dodged.

Although only here for 15 days.

But Vega knew that no one dared to hold him back anymore. Even when he left the 4th regiment, the soldiers present today would still be dominated by fear. If one day they confronted each other, these soldiers might not even have the courage to raise their weapons to fight. .

(End of this chapter)

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