Mage Veja

Chapter 660 Struggling

Chapter 660 Struggling
The Jialan Empire, the capital of Kaleni City.

During Veigar's captivity, Celeste Rodney suffered an unprecedented blow.

First of all, the news that Vega was suddenly ill and unable to command the army came from Holy Dragon City.

It is easy to deceive ignorant soldiers and others with this news, but Qi Lisi does not believe it from the bottom of her heart. A high-ranking professional and magician has basically reached the level of being invulnerable to all poisons. army?If you have to make an excuse, make a convincing one.

need to know.

Qi Lisi herself cheated from intrigue.

She was so familiar with this set that she couldn't be more familiar with it, so she immediately issued a warning to the dynasty. If the dynasty could no longer accommodate Vega, the Jialan Empire that Vega built with his own hands would be his eternal backing.

But Dynasty ignored her warning.

This is also a matter of course, Vega has brought the dynasty to such a high level, compared to the dynasty, the time for the establishment of the Jialan Empire is too short, and it is not at the same level as the dynasty, so it is naturally impossible for the dynasty to ignore her.

This made Qi Lisi very depressed.

She even had the urge to attack the dynasty and force them to hand over Veigar's plans.

It's a pity that the tree fell and the hozen scattered, and Foster temporarily surrendered because he was afraid of Vega. Now that Vega fell, Foster in Rops City was the first to bounce back, reunited with the empire, and turned to attack them.

Foster was a general.

Strictly speaking, Qi Lisi is more like a politician.

With the backing of Vega, it is very easy for politicians to restrain the generals, but when the backer disappears, no matter how many handles they have, they can't do anything to Foster, because the person who made him fear is no longer there.

And to the realm of war.

How could Qi Lisi be Foster's opponent?
Now the imperial army has reached the hinterland of the north and is slowly advancing towards the city of Kareni.

Even if Kalieni City has very complete city defense facilities, it cannot stop Foster for too long.

When Kareni fell, it also heralded the collapse of the Jialan Empire.

This is unacceptable to Qi Lisi.

Like Shia, she regards Vega as the meaning of life.

She wants to do everything in her power to at least keep Veigar's 'home'.

The Holy Dynasty has already betrayed Vega. If the Jialan Empire is lost by her again, wouldn't Vega have no place to stay when he returns?She couldn't forgive herself for such a thing.

But the reality is so cold.

If you don't have this talent, no matter how determined you are, you won't be able to change everything.


in a dim bedroom.

A drop of tear fell from Qi Lisi's eyes.

Qi Lisi was crying silently. When the Principality of Baya launched an attack on the Jialan Empire together, she felt deeply powerless, and felt deep regret for her inability to fight.

She hated tears.

Because tears are a symbol of weakness.

But she couldn't control her tears, like she had to admit that she was weak.

Yes, she is weak.

Incapable of defeating Foster, nor capable of forcing the Holy Dynasty to surrender Vega, even the small Principality of Baya now dares to invade the Jialan Empire, which is simply an insult to Vega.

Before this.

Facing Vega, all the Principality of Baya could do was to run away.

"But... there is really no other way."

Qi Lisi felt cold all over, and this powerlessness made her seem to return to before she met Vega.

She hates this feeling.

If it was placed before meeting Vega, this feeling would make her terrified, and she would accept it, but now Qi Lisi still has anxiety in her heart, but she no longer has that unforgettable fear.

"Yeah, he saved me!"

Qi Lisi slowly raised her head and lowered her head: "It was he who changed my fate and gave me freedom. I am used to him and I no longer know what it means to be submissive. My hands are already covered with the blood of those who got in the way." .”

"Yeah, I've been spoiled."

Qi Lisi opened the closed door, and the light outside the door was reflected on the proud and confident face: "Foster, don't you want me to submit! I have killed so many generals of the empire that I can count them all." I don't know."

There is endless confidence in the words.

She is not a general, does not have any military talent, and cannot even write down a battle plan.

But what does it matter?

This does not prevent her from staining her hands with the blood of those senior generals who frightened the enemy on the battlefield for Vega's OECD. The number of these senior generals is indeed too large for her to recall.


Along the way, the door of the conference room was pushed open by Qi Lisi.

She is like a mysterious, but lofty underground queen, she walked into it under the fearful eyes of officials and generals.

Different from the dynasty's trust, reverence, and admiration for Shia...

At the top of the Jialan Empire.

There is no one who is not afraid of Qilis, and there is no one who does not fear Qilis from the bottom of his heart.

In private, many generals and officials thought that they would rather face Veigar every day than Qi Lisi.

Because once you are stared at by that exquisite and beautiful face, you will have to live or die for the rest of your life.

Qi Lisi used the same method that used to control the high-level of the empire in the Jialan Empire. The entire high-level would rather choose to commit suicide than betray Qi Lisi and disobey her orders. They fear Qi Lisi like a tiger.

This degree of fear is engraved into their bones.

So in such an atmosphere so tense that he didn't even dare to take a big breath.

An emergency meeting has begun.

A lieutenant general tremblingly said: "Master Qi Lisi, the front line is urgently reported. Foster and the Principality of Baya are attacking from both sides. Our army is retreating steadily. I am afraid that in less than ten days, the two forces will come to the city."

"Lieutenant General Teniso."

"My, my officer is here."

Dou Da's cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and he stood at attention like a primary school student who made a mistake.

Qi Lisi didn't even look at him and continued: "I heard that your son got the admission notice of the Central Military Academy of the Freedom Alliance? You gave him a ride two nights ago? Father and son love each other deeply, but It's touching."

The voice fell.

The lieutenant general turned pale with fright, he collapsed on the ground and said, "You... how would you know..."

Qi Lisi did not answer the question.

She glanced at the entire conference room with a half-smile, which made everyone's hairs stand on end.

"You know what to do."

Qi Lisi glanced at the lieutenant general who collapsed on the ground.

The lieutenant general kowtowed repeatedly: "Master Qi Lisi, please let my child go, I know what to do."

The lieutenant general picked up the long sword that he carried with him, and wiped it towards his neck, arterial blood spurted out.

Da da da--

At this time, Qi Lisi took two steps forward, and casually threw an admission notice that had already been stained red with blood with the corpse.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and the faces of all the officers turned pale.

Obviously, this is the admission notice for the lieutenant general's child, and from what the lieutenant general said, it can be known that his child was secretly sent out two nights ago, and now this bloody notice has appeared in the here……

The answer is self-evident.


Qi Lisi's kind voice echoed in the conference room: "Under the overturned nest, there are no eggs. The Jialan Empire is our home, and the existence of the Jialan Empire for one day is equivalent to keeping our family, so please understand direction of effort."

"We are willing to live and die with the Jialan Empire!"

Everyone hurriedly swore an oath, and a large military officer quickly gave up the idea of ​​flying separately when the disaster was imminent.

Qi Lisi seemed very satisfied with everyone's answers.

She looked at the crowd and said: "You are worthy of being the generals of our Jialan Empire. You must be grateful for your choice today. Therefore, before our king returns, the Jialan Empire will never fall down here!"

Spit out a word.

Qi Lisi pointed to the Principality of Baya on the map: "Defense has never been our combat style. Next, our first goal is here! We should teach the group of bullies what is a real invader. .”

(End of this chapter)

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