Mage Veja

Chapter 667 Holy Magic

Chapter 667 Holy Magic
Holy magic.

Even in the peak period of magic civilization, this kind of magic is synonymous with destructive power.

In ancient times, there were three types of magic. The first type is auxiliary type. This type is mainly used in daily life and industrial construction. It hardly consumes magic power, but it is all lost today; the second type is combat type. Classes are mainly used in 1v1 or small-scale battles, and consume neither too much magic power nor too little mental power.

The last type is war magic.

This type of magic is mainly used in warfare, and it is generally range-type magic.

Okasos was fortunate to have collected a piece of war-type Holy Throne magic decades ago, and has been comprehending it so far. It is with these decades of background that he was able to use the fastest speed after he was promoted to a star professional. Speed ​​up to the holy position, and learn magic.

just now.

The preparations for the magic of the holy place have entered the middle stage.

He stood in the air, and the fire elements surrounding him had materialized.

At the current speed, the release of magic can be completed in about 15 minutes.

Before that, unless they were holy mages, no one could stop him, including holy dragon dragon envoys and flying dragons, because anyone within a radius of 10 meters of him would be torn to pieces by the violent fire element .

"Holy, holy mage?!"

Seeing this scene, Augustus's soul was exhausted.

As a holy dragon country with a complete historical inheritance, Augustus could see what this scene represented at a glance.

This is definitely holy magic, right? !

What kind of power does high-level holy magic possess?
If it is said that a star mage's blow can flatten a city wall, destroy a legion of 3 to 5 people, or even turn a small city into ruins, then holy magic, as a high-level military force in the most glorious period of ancient magic civilization, its power is Ten times the star position.

In other words.

A large Holy War magic is enough to destroy an army of 35 people, or a medium-sized strategic city.

Holy mage.

These four words can subvert the existence of the saying 'individuals are inferior to groups' in the true sense.

in their eyes.

No matter how many ordinary troops there are, they are just a group of ants.

Simply, in the ancient times, the opponents of the holy mage were numerous, and there were countless ways to deal with the holy position, and even the god position, but in this age of doomsday, no one can stop a holy mage.

Holy Dragon Envoy?

There is a huge gap between professionals and magicians.

It is true that a holy professional can compete with a star mage, but facing a holy mage, even a hundred holy dragon envoys are useless.What's more, the "equal share" is just that neither side can kill the other, and only when the magic power and spiritual power of the star mage are exhausted, there is a certain possibility of killing the other party, not that the holy dragon envoy is really better than the star mage .

In other words.

In another 15 minutes, once Okasos releases this magic, they and the remaining 90 troops of the empire will lose more than half of them, which is enough to hurt them.

This is not the most terrible.

Because the magic power and mental power of a holy mage are no longer comparable to that of a star mage, a star mage needs to consume 2/3 of the magic power and spiritual power to release a war-type magic. Recovery, while the holy mage only needs to consume 2/5 when casting a holy war magic.

In other words, Okasos can cast Holy Throne twice.

After two releases, there is even 1/5 of the magic power to release two single combat magic to ensure your own safety.

If they were hit by two Holy Throne War-type spells, I am afraid that everyone here would not be able to return alive.

So Foster and Augustus have panicked.

"Careless, careless!"

"Too careless!"

Augustus and Foster, who were in two directions, actually spoke in unison tacitly.

They have realized that they have made the biggest mistake in history, that is, being blinded by successive victories, unilaterally thinking that the entire Holy Dynasty is nothing without Veigar, but ignoring the variable of Okasos.

How to be good?
Is it too late to retreat now?
Even Foster, who knew little about the magic of the Holy Throne, knew very well that retreat was meaningless.

If you want to ask why...

If you see it with your own eyes, you will understand what kind of scene is unfolding in front of them——

Thick fiery red clouds soaked the entire sky, and they could not even penetrate the sunlight; bursts of thunder accompanied by lightning fell from the sky, and the ground slowly began to crack, and Foster, who was shaking violently, almost fell down on the ground.

Over time.

Gusts of wind blew in, and large swaths of soldiers could no longer keep standing. Fiery magma began to emerge from the newly cracked gullies on the surface. The high temperature of more than 1000 degrees was creepy.

If you had to describe this scene, it would probably have the same name as the magic of the Holy Throne——

Flame technique · doomsday.

However..., this is just the prelude to the magic of the holy position.

There are still 10 minutes before the magic is finally completed. The prelude alone has already made all the troops lose the ability to fight and flee, so why bother to struggle?

In the face of natural disasters, human power is extremely weak.

Foster has given up struggling. He knows that the only thing he can do is to wait for death. He has been in the army for many years and he knows very well that once some mistakes are made, he needs to pay the price of his life.

But the Holy Dragon Kingdom side did not give up.

The strength displayed by Okasos was indeed beyond their expectations, and the method of luring the enemy deep and arrogant soldiers was also very successful, but just like some people are born to win at the starting line, proud of the shadow of their ancestors, they still have their own A hole card.

"Commander of the Augustus Legion, there is no time to hesitate!"

Palitzer looked very excited: "Under the magic of the Holy Throne, the chance of survival is less than one percent. If we don't use it here, the trump card His Majesty gave us will also fall into the hands of the enemy, and in turn become a weapon against us." arms."

Augustus didn't answer, struggle was written all over his face.

Before this expedition, the Holy Dragon King assigned them the most elite 20 Holy Dragon Legion, and at the same time handed over the golden epee that was not used last time, and told him that if Vega regained power, Use it to bring down the dynasty and kill Veigar.

Originally, Augustus refused.

He thinks this is groundless worry. It is a foregone conclusion that Veigar cannot command the war. Facing the current holy dynasty, allocating him 20 Holy Dragon Legion is already a sledgehammer.But now it seems that the king is still the king after all.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Augustus raised the golden epee engraved with runes.

This holy dragon kingdom has been passed down to this day. It was originally intended to be used to protect the sub-dragon species from extinction, but it was used here by him, but he really had no choice.

As Palitzer said.

If it is not used now, it will only be left in the hands of the enemy and become a weapon against them.

(End of this chapter)

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