Mage Veja

Chapter 670 Advancement to Star Position

Chapter 670 Advancement to Star Position
above the castle.

Fear takes hold of everyone.

The soldiers guarding the city began to retreat unconsciously, and even Carol, who was in charge of protecting Shia, took two steps back.

"This, this must not be true."

It was very difficult for Carol to accept everything in front of her.

His teacher, who he thought was invincible in the mainland, didn't even survive the blow of the skull dragon, and there was no bones left.

Ocasus has always been Carroll's belief.

Now, his faith has crumbled.

What was even more frightening was that the monster that destroyed his belief was slowly flying towards him.

"Can't win, absolutely can't win!"

Carol has lost a heart to keep fighting.

He said to Shia: "Your Majesty, please retreat quickly. We are no match for that monster. No matter how many people there are, we cannot defeat that monster. Please let me protect you and retreat immediately."

Shia glanced at Carol.

Instead of retreating as Carol expected, she took a step forward with the staff.

"You go, I can't back down here."

Shia's voice was firm and powerful, and her actions proved her determination to die rather than retreat.

"Your Majesty, you can't defeat that monster!"

"I know."

"Your Majesty, you alone cannot protect Saint Laurent!"

"I know."

"Your Majesty, please accept the reality, the dynasty is over!"

"I know."

"Then why are you unwilling to take a step back even now?"

Shia turned her head and smiled slightly at Carol: "Because I am the king, and the king cannot retreat. If even the king retreats, what will the country do, what will the soldiers do, and what will my prince do?" manage?"

That's right.

She can't retreat.

If she retreats, who will protect Veigar?

How could such a powerful enemy be left to him to face alone?

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed.

She must stand up at this time and block this monster.

"Carol, I order you as queen!"

Shia's tone is unquestionable: "His Royal Highness the Prince of Protection rushed to sister Qi Lisi immediately, and I will delay this monster."

"Your Majesty! I can never agree to such a thing..."

"If you are still loyal to the dynasty and me, obey the order immediately!"

"The minister, the minister obeys..."

Carol clenched his fists, turned and rushed towards the secret room.


The moment Carol turned to leave, the wedding ring in Shia's hand shattered.

The moment the ring was broken, the bond between her and Vega disappeared.

What even Vega didn't know was that as early as the moment of awakening the magic power, Shia had already obtained part of the inheritance of the elves, including a considerable number of spells and the way to cancel this contract.

In ancient times, the elves were respected by the matrilineal line.

Regardless of any contract or magic, it is basically biased towards the matrilineal line.

But Shia didn't choose to tell Vega about this. She was afraid of losing Vega, and her fear penetrated to the bone marrow. This contract can give her a sense of security, but now, she can no longer continue to maintain the contract selfishly.

If she died, then Veigar would die with him.

So at this moment, she chose to cancel the wedding contract, so from now on, no matter in name or in fact, she no longer has any relationship with Vega, which also means that she lost her husband.

Vega also sensed the moment the ring was broken.

He felt that the bond with Shia disappeared, and the vigorous vitality that lasted 500 years also disappeared. Since he didn't die when the bond disappeared, it means that Shia deliberately For that.

Why do you do this behavior?
There is obviously only one answer——

Shia was ready to die.

Vega, who guessed this news, suddenly trembled in his heart.

If it was in the past, he might be overjoyed when the contract is terminated, and he can finally take back the feelings he gave. As a king, how can he have such a burden of feelings? For a king, it should be cruel and ruthless.

But what about this restless feeling of losing something?

Although Veigar couldn't understand whether this feeling was love, at least he could be sure that he didn't want to lose Shia.

"Is it true that the feelings you gave cannot be taken back?"

"That's why I hate things like emotions and desires the most. They will only bring disasters at critical moments."

While cursing, Veigar rushed towards Shia from Okasos' secret room.

He has always believed that there are only two kinds of people who can enjoy the seven emotions and six desires. One is the weak, that is, ordinary civilians. This kind of people is full of weaknesses. It doesn't matter if there are more than one or more. The world is very tolerant of mediocrity.

The other kind of person is the real strong man, that is, the king.

This kind of person is invincible, powerful enough to protect these weaknesses, but such a person does not exist on this continent. Vega's goal is to become such an existence and enjoy a truly comfortable life like this.

So for Vega.

At this stage, you are not qualified to enjoy the seven emotions and six desires.

Because he belongs to the third category——

Someone who wants to be king.

There are not many such people, and those kings who try to unify the world are one of them. They all want to become true kings.This kind of people dare not give their sincerity at all, especially kindness is the most useless thing in their view.

There is no way, the world has always been stricter on excellence than mediocrity.

And Veigar has already defied the law.

Now the consequences of prepaying the seven emotions and six desires are coming out. Knowing that facing the monster is dangerous, he can ignore the innocent eyes of the common people and turn away, but he can't just sit idly by and ignore Shia.


Mercy does not exist in his heart.

If there is such an extra thing, unless he is the Chosen One, ten lives are not enough to die here.

So if there is only Shia alone, Vega thinks that he is capable of taking her away if he takes the risk. After all, apart from his inner feelings, Shia's personal ability and the vitality of the wedding contract are also worth his risk. .

But if he could really save Shia, why did he become so confident?

You need to know that it is a bone dragon that even a holy mage can kill.

The first reason is probably because Veigar didn't know that the monster could kill a holy mage in seconds, and ignorant people are fearless.

The second is because he returned to the secret room of Okasos with the arm of the mummy from the secret room of his mansion, and has successfully promoted to star professional and star mage.

Say it, no one will believe it...

It took less than a minute for Veigar to advance to star professional and star mage.

Because when the mummy was pieced together, what surprised Vega was that the mummy was actually the same as the rune page used to learn magic and combat skills. A "+" sign appeared on the mummy, and then Vega only consumed one skill point. Simple and rude, he was promoted to a star professional.

After breaking through to a star-level professional, the level of a mage also breaks through.

After all, the reason why the mage level stagnated was originally because the professional level could not be improved. Now that the professional level is raised, the promotion of the mage will be easily solved, and even the promotion of the mage does not even need skill points.

And with the promotion of the two levels, the seal was of course directly broken.

Therefore, the strength of the star mage is the strength of Vega.

Although his star-level shadow mage doesn't know any star-position shadow magic yet, his huge magic power and mental power are enough for him to do many things that he couldn't do before. In addition, it needs to be known that the shadow mage is known as a one-on-one invincible existence.

Once you make up your mind.

Veigar couldn't help but quicken his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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