Mage Veja

Chapter 68 Compromise

Chapter 68 Compromise
The hard-earned plans were rejected.

And the person who denies it is still his temporary subordinate.

5th Battalion Commander Ronce clenched his fists tightly, the anger in his heart was naturally needless to say.

Since he is not a professional, being the battalion commander in the 4th Regiment was not popular at all. It took him whole years to get the subordinates of the entire battalion willing to obey his orders, but the prestige he finally established was not recognized by Vega. Outsiders take it seriously.

Although he was angry in his heart, he didn't want to turn his face just yet.

Because he has heard the rumors in the morning to some extent, if it is not a last resort, he does not want to be an enemy of Vega. The first is of course that he is afraid of Vega's strength, and the second is that he is afraid of Vega's unwarranted backer.

If you can't beat it with your hands, then you can only understand it with reason and move it with emotion.

This is his usual practice.

The 5th Battalion Commander Ronce suppressed his anger, and made his tone as friendly and peaceful as possible: "Second Lieutenant Vega, I have naturally considered your question, but the indicators above are tight, and the time given to us is not enough. Ann makes a plan, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete it within the specified time."

"May I ask what time the regiment gave us?"

"10 days."

The 5th Battalion Commander Ronce replied: "This is one of the reasons why I use the principle of proximity to determine the target."

Veigar frowned.

He looked at the map and said after a minute of silence: "If there is really not enough time, I personally think that the first three goals can be followed as originally planned, and the last two goals need to be changed. Only in this way can we ensure that we will not be caught by the Royal Army , come and wait for a rabbit.”

"If only two goals are changed..."

The 5th Battalion Commander looked at the map, and it was not a big problem to just change two targets. There was no need to re-plan supplies, marching routes, refuge points, budgets, etc., but in his opinion, it didn't matter if they didn't change.

It wasn't that he underestimated Veigar.

Rather, he has considerable confidence in guerrilla missions. After all, as a cannon fodder unit that stays on the border all year round, he has more experience in guerrilla missions than anyone else. This time the plan is also based on the previous plan, and there will be no loopholes at all. .

Compared to him, Veigar had less experience in guerrilla missions than even a recruit.

Therefore, he felt that Vega was a little too cautious, and at the same time, in order to maintain the authority of the superior officer, he still vetoed it: "Please rest assured, Second Lieutenant Vega, this plan has been practiced many times, and there is no problem."

"But the Royal Army has raised the alert level..."

"It doesn't matter how much you improve."

The 5th Battalion Commander Ronce interrupted Vega: "Including you, this time we dispatched three professionals. The guerrilla mission is to shoot one shot to change places. We don't give the other party a chance to ask for help, and we don't follow them." The other side is going head-to-head. Therefore, no matter how much the Kingdom Army raises the alert level, we don't need to be afraid, I think this matter will stop here."

"I still want to ask the battalion commander to think more about it."

Veigar did not follow the steps given by the battalion commander, but continued to deny it.

While negating, he did not forget to look at the two company commanders Lalba and Ziglin with a half-smile, the significance of which could not be more obvious, either stand up and speak for him now, or become his enemy again.

Lalba and the two shuddered at the same time.

The scene in the morning is still vivid in my mind. The military courts are generally unwilling to accept the affairs of the cannon fodder troops. Offending the battalion commander is at most a lesson, which is not painful at all, but offending Vega...

The right hand of the logistics team leader who lost his thumb is the best proof.

So the two stood up under the surprised eyes of the 5th Battalion Commander Ronce and said: "Battalion Commander, I think Second Lieutenant Vega's concerns are very reasonable. We should think twice before marching and fighting. We have to take responsibility for the lives of the soldiers." Responsibility comes."


"Battalion Commander, I also agree with Second Lieutenant Veiga's opinion. Anyway, only modifying two targets will not affect the overall situation. Why don't you agree with it?"

The words of the two made the 5th Battalion Commander stand on the spot in a daze.

He couldn't say anything, but looked at Vega with unbelievable eyes. This half-grown child was obviously unpopular yesterday, but in just one day, he emptied his status that had been in business for many years up?
Sitting decadently on the chair.

He finally realized that this is the 4th regiment, and the set of regulations that the superior order is supreme does not apply here at all. The people here are not brainwashed war machines, but people with independent consciousness.

It is easy to control the machine, but it is not easy to control the human heart.

And the easiest tool to control people's hearts is fear, which is exactly what he can't do, because for so many years he has only used the management method of gentle checks and balances.

"I see."

The general situation is gone, and if you persist, you will only embarrass yourself. The 5th Battalion Commander Ronce said: "According to Second Lieutenant Vega's opinion, re-plan the next two target locations, and the other two company commanders will notify the logistics department to prepare accordingly. organize work."

"Yes, battalion commander."

Veigar and the three spoke in unison and saluted Battalion Commander Ronce.

Ronce laughed at himself, and walked out of the tent without even returning the salute. The majesty of the officer has been swept away, so what face does he have to continue to embarrass himself here.

Wei Jia smiled friendly towards the two, and said with a smile: "Thank you to the two company commanders for your great help."

"Second Lieutenant Veiga, you are being polite, heh, heh..."

"We have other jobs, so I will excuse you first."

The two smiled awkwardly, and Lalba found an excuse in embarrassment and walked out of the tent.

Veigar watched them leave without stopping them.

If it is placed in the backbone army, this method will definitely not work.The judicial department of the Imperial Army has 360-degree supervision of the backbone troops. Once an officer is reported to be bullying, as long as the evidence is convincing, even if you are a high-level magician or a senior general, you can’t get rid of the judicial department’s trial. .

But it's different here.

It was precisely because he understood the style of the cannon fodder that Vega took over the command in the most direct way. Anyway, he only served here for 15 days, and after 15 days, he might have nothing to do with the cannon fodder.

Just offending a battalion commander didn't pose much threat to Vega.

Because in the entire cannon fodder regiment, only those at the head level are the middle-level officers who are valued by the military. As long as the head is not offended, Vega can almost do whatever he wants here.

And he is just the least used to putting his life in the hands of others, so conflicts will inevitably arise.

Whether he is selfish or conceited, in short, Vega does not believe that the plan of the 5th Battalion Commander can guarantee him to return to the border of the empire safely after hunting down professionals.

Veigar trusts no one.

He only believes in himself.

(End of this chapter)

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