Mage Veja

Chapter 689 Rebel

Chapter 689 Rebel

Northwest Empire.

City of War, the headquarters of the Rebel Army.

Since the last time Vega defeated the coalition forces of the Western countries, Coverdale can be said to be proud of the spring breeze recently.

Since his judgment of retreat last time coincided with the strategies adopted by the Freedom Alliance and Gundy City State, he was recognized by the two countries as a very potential force, so a contract was reached, and now he has the support of both countries .

In other words.

Over the past few days, the rebel army has received the support of a large number of armaments and resources from the alliance and the city-state.

Inexhaustible funds, inexhaustible armaments.

All of this makes Coverdale feel like a dream. After all, a few months ago, he had to rely on the number of people several times that of the Imperial Army to pile up the opponent alive. With the support of the two countries, he can probably fight the Imperial Army now. Contend one or two.

"We still have to thank Vega Saint Laurent."

Although Veigar had once given him infinite fear, this battle really helped him, allowing him to become the second winner of this battle just by escaping.

But Coverdale was not too happy too soon.

He understands it's a deal.

The Liberty Alliance and the city-state supported him to fight against the empire and contain the entire East, and he obtained the most scarce resources, new armaments, and even formed three air forces, all of which showed that he became a pawn of the West.

But what about the pawns?
As long as he can end the decadent regime of the empire, let alone become a pawn, he will not hesitate to put down his dignity and become a running dog of the West, because history is always written by the victors.

And he never considered himself a lackey of the West.

He is a viper!
Use the resources of the West to strengthen himself. After destroying the empire, he will bite the West back sooner or later, so that the Western people can take a good look at it. He Coverdale is not lost to those stupid generals of the empire.

There is indeed no misunderstanding.

Although the West signed a contract with him and supported him, this does not mean that the West believes that Coverdale is stronger than the Empire and can overturn the rule of the Empire.

Quite the opposite.

The West thinks that Coverdale is too weak, so weak that once the empire changes its attitude towards civilians, his rebel army will be wiped out overnight, so they support him, hoping that he can last longer.

Really just wish he lasted longer.

The two countries don't even think that Coverdale has the possibility of destroying the empire, so the biggest expectation for him is to persist for a long time.

"It was underestimated."

Coverdale grinned: "Facts will always speak louder than words, but look forward to that day."


Coverdale pushed open the door of the conference room, and all the officers gave a military salute. Unfortunately, compared with those military meetings in the empire, this place is like a child playing house, it is completely different. .

Simply Coverdale didn't care.

He grinned and sat on the main seat.

If there are too many musical instruments, the performance will become chaotic.

His idol is Veigar, so he wants to follow Veigar's example and fight against the wisdom of a country with the wisdom of one person, so it doesn't matter whether these officers can make useful suggestions, he only has one requirement—execution power.

As soon as he sat down, the adjutant came up.

The adjutant put a letter in front of him: "Chief, an envoy from the Jialan Empire sent a letter this morning."

"Jialan Empire?"

Coverdale picked up the letter a little excitedly, looked at it for a while like a treasure, and then chose to open it.

He likes this feeling.

Because being able to receive Vega's letter is a very important symbol for him.

This marks that he has officially entered the field of vision of all the forces in the Jialan Continent from an unknown rebel force, and at the same time stepped onto the stage of international war that he dreamed of.

Regardless of whether those big countries admit it or not.

Although the Holy Dynasty has fallen from the altar, the five characters Vega Saint Laurent have never left the center of the world. Every move of Vega will definitely affect the direction of the world war.


The child under the spotlight finally threw out an olive branch to him, an unknown pawn in the audience.

Coverdale, who read the letter back and forth twice, had an ecstatic expression on his face.

How can you not be excited.

How can you not be happy.

The Xeon commander, the No.1 general in the mainland, the devil who plays with people's hearts... asked him one thing in the letter.

"Do you intend to give the Imperial Army a heavy blow?"

Is this answer still worth thinking about?

No need, no need at all, he slapped the table and said angrily: "Order the whole army, send troops to the middle, and point the sword at the capital!"

No need to hesitate.

The imperial army is his enemy, and the meaning of the rebel army is to overthrow the imperial regime and establish a new local regime that can bring the empire to a higher level. Therefore, he will agree to all invitations that are not good for the empire.


He has just received assistance from the Western countries. At this time, he needs to make some achievements. Only by showing results to investors can he get more and more investment. Therefore, Vega's invitation coincides with him.

Veigar also expected this, so he chose to cooperate with the rebels.

Now that the rebel army is starting another war, they are advancing from the city of war to the middle of the empire. If he suddenly attacks the eastern part of the empire and takes down the eastern cities of Elkia and Xielantu, then Vega doesn't believe that Foster will still Free to waste time in the East.


Vega ordered Qi Lisi to attack the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

This is enough to force Shenglong Kingdom to retreat.

Of course, with the quality of the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, Qi Lisi can be ignored, but without the Imperial Army, only the 50 Holy Dragon Army in the east, Vega is sure to make them recall the golden crown banner with a white background. dominated by fear.


Plus Yangmou.

Vega has shown both of them this time, and has already shown his determination to win the East Bank.

At this time, Foster on the east bank and the 50 troops in the east of the empire were unaware.

Needless to say on the east coast, Foster and Augustus still believe that Vega, who has a divine mage, will take the initiative to attack them, so that they can test whether the divine mage exists, and try to fight against the divine Is the method of the mage feasible.

The eyes should now be on the eastern part of the empire.

There are 50 imperial troops on display in the eastern part of the empire. These 50 troops have been trying to capture the west bank before, but they were simply delayed by Yiluo and Menno near the border of the dynasty.

Later, due to Vega's victory over the coalition forces of various countries.

Based on fear, these 50 troops withdrew from the West Bank in a hurry. Now they are stationed inside their own border and continue to watch the battle while waiting for orders from above, so they have not yet withdrawn to the city of Elchea.

and this.

It is just great news for Vega.

(End of this chapter)

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