Mage Veja

Chapter 694

Chapter 694
Imperial Eastern Army.

Due to the urgency of time, when Housman sent soldiers to deliver a message to Foster, he ordered the army to march towards the city of black gold on the west bank at the same time. He had no time to wait for the soldiers to bring back Foster's message because he needed to communicate with Race against time.

But it doesn't matter whether there is a reply or not in Housman's view.

After all, Foster is also an officer of the Empire and a former classmate. No matter whether it is due to emotion or reason, under his earnest request, there is no reason why he will not send troops to assist him.

While marching, he picked up the map.

Housman's sharp eyes locked on the city of black gold.

According to the current speed, it only takes 5 days to directly attack the city of black gold. If there is no calculation error, with Foster's position, the speed to reach the west bank will be two days faster than him.

In other words.

Foster will first attract the attention of the star mages and guards in Dunbu City, so the defense of the Black Gold City must be broken at a touch. The breakthrough of this war is on his side, and he needs to bear the greatest pressure.

"It's been a long time since I tried my best."

"How long? About 50 years ago."

Housman coughed a few times, and said to himself with emotion.

Compared with generals like Foster who became famous later and have been active for a long time, he is almost the same as Vega, and his debut is the peak.

After graduating from the military academy, he gradually began to make his mark on the international war arena. A series of victories directly sent him to the position of five-star general, and he was considered one of the top generals at that time.

But at that time, there were many famous generals in the empire.

In addition, since he was promoted to a 5-star general, he felt that he could no longer sit in a higher position, so he started to eat and wait for death, and stopped doing his best for the empire. What about the nice things?The empire can't give him anything more, as long as the empire is not destroyed, his status will probably decline over time.

Therefore, as long as 50 years, the world has forgotten everything about him, only remembering that there is such a No. [-] general.

After all, this is 50 years.

For most people, 50 years is already 2/3 reincarnation, enough to completely blur the memory.

But today is different.

Veigar's sudden attack broke his tranquility and cornered him.

When he realized that he could no longer stabilize the situation as before, and then won the battle, he could only stand up and do his best to win the war.

"Order the whole army!"

Housman looked towards the city of black gold: "Success or failure depends on tonight. We will sneak attack on the city of black gold tonight. Can we break the foundation of Vega Saint Laurent and encircle him in Elchea in the east of the empire?" , It depends on this crucial battle."

"Yes, Commander."

A group of officers showed determination, and they understood that this was the most important battle to reverse the situation.

If they win, the battle will be reversed; if they lose this war, they will be surrounded and even die without a place to die.

It is night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Housman organized troops and advanced towards the city of black gold.

Before attacking, he looked at the head of the intelligence regiment directly under the army: "Head of the regiment, have the soldiers sent to the east bank to ask for Foster's assistance returned to the army? Attack intelligence?"

"Report to Commander, there are none."

A group leader counted the time and said: "Calculating the time, whether it is the intelligence agents or the soldiers sent to the east bank, they will not be able to return until tomorrow night at the earliest. May I ask if we cancel today's attack and change it to after the soldiers return to the station? "

"There is no time for us to wait."

Housman gritted his teeth and said: "Soldiers are expensive. We have just arrived here, and the enemy must have no time to prepare for defense. Once we wait until tomorrow, the enemy is likely to find them. This is a race, and we must race against time."

"Command down."

Housman pinched out his cigar: "The attack has begun, and the city of black gold must be taken tonight!"

Da da da--

The army launched a charge and launched a fierce attack on the city of black gold.

dong dong dong-

The alarm bell in the city of black gold was sounded, and the high-power magic lamp used in war rose into the sky, illuminating the night like day.

"Your Majesty, miss, everything is as your lord expected, they are here."

Yiluo carefully reported to Shia that in fact he didn't know what expression to use to face Shia, because strictly speaking he was a traitor to the dynasty, and Shia was once his king in name, but let It was Veigar again that he betrayed the dynasty.

This is a fight between husband and wife, and others suffer.

Now he is not considered human anyway, even if he is being made difficult, he dare not say anything, which also makes Yiluo lament that it is hard for a minister to do anything.

Soshia is not a bad character.

She smiled at Yiluo and said: "Master Yiluo, please don't be restrained, let the past go, now I am Vega's wife, you are his subject, we have no conflicts, but we should unite Unanimously working hard for his great cause."

After speaking, Shia turned and rushed to the front.

Yi Luo let out a long breath and followed closely behind.

This is a war of 20 versus 35.

Although the empire has an advantage in quantity and quality.

However, the Jialan Empire refused to defend the city, coupled with Vega's advance notice, and with advance preparations, the defense lines were intertwined and airtight, occupying the absolute advantage of the defenders.The Housman side came from a long distance in pursuit of speed, and now they are exhausted, so it can be seen that even if Shia didn't make a move, the imperial army was in decline.

"Oh, it's not my fault, it's Foster who wants to mislead me!"

Housman looked at the unable to advance front and the soldiers dying miserably, without any panic. He was more like a prudent gamer, who would feel joy for victory, and could calmly accept defeat and...death.

A loud noise, this is the arrival of the star magic.

With just one blow, the vanguard was flattened, and the soldiers behind were afraid to move forward for a while.

After the star magic flattened the imperial vanguard, the ambushes who had been ambushing for a long time began to encircle from behind.

It was this star magic and the ambushes behind that directly made Housman completely lose his confidence in winning.

Housman understands very well that there is no chance of a comeback.

From the strength of the enemy's defense, it can be seen that Foster did not launch an attack at all. The enemy is fully prepared, waiting for him to come and throw the net.

What else can I say at this moment?
If Foster attacked the West Bank, the victory probably already belonged to him.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world. It was not until now that Housman realized that he thought too highly of Foster, and the person who really understood Foster was not him, but Vega Saint Laurent.

It is indeed ridiculous.

He Housman was not defeated by the enemy, but by his teammates.

Hausmann Christian's sharp eyes turned back to cloudy, and he turned his head to look at the adjutant: "Order the whole army, surrender, we have no chance."

 Happy 2019 everyone!Unexpectedly, a year has passed in a blink of an eye... In the new year, I found that everyone in the circle of friends is setting up a flag, so I also decided to set up a flag today-this year... um, forget it, cross it out , this month will never stop updating!

(End of this chapter)

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