Mage Veja

Chapter 698 Unscrupulous

Chapter 698 Unscrupulous
Surrender without a fight.

He even helped the enemy to attack his own country.

This kind of thing is unforgivable in the empire.

Logically speaking, as a major general, it is absolutely impossible to do this kind of behavior, but with the commander-in-chief Hausmann leading by example, Voscolo Darney found such an excuse for himself.

Although the empire's brainwashing of low-level soldiers is very thorough.

But generals who have access to the secrets of the empire are of course unlikely to be like ordinary soldiers, who would not dare to surrender to the enemy even if they died in battle before receiving an order to surrender.

Altitude determines attitude.

The makers of the rules, of course, cannot restrain the makers, only the bottom layer can be restrained.

This also made Voscoro Darney's instigation easier.

As long as he does his job well as a high-level officer, the soldiers below will naturally follow the lead of the officer.

And in order to gain the trust of Veigar.

He took the initiative to take the Red Leaf Fortress and gave it to Vega.

So there was such a scene, Vega won the city of Xielantu, 20 surrendered troops, a secondary strategic point in the central region, and successfully pushed the battle line to the central region without a single soldier. a great sense of crisis.

"The Jialan Empire will not treat noble officials badly."

"The honorable officials have made great contributions to this battle, but what reward do you want?"

Veigar looked at this major general who he thought was well-behaved and had no personality at all with admiring eyes.

The behavior of this major general reminded him of himself a few years ago. At that time, he was betrayed by the empire, and he was thrown on the east bank to be responsible for blocking some kingdom army. The matter has reached the point where it is today.

Now the empire has abandoned another major general.

And this major general dared to disregard the assassination of the judicial system and raised his courage to resist, so he believed that he had considerable plasticity.Veigar identified it as a living being, not a soulless puppet of the Empire.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Voscoro Darne saluted solemnly: "I heard that General Hausmann has pledged his allegiance to your country? Therefore, I have no other requirements. I just want to continue to serve under General Hausmann, and I ask the general to agree. "

In fact, Voscoro Darnay was far from being so calm on the surface.

He is full of uneasiness about the future, and in the Jialan Empire, the only person he is familiar with is probably the original boss, Hausman, so he desperately wants to get comfort from those who share his illness.

"I understand that when I return to China, I will arrange this matter."

Vega nodded and said, "Apart from this matter, do you have any other requirements? As long as I can, I can promise you everything. What the Nuolan Empire can give you, the Jialan Empire can give you double."

"And one more thing..."

Voscoro Darnay said with some embarrassment: "For the upcoming war, I would like to request the queen. To be honest, I don't know how to face the imperial army psychologically...but please rest assured, I will hurry up Adjusted."

"Of course there is no problem, I can understand."

Vega said with a smile: "Then please ask your army to assist the 3rd Division Commander of our department, and the 3rd and 7th Divisions to guard Xie Lantu City. Now I need to continue to advance the front with the main force towards the Red Leaf Fortress, responding to the rebel leader Ke Verdale."

"Please don't worry, my lord."

Voscolo was not dissatisfied with Vega's deployment of two troops to help defend Xelantu. He had just surrendered, so it was only natural that he distrusted him. Loyalty took time to prove.

Farewell to Voscolo Darnay.

After resting for a few days, Veigar officially entered the Red Leaf Fortress.

Although the Red Leaf Fortress is a secondary strategic point, as the entrance to the central part, it is actually a very important place.

This place has little impact on the central region as a whole, but it can sound the alarm for the empire, forcing them to abandon the east coast of the Jialan Empire as soon as possible.

And at this time in the imperial capital, everyone did reach an agreement——

Use the former dynasty's east coast as a price to stop Veigar from attacking and withdraw from the eastern part of the empire.

Although this is detrimental to the dignity and glory of the empire.

But even the act of apologizing to the people is ready, what dignity and glory does the empire have?

All the high-level people present understand that the empire has been pushed to the brink of extinction this time. In this case, glory and dignity must stand aside. If victory can be won by any means and all means, then it must be used .

So in the next few days.

The empire first sent envoys to make a deal with Veigar, but they did not rush to issue a decree to appease the civilians. They just secretly mobilized a large number of troops to press in the direction of the northwest rebel army.

This was clearly a premeditation.

But this time the premeditated plan was not against Veigar, but against the rebels.

The head of the empire ordered to several generals: "Everyone, Vega Saint Laurent will definitely withdraw his troops next. When he returns to the country, we will issue a decree to win the hearts of the people. At that time, we must give the decree as quickly as possible. And the fatal blow of the rebel army, whose morale was shaken, completely destroyed the determination of the rebel soldiers to rebel."

"Your Majesty understands."

Everyone spoke in unison.

The head of state nodded solemnly: "The rebel army has always colluded with Vega Saint Laurent, and Vega Saint Laurent has no integrity. If the time is too long, Vega Saint Laurent who returns to the country is likely to make a comeback. Once we have to be fast."

"Your Excellency, you don't have to worry about this."

The Minister of Intelligence responded: "Once the Jialan Empire takes back the east bank, I am afraid that it will not have the energy to march towards us in a short time. I have received definite information from the judicial system. This time, the Jialan Empire's expedition has almost exhausted all the wars on the west bank. reserve, they will no longer have the ability to attack us, at least we have a year to breathe."

"That's really good news."

The head of state nodded: "But you need to know that the Jialan Empire needs to recuperate, and the empire that is now riddled with holes also needs to recuperate, so please make a quick decision."

"For victory!"

Everyone stood up and saluted. This time, the empire has made up its mind to abandon dignity, honor, and responsibility... This series of burdens, and then for victory--do whatever it takes.

The Rebels' Coverdale didn't know this.

The only news he got now is that Vega stepped into the middle of the country before him, and the empire was forced to send an envoy to ask Vega Saint Laurent to retreat. He didn't realize that the empire had secretly mobilized troops to move closer to them.

So he didn't have much to worry about.

Because he always believes that in a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for the proud and powerful empire to put down its dignity and win the hearts of the people. As long as the empire does not promulgate a appeasement policy for a day, with this shareholder spirit and the support of the western countries, it is impossible for him to fall from the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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