Mage Veja

Chapter 70 Easy Victory

Chapter 70 Easy Victory
hazy sky.

Howling wind.

A group of people from the 5th Battalion headed towards the Kingdom Army sentry tower k97 when the sky was getting dark.

This is the first mission objective.

Originally, according to the plan, the attack could be postponed until the next day, but the speed of the soldiers was so high that the night would be long and full of dreams. The 5th Battalion Commander Ronce finally made a decision and directly launched the attack on the first target.

Lalba's company took the vanguard.

More than 200 of Ziglin's subordinates served as the central army, while Vega's company was only responsible for flank defense. The protagonist of this battle was not Vega's 232 company, but two companies of the 5th Battalion with a total of 400 soldiers.

Da da da--

This troop marched towards the sentry tower at a fairly neat pace, but when it was more than [-] meters away from the sentry tower, it was already discovered by the people of the United Kingdom, because the Royal Army also had some patrol teams.

The Imperial Army did not stop.

Even though the soldiers were out of breath, Ron ordered to speed up the march.

The sentry tower is already in sight.

According to the usual level of martial law, I am afraid that seeing the guerrilla troops of the Imperial Army with more than 500 people will immediately avoid the front, but there is no such thing today. What is visible to the naked eye is that the Royal Army has lined up to meet the enemy.

The golden lion banner of the kingdom fluttered in the wind.

Blocking the only way is a United Kingdom army. There are about 200 of them, less than half of the guerrilla army, but they wear standard combat uniforms and hold fine steel spears that can only be held by the backbone of the Royal Army. .

Regardless of the equipment on the body.

Just from the essence, spirit, and spirit of the opponent's troops, it can be seen that this is a strong backbone force, even an elite force. Compared with this unit, the combat effectiveness of all the soldiers of the 5th Battalion is as high as the sky and the ground.

Except for the soldier factor.

Standing at the head of the row was a young lieutenant wearing a Royal Army uniform with a saber on his waist. There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, as if mocking the Imperial Army's overreach.

The two armies stopped and faced each other from a distance.

Veigar took this opportunity to look up and down at the lieutenant of the Royal Army.

Four eyes facing each other.

Veigar was startled, he found that he couldn't see the strength of the Royal Army officer in front of him at all.

You know, he is a level 4 apprentice. With his current strength, if he can't see the reality of the opponent, then he can be sure that the opponent has at least the strength of a level 5 apprentice.

This battle is more or less ominous.

Veigar did not expect to be so lucky that he would encounter such a powerful garrison as soon as he came up.

He set his sights on the 5th battalion commander and the two company commanders.

At this time, any officer with a little intelligence would give the order to retreat.

After all, professionals are occupations that require close combat. As long as the entire imperial army retreats, even if some soldiers will be lost, as officers, they will definitely not suffer any harm.

Even for a level 5 trainee professional, it is not easy to take the head of a general in a chaotic army.

But the order of the 5th Battalion Commander exceeded his expectations.

The messenger stood on a high place and sounded the horn of attack.

The order attack, not to retreat?

The whole army launched an attack on the more than 200 troops of the Kingdom Army. Although they had an advantage in numbers, the Imperial Army traveled through mountains and rivers, and the backbone of the Kingdom Army waited for work. Even a fool could understand which one was stronger and which was weaker.

Is the brain of the person who issued this order flooded?
This is no longer as simple as entering the water. Veigar even suspects that the commander of the 5th Battalion is a spy of the Royal Army, otherwise how could he issue such a death order.

Veija took three steps and took two steps to come to the 5th Battalion Commander.

Holding the dagger in his hand, he couldn't help asking angrily, "Commander Ronce, I need an explanation."

"Explanation? What explanation."

Ronce's eyes were a little confused, and the two company commanders next to him looked at Veigar with puzzled eyes. They didn't understand why Veigar lost his temper so much, and there was something wrong with the order to attack.

"Don't you see clearly the strength of the Kingdom Army?"

Veigar pointed at the two armies that were about to collide: "These are the backbone troops, the leading officers, and even level 5 trainees. This April Fool's Day joke-like attack order is purely suicidal!"

"Second Lieutenant Veigar, please stay calm."

5th Battalion Commander Ronce smiled and said: "We have a lot of experience in fighting the Royal Army. Although we were also surprised that the first target hit the backbone of the Royal Army, and there was even a level 5 trainee professional among them, but this It doesn't matter, you just need to wait for the good news."

Where does the confidence come from?
Veigar really wanted to use the dagger in his hand to pry Ronce's head open to see how such a person became an officer of a battalion-level unit. Doesn't the personnel department of the 2nd Brigade not check the selection of officers?
Talking is useless.

Veigar has secretly raised his vigilance. Once an irreversible situation occurs, he will immediately order a retreat and take the lead in escaping. As for whether his subordinates can follow along and escape, they can only resign themselves to fate.

But he wasn't worried that his life was in danger.

Because the two armies were at war, if they wanted to escape, it would be very difficult for the opponent to kill them even if they had level 5 trainees.

Professionals are not magicians.

They just greatly enhanced their attack power and defense because of their magic power, and they haven't transcended the human category like a magician. If he bumped into a magician, there is no need to run away.

kill kill kill.

The imperial army crashed into the iron wall of the imperial army like a torrent of broken dikes.


Like the waves stirred up by the tide, the intersecting sound of ironware became the only melody between heaven and earth.

Every soldier forgot about fatigue, and only had bloodlust in their eyes, because if they wanted to survive, they had to kill all the enemies and win the battle.

According to Vega.

This will be an extremely tragic battle.

Therefore, he locked his eyes on the level 5 trainee professional, watching his every move all the time, as soon as the opponent reached the warning distance, he would immediately turn around and retreat.

Although the behavior of disobedience to the commander's order will inevitably be exposed afterwards, but compared with life, the military regulations and honor of the empire are worthless, and he has no interest in sacrificing his life for the empire.

What's more, his Imperial Wings are enough to avoid this crime, at most his evaluation in the army has declined.

That's what Vega originally thought.

However, the development of things was beyond his expectation.

I thought that the extremely tragic war hadn't happened, and it hadn't even entered the heat. The Royal Army actually blew the horn to retreat at this time, and the level 5 trainee professional also retreated with the army.

Why is that?
Veigar's brain crashed. If the command of the 5th Battalion Commander has broken through the limit of stupidity, then it seems that the IQ of the commander of the Royal Army has probably broken through the lower limit of human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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