Mage Veja

Chapter 705: A Dishes of Sand

Chapter 705

Tully City, Holy Dragon Command.

Because the commander-in-chief Palitzer was taken away by Vega, the high-level meeting was held immediately.

The meeting is chaired by one of the three deputy regimental commanders.

The deputy head of the army named Alivis said with a stern expression: "Although Master Palitzer gave me the order to stand still and wait for his return before he left, this matter has now spread throughout the army. Our morale has been greatly affected, and it has intensified over time. So I called this meeting to think about the solutions you are looking for and to come to a unified opinion."

Because Vega came out of nowhere.

Therefore, Vega's letter of war and the scene where Palitzer was taken away in embarrassment can no longer be concealed.

The morale of the entire army is now at rock bottom.

It is impossible to stop the source by means of public opinion control. The worst thing is that if the situation is allowed to develop, it is very likely that Veigar's army will directly collapse once it attacks.

So a group of high-level leaders came together to come up with a way to solve this strategy.

There are always more solutions than problems.

A staff officer made an opinion: "The country cannot be without a leader for a day, and the army cannot be without a general for a day. I think this matter must be urgently reported to Mr. Augustus, Saya City, and let him appoint a new commander for us. officer, or give us direct orders."

"Second." "Second." "Second."

Several officers nodded in agreement with this opinion.

But at this time, Alivis, the deputy head of the army, said again: "Don't forget the order of Lord Palitzer to stand by for orders before. When the time comes, Lord Palitzer will really come back and see what the other commander said... Hehe, you guys Be prepared to take responsibility."


Several people changed their expressions.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and it is easy to send another commander from above. It is okay to say that Palits can’t come back. If they come back, whose orders should they obey at that time, and let Palits know that they made this decision. Palitzer's character and status will inevitably not spare the initiators of them.

Then things became very clear.

This suggestion obviously cannot be used, and even the commander of the Augustus Army in the main force has to be kept secret.

"Since we can't explain the situation to our superiors, I think it's better for us to elect a temporary commander?"

This new proposal has been approved by most people. As long as a new interim commander is elected, it will be able to cope with the absence of Palitzer. When Palitzer comes back, he will return the power to him. If he does not come back Otherwise, they would not be like headless chickens, not even knowing whether to fight or retreat in the face of the enemy's attack.

The suggestion is reasonable though.

But the question now is, who should be elected as this interim commander?

Because there is more than half of the probability that Palitzer will not come back. If anyone serves as the temporary commander at this time, then when the war is over, it is very likely that the temporary character will be removed and Palitzer will take over the position.

Alivis and the three deputy army chiefs looked at each other.

First of all, Alista coughed and said: "The interim commander has a heavy responsibility. I can't hand over such a heavy responsibility to the two of you. I think I will take over the position of Master Palitzer temporarily."

"If your Excellency wants to say that, I will do my part."

Another deputy army commander stood up and began to compete for the position of the temporary commander.

As soon as the voice fell from this side, the other deputy legion leader was not to be outdone: "There is no need to argue between the two, who is superior to me in terms of seniority, and who is superior to me in terms of the time spent following the Palitzer regiment leader? "

"Whoever is more experienced in this matter can do it?"

"That's right, the position of interim commander has a lot to do with how it can be determined by seniority."


Everyone was arguing with each other, and gradually forgot that the original intention of holding this meeting was to appease the morale of the army and prevent the enemy from attacking suddenly, and fell into the struggle for power and profit.

So in the next few days.

The high-level people are busy fighting for power and profit, and the public opinion at the low-level has intensified. The entire army has become like a mess.

The most frightening thing is that since no one wanted to take the responsibility that Palitzer might blame, no officer reported the situation here to Augustus of the main force.

The day Vega said was getting closer day by day.

And the more this time comes, the struggle for power and profit will be more intense than before, and the speed of public opinion will spread faster.


Along the Donbu River.

Vega and Palitzer have been watching the river here for four days.

To be honest, Veigar was almost sick, but he still insisted on taking Palitzer around and talking about friendship.

In fact, Veigar's purpose is to cause the enemy to fall into chaos because the dragons have no leader. When the time comes, using Shia's thunderous blow will definitely scare the enemy away and take Tuli City, while further shaping his invincible image.

At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, Veigar intends to further bluff.

Because the general strategy of the Jialan Empire is bluffing.

Enemies who can be scared away will never engage in any frontal battle with the enemy. The Jialan Empire at this stage really does not have the capital to conduct large-scale and long-term wars with forces such as the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the Empire.

This is also the reason why Veigar is going to fight again, and is holding on to Palitzer to intimidate the enemy.

If he didn't guess wrong, the enemy army is probably in chaos now because the dragons have no leader, and his goal has been achieved.

That said, the time has finally come.

Vega said to Palitzer: "Your Excellency, Legion Commander, I have been very happy with you for the past four days. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the five-day deadline we agreed on. Although I am also very reluctant, each is in charge. Our short-lived friendship is probably coming to an end. I won’t say any extra words, let me hold a banquet for you tomorrow night to practice.”

"Your Excellency is really willing to let me go back?"

Palitzer almost thought he heard it wrong. Recently, he was forced by Vega to stay by the Dunbu River for so many days, and he was already desperate about going back.Think about it in another way, if he catches Vega, can he let him go back?I'm afraid he has been chopped into pieces long ago, so it is unbelievable that he has not been killed yet, and now he is going to be released?

As for Veigar's friendship?
No matter how stupid he is, he will not believe the enemy's nonsense.

Is there any conspiracy in this?

After thinking about it, Palitzer didn't understand the key point. Anyway, the initiative is not in his hands. Vega wants to hold a banquet for him to practice. In the end, he can only choose to let it go, because he has no room to resist.

the next day.

Vega brought Palitzer back to the barracks and held a practical banquet.

The scale of the banquet was neither too big nor too small, and Veigar invited half of the senior military officers.

(End of this chapter)

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