Mage Veja

Chapter 708

Chapter 708
Jia blue army garrison.

In the banquet hall, Veigar sipped the juice while listening to the soldier's report.

"Report to the general."

The captain of the third team reported: "The officer has followed your instructions to lure the prisoner to the pre-arranged route in the northwest direction. Judging from the current time, the fugitive probably has almost escaped from the station."

"Third Captain, you have worked hard."

Veija stood up, poured a glass of red wine and handed it to the third captain: "Go and tell the others, don't stop the search, you have to do a full set of performances, everyone will work hard tonight and stay up until dawn."

"Yes, Commander."

The three captains left the banquet hall and conveyed Vega's order.

And Vega had a smug smile on his face.

It was indeed a cat-and-mouse farce, Veigar was the cat and Palitzer was obviously the poor mouse.

He thought that he had already escaped Vega's control when he fled from the banquet hall, but he didn't know that everything was under Vega's surveillance.

It's actually easy to understand when you think about it.

This is Vega's territory, and the military camp is full of word-spirit mages and shadow mages. Under such a dense monitoring network, the word-spirit mages are united and can even observe every corner of the huge military camp. How can a Palitzer escape.

need to know.

Veigar's purpose now is to bluff, to put on an invincible coat as much as possible.

Although the enemy's main general has been captured and the enemy's morale has been hit, Vega believes that this alone is not enough to make the enemy think that he is really an invincible existence. He also tried to test whether he had the idea of ​​a divine mage.

According to the art of war, if you want to get caught, you will play hard.

Therefore, Vega decided to let Palitzer go, and let Palitzer convince Augustus that there were indeed divine mages here.

As an enemy, did Palitzer jump back to help him?

The answer must be no.

But in Vega's view, if you want Palitzer to help you, you don't need to make him surrender, and you don't need to use threats. You just need to use some simple methods to deceive his eyes, and he will be convinced of it. Doubt, which in turn affects the entire Holy Dragon Kingdom.

Because there is a saying that seeing is believing!
Veigar yawned and said: "Calculate the time, now Palitzer has probably seen the scene that I have worked so hard to prepare for him for four days, don't let me down, this is my first time. Second time as a director."

Palitzer certainly did not disappoint Vega.

After he climbed over the first hill, he was frightened and froze there for a long time.

He was shocked by the scene in front of him speechless.

Of course, this is not to say that when he met a divine mage, he was too frightened to move half a step. On the contrary, he did not meet a divine mage, nor even saw him. In the conversation between the two soldiers.

Regarding whether there is a divine mage.

Palitzer believed some of those conversations, but not all of them.However, at this moment, he was convinced of the fact that there were divine mages in the Jialan Army. If anyone dared to deny him, he had to 'wipe' the other party's eyes.

Because ah-

In front of him were the relics after the magic of the god position was released.

It wasn't until he climbed to the top of this hill and looked from here that the peaks in front of him were out of shape. Some had a big hole in the middle, some lacked the right side, and some lacked the left side.

This is a cylindrical void with an incalculable diameter and incalculable length. The void extends into the endless darkness with no end in sight.

Why did it become like this?
It's as if, there is a magician standing where he is standing now, releasing a magic that will destroy the world, but any existence that stands in front of this magic, whether it is a mountain or a cloud, will evaporate from the world in an instant .

"God, god mage..."

"God, god position magic..."

At this moment, Palitzer's brain once again recalled the previous conversation between the two soldiers.

The two soldiers once said that this is the training place for the divine mage, and recently the divine mage is practicing a new type of magic, and this magic practice has encountered a bottleneck.

In other words.

The scene of landslides and ground cracks in front of him was caused by that divine mage practicing magic?
"What, what a joke."

Palitzer's lips were a little blue. Judging from the scene in front of him, even if the divine magic had not been practiced yet, the destructive power alone would be enough for the divine mage to flatten the entire Tully City, allowing them to destroy it in a second. The flying ashes in the clock annihilated.

"What did you say that this is the Dharma-ending era?"

"What do you say that a divine mage only has one auxiliary magic?"

"Liars, all liars, Augustus wants me to die."


Palitzer was frightened to the extreme, he was suddenly grateful to be captured by Vega, and saw the scene in front of him again, otherwise, if Vega's army arrived two days later, he might be evaporated before he could react .

Until this moment, he didn't know why Vega ignored him so much.

He even caught him as a monkey and fooled him for five days before preparing to kill him, without worrying about nights and dreams.

Now it seems that it's not that he doesn't pay attention to this war, but that he has the existence of a god-level mage, so that he can enjoy the war unscrupulously. If his army has such a terrible existence, he might do better than Vega. excessive.

The more I think about it, the more I am afraid.

Palitzer ran in the direction of Tully City desperately.

He must retreat the whole army immediately and tell Augustus the situation here.

To be able to possess this kind of destructive power, there is absolutely no other possibility except for the earth-shattering existence of a divine mage.

Moreover, this god-level mage is not only one kind of god-level magic as rumored by the outside world. In addition to controlling a kind of buff-assisted war magic, he also controls another kind of range-shaped war magic with amazing destructive power.

This magical blow—

It can make half a large city evaporate!

The magic power has been exhausted, and the sky has turned navel white.

Palitzer finally reached the gate of Tully City before his strength was exhausted.

"Master Legion Leader? It's Lord Legion Leader!"

A sharp-eyed soldier immediately shouted loudly: "The leader of the legion is back, open the city gate quickly."

The heavy city gate was opened.

Palitzer snatched the water bottle pinned to the soldier's waist and drank it in big gulps.

After finishing the drink, he stared at the soldiers viciously and said, "Quick! Inform all senior officers that I will hold a military meeting immediately. No matter what they are doing now, I want them to arrive in the meeting room within 10 minutes."

"Yes, Commander."

Palitzer watched the soldiers go away, then raised his head to look at the familiar Tully City, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He is back.

He finally came back alive with the most important information.

(End of this chapter)

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