Mage Veja

Chapter 721 Sit back and enjoy the success?

Chapter 721 Sit back and enjoy the success?

Imperial Army, Command.

Foster's camp was placed about 200 miles away from the city of war. In Foster's view, this distance is neither far nor close. Whether it is to prevent the rebels from jumping over the wall or to engage in a frontal battle, he occupies With absolute initiative.

"Your Excellency, it has been a month, do we have to wait?"

A teacher's tone seemed a little impatient.

It was the first time he worked under Foster's account, and he was not very familiar with Foster's marching style, so he really couldn't understand why he didn't take the initiative to attack the city of war and take it directly when he had an absolute advantage. Victory in this war.

"Please stay calm."

Foster smiled, but did not answer the teacher's question. He turned to the officer in charge of intelligence and said, "Major General, please report to everyone about the current situation in War City."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Admiral."

The major general picked up a stack of documents and said: "The latest information shows that the number of demonstrators in the city of war is increasing day by day. Almost every day, they block the door of the rebel army headquarters, demanding the surrender of the rebel leader Coverdale."

"This group of unscrupulous people really are mothers if they have milk."

"We make a promise casually, give some benefits, and they will believe it, hahaha."

A staff officer sneered: "It's just that what these troublemakers don't know is that the benefits of the empire are not so easy to get. When the war is over, there are these people who are good-looking. At that time, one of them will be counted as one, and none of them will run away. "

The intelligence officer smiled and did not participate in the topic, but continued: "Second, there are more and more deserters from the rebel army, from more than 100 million at the beginning to less than 50 now, and the whole army is demoralized. The officers also forced the leader Coverdale to surrender to us, and Coverdale gradually could not resist the pressure."

"I see."

The division commander who asked Foster a question suddenly realized: "Your Excellency Commander, the reason why you besiege and not attack is that you want the enemy to break through without attacking, and win this war without a single soldier?"

Foster smiled, but still didn't reply.

But the implication couldn't be more obvious. Foster obviously saw through the rebel army's life soon.

At the end of the day.

The rebel army was just on the cusp of the storm, following the public opinion and riding the wind. At that time, as many people as the rebel army died in the war, more civilians would join them in a few days.Now that several policies of the empire have appeased the hearts of the people, losing the support of the common people is equivalent to cutting off the source of a pool of living water and turning it into a pool of stagnant water.

It is true that launching an attack at this time can win, but losses are inevitable.

Therefore, instead of launching an attack, it is better to surround here and wait for the internal collapse of the rebel army, and then win without a fight.

How war should be fought.

If it was that brat, he would definitely use this strategy.

Foster unconsciously compared with Vega.

But it didn't take long for him to be proud, and he remembered the battle on the east bank of Dynasty, which made him bow his head in shame.

The empire has identified that the scene in the video was forged by a high-level mage, that is to say, there is no god-level mage in the Jialan Empire, and everything is the bravado of the little devil, deceiving the entire Jialan Continent around.

"If Housman had been believed at the time..."

Foster clenched his fists: "If you choose to believe, probably that little brat has already been driven into a state of doom by him. I personally gave away the good opportunity. I will apologize to Housman next time and hope he can forgive me. Me, and return to the empire."

"Master Commander?"

"Lord Commander!"

The intelligence officer called twice in a row before he recalled Foster's thoughts.

Seeing that Foster finally came out of his contemplation, he hurriedly continued to report: "In addition to these two pieces of information, the officer actually has a third piece of information about the rebel army."

"Is there any information?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Foster's eyes. He really didn't guess any other information about the rebel army.

The intelligence officer nodded and said: "We have grasped that the rebel army has sent requests for help to the Western Liberty Alliance, Gundy City State, and the Jialan Empire within this month."


The pen in Foster's hand dropped to the floor.

He stared at the intelligence officer, and said nervously, "Has the Jialan Empire made a move?"

"We have not received intelligence that the Jialan Army is moving towards us. In addition, the Western countries did not send troops to aid the rebel army. Instead, they directly suspended the material assistance to the rebel army." The intelligence officer reported truthfully.


Foster let out a long breath. He found that he didn't know when cold sweat broke out on his forehead, which made him a little annoyed: "The Jialan Empire has just ended the war, and the country is full of holes. How could it be possible to help the rebels?" , This time the rebel army is obviously helpless when they ask the Three Kingdoms for help, they are dying, so don't pay attention to them."


The intelligence officer hesitated to speak, but said worriedly: "But there is one doubtful point that the officer can't figure out, that is, the rebel army sent an envoy to ask for help from the Jialan Empire again ten days ago."

Foster's heart pumped again.

He immediately asked: "This time the Jialan Army sent troops to support the rebel army?"

"There is still no movement, it seems that the rebels have been rejected again."

After thinking for a while, the intelligence officer replied: "But the envoy brought back about fifteen people from the Jialan Empire. Since these fifteen people are all wearing cloaks and masks, we have no way of knowing their identities."

"Fifteen people?"

Foster frowned: "It is now known that there are no divine mages in the Jialan Empire, and the only star mage, Sia Saint Laurent, has recently appeared frequently in the capital Saint Laurent. If this is the case, the fifteen people Even if all of them are high-ranking mages, they will not pose any threat to us, and in terms of the number of high-ranking mages, we can fight for another fifteen high-ranking mages."

tick tick-

Foster thought for a few more minutes. He thought about it, and finally decided that these 15 people were the rebels who had no choice but to use the 15 people to deal with the rebels in the Jialan Empire.

Although this guess is extremely illogical.

But this is the only plausible explanation Foster can think of.

And what can fifteen people do?It's really unnecessary to bother with such things.

So Foster said to the crowd: "I don't think there is any need to pay attention to this matter. Since you all know the latest information, then please wait patiently for the arrival of victory, and don't mention any more offensive things. .”

"Your Majesty understands."

Everyone immediately nodded yes, and began to wait optimistically for the victory according to Foster's order.

And the decision of the Imperial Army is exactly in the arms of Veigar.

To fight against the outside world, one must first secure the interior. This is an eternal truth. Vega needs time to settle the interior now.

(End of this chapter)

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