Mage Veja

Chapter 73 Agree

Chapter 73 Agree

The burning bonfire sparked bursts of sparks.

The three of the 5th Battalion and Veigar had a meeting around the fire.

Before the meeting was halfway through, Ronce proposed to change the plan.

The content of the opinion is to reactivate the last two mission goals determined by the principle of proximity. These two goals were once strongly opposed by Veigar, and they had a strong voice to forcibly change the established plan.

Originally, according to Ronce's position, this kind of matter could be decided directly.

But his right to speak is not as good as that of Vega, so he can only raise it again at the meeting in the form of seeking opinions.

But this is also due to Ronce's personality.

He is not a dictatorial officer. Due to his cowardly personality and the fact that he is an ordinary person, no matter whether it is a big or small matter, he likes to put forward his opinions first and discuss with his subordinates before making a decision.

But don't underestimate Ronce because of this.

Serving as a low-level officer in the cannon fodder regiment as an ordinary person is a challenge, but he has been able to convince his professional subordinates for several years, which can indirectly reflect his management ability.

When managing his subordinates, he mostly adopts a soft and balanced approach.

Ronce especially likes to use established facts to prove his point of view, just as Veigar strongly opposed his plan at the beginning, and he even had to approve the change plan.However, in the ensuing official mission, he proved with countless facts that all his orders were correct.

And so it is.

In the past few days, Ronce seemed to be possessed by the god of war, and even the most absurd orders were reflected in reality.Like a prophet, he turned war into art, and at the same time told Vega with facts, please obey his orders.


Veigar did face up to this officer who was always hiding at the end of the battle, but there was no wrong order in his orders. Should such a timid and cowardly officer be followed?
If it was placed in the past, Veigar must have vetoed it.

But today is different. Veigar found that those almost comical orders were unexpectedly effective. Perhaps in guerrilla missions on the front line, he should really listen to the opinions of some experienced officers.

Veigar really doesn't trust anyone, but he is not the kind of person who is so stubborn that he can't listen to any opinions. As long as they are reasonable and feasible, he is still very willing to adopt them.

the most important is.

Veigar found that he gradually got used to Ronce's seemingly insane but very effective orders.

Faced with this new proposal, Veigar hesitated.

Should he continue to go his own way, or should he follow Ronce's original plan?

"Second Lieutenant Veigar?"

Ronce said solemnly: "Please believe me, I guarantee with more than 10 years of military career that there is absolutely no risk in this plan. After all, our ultimate goal is the same, and I will not risk my life. joke."

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Veigar stretched out his right hand towards Ronce: "From now on, I will rely on your Excellency the Battalion Commander."

"It's a pleasure to work with." Ronce's eyes flashed a smugness, and at the same time he stretched out his right hand and held it with Vega.

End of the meeting.

After a week of hard work, he regained the right to speak.

The great sense of accomplishment made Ronce a little elated. He once again convinced a professional officer with his flawless decision-making, and the other party was also a lower-ranking officer of the backbone army, a holder of the Wings of the Empire and the Iron Cross.

That's how he manages.

Although due to the limitations of his own strength, he cannot be feared and awe-inspiring, but in the face of the established facts and time, anyone will willingly obey his orders because of his unerring decisions.This is why there are more than 5 professional officers in the 5th Battalion, but the only voice in the battalion is Ronce.


the next day.

The guerrillas set out for the fourth objective.

The fourth destination is the outpost h91 that Ronce decided on. He is only one day away from the last outpost that was destroyed. If he marches quickly, he can reach it in about 8 hours.

Originally, Veigar did not agree with choosing this place.

Because according to the law of destruction of the first three outposts, the enemy has at least a 30.00% chance of guessing that they chose this place. If the Royal Army sets up an ambush here, the consequences will be disastrous.

Da da da--

The imperial army marched towards the watchtower with neat steps.

About ten minutes later, the general outline of the enemy sentry tower can already be seen at the current position.

Veigar drew out the dagger in his hand. He looked in all directions and listened to all directions. Although he had agreed to Ronce's plan, it did not mean that Vega had lost his basic vigilance.

opposite of this.

His vigilance has been raised to an unprecedented level.

It was inevitable that Vega would not be nervous. Once he was made dumplings by the Royal Army, then he should not run away. It is a matter of life, no matter how vigilant he is, it is not an exaggeration.


It is less than a kilometer away from the sentry tower.

There were no ambushes, no traps, and even the blocking of the garrison troops did not appear, and the entire sentry tower seemed as quiet as a ghost town.

Unlike Veigar's vigilance.

Everyone in the 5th Battalion strode forward without any vigilance.

In a blink of an eye, everyone came to the sentry tower, and more than 500 people directly surrounded the sentry tower.

A private took the lead and broke open the gate of the watchtower.

It can already be seen that, except for the supplies that were too late to remove, the interior of the watchtower has long been empty.


Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance, a sound came from a closed room in the watchtower.


Veigar yelled sharply, and Battalion Commander Ronce immediately hid behind Lalba and Zigrein, and everyone stared nervously at the room covered by the thin wooden door.


The answer to everyone's expectations was the sharp sound of something falling to the ground, and the echo was some kind of iron.

Could it be that the people inside were frightened by Veigar's yell and bumped into a certain decoration, which made the noise again?

Whether it was or not, Veigar didn't hesitate.

He moved towards the door at the first moment, making hand gestures along the way, and two soldiers from Company 232 immediately walked towards the door, suppressing the sound of their footsteps to the extreme, without making a sound.

1, 2, 3.

The two soldiers looked at each other, gestured, and then rushed towards the wooden door at the same time.


The thin wooden door couldn't withstand the impact of two big men, but it shattered badly with just a slight bump.


Vega took the lead, and everyone crowded into the room.

At this time, including the 5th Battalion Commander Roens, they finally saw the situation inside the gate clearly at this time.

But the real situation inside the door immediately made them dumbfounded.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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