Mage Veja

Chapter 730 "Heretical"

Chapter 730 "Heretical"

The night when the Imperial Army was repelled.

From Vega's observation, what was visible to the naked eye was that the atmosphere in the entire city of war began to become serious.

This is also of course.

No matter for the rebel army or the civilians in the city of war, the empire is undoubtedly a giant existence. Now that the giant is starting to exert its strength, they of course become nervous.

In the barracks of the rebel army.

Coverdale hurriedly convened a meeting, trying to analyze the purpose of the imperial army's attack.

"In my opinion."

An officer said categorically: "In this test battle, the imperial army just wants to test our morale and the overall state of the whole army, and there is no special intention."

"I agree with that point of view."

The staff officer nodded towards Coverdale and said: "It's just a trial battle. I think there is no need to make a fuss. We just need to let the soldiers be more vigilant and stick to the line of defense."


An officer at the end said: "Instead of caring about this insignificant temptation of the empire, we should pay more attention to the recruitment and training of recruits. This work has always been carried out by Commander Willinger, and now he is dead. ..."


The topic of the meeting gradually changed direction from the tentative battle at the beginning.

Vega and Housman sat opposite each other in the cubicle: "Your Majesty Housman, in your opinion, is Foster's trial battle really as simple as trying to find out the situation of the rebel army? "

"Foster wouldn't do such a boring thing."

Hausman shook his head and concluded: "This test battle is not to test the rebels at all. He just wants to make the atmosphere in the city of war dignified and depressing. Once caught in a tense atmosphere, ignorant civilians will always He is easily influenced by others, he just wants to take the opportunity to regain the public opinion in the city of war, and let the rebel army fall into a passive position, why should your majesty ask this knowingly?"

"Then does your Excellency think Foster can succeed?"

"Is Your Majesty questioning your own strategy?"

Hausman didn't even open his squinted eyes: "In this world, in terms of the degree of control over the hearts of the people, I am afraid no one can compare with you. If Foster knows that you are in the city of war, probably... ...No, I will definitely not do such a meaningless move.”

"Hahaha, Your Excellency is absurd."

Veigar said a word modestly, but in fact he also has considerable self-confidence.

Because Veigar has planted a "crisis concept" in the minds of the civilians in the city, this concept makes them dare not believe any other truth or falsehood, even if the evidence and truth are put in front of them, they will not believe it. Never waver.

And the fact is just as Hausmann and Vega said.

After confirming that the tentative battle had tensed the atmosphere in War City, Foster signaled to the intelligence officers that they could begin their strategy of regaining public opinion.As long as the public opinion in the city is regained, it is tantamount to choking the lifeline of the rebel army. Combined with the method of frontal warfare, the rebel army can be defeated directly with almost no effort.

That night.

A large number of spies have infiltrated the city.

2/3 of them were killed on the spot by the patrolling guards, but 1/3 successfully blended in, and finally merged with the surviving intelligence organizations in the city, and with the help of the intelligence organizations, they began to spread rumors the next day.

No, it shouldn't be called spreading rumors.

Because everything the imperial army said was the truth, they not only brought the most direct evidence, but also brought back the original deserters from the city of war as witnesses, allowing them to directly prove that the empire did not lie, but really pardoned treason crimes, and provided war subsidies to the economically disadvantaged, and even provided employment opportunities.

"Uncle, please trust me!"

A young man excitedly said to his uncle who was about to join the rebel army: "The empire really did not lie. They have fulfilled their promise. They not only pardoned my crimes, but also gave me financial subsidies and provided me with a job in the army. factory work."

"Lai Bo, you don't have to lie anymore."

The uncle patted Lai Bo's shoulder and said, "This is the territory of the leader. The power of the imperial army can't radiate here yet. Tell the truth boldly, and we won't blame you."

The relatives headed by the uncle looked at Lai Bo with sympathetic eyes.

In their minds, Lai Bo must have been threatened or bewitched by the Imperial Army before he said such a thing. As relatives, they are obliged to bring him back and not let him continue to sink.

"Trust me, I didn't lie to you."

Lai Bo tried his best to explain: "I am not an exception. Everyone who surrendered has been pardoned by the empire..."

An old man couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped forward and slapped him: "Laibo, how long are you still confused, the imperial army is deceiving you, and then let you come back to influence us, and then let the whole city Self-defeating! We have been deceived once and almost caused a catastrophe. If you still dare to say these words, I will kill you!"

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

Lai Bo opened his eyes wide, looking at his relatives in disbelief.

When did these people he had known since he was a child become so strange?Or is it really him who is confused, and everything he sees is an illusion created by the imperial army?

Lai Bo began to doubt himself.

Most of the 'witnesses' who returned to the city with Laibo received the same treatment.

Even if they put the evidence in front of their relatives, no one would believe it. Instead, the relatives despise them as someone who has experienced it. These evidences are all fake. You were bewitched by the Imperial Army, and the Imperial Army just used you .

I have to mention that Weijia's brainwashing is very thorough.

He is very clear that human beings are stubborn creatures. Even if the choices they make are wrong, they will take it for granted that the evidence is false when others put the evidence in front of them.

And things like truth never obey 'objective facts'.

As long as millions of people agree, no matter how ridiculous a lie is, it can become a 'truth'. Vega, who is a history major, will not forget that because Tsek Dascoli said that the earth is spherical, Giordano Bruno It is a tragedy that the earth is not the center of the universe, and they are all burned to death in the end.

Although history will prove who is right.

But at this time, the truth obviously cannot save those who defend the truth, and the absurd words recognized by millions of people are the most correct and unquestionable truths at this time.

Therefore, Foster's strategy of regaining public opinion is doomed to fail.

The "witnesses" of the empire either doubted themselves, or were considered by their relatives to be hopeless beings who had been brainwashed by the empire, and were directly detained at home without freedom.

As for those spies who stepped forward to guide public opinion, they were not so lucky.

Countless 'heretics' were reported, beaten to death, and burned to death.

(End of this chapter)

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