Mage Veja

Chapter 743

Chapter 743
No matter how good the strategy is.

Think ahead.

If you can't find the right people to do it, then everything is just talk on paper.

Some incompetent people were even able to be self-defeating, and beat a group of kings plus four and two into three, two and one king, and the high-level rebels who lost Coverdale's control obviously existed like this.

Although Veigar and Coverdale have copied the rear of the Imperial Army.

But in the city of war, the imperial army led by Foster launched an operation, preparing to attack the rebel army who did not obey Hausman's order and did not know how to adapt.

Foster himself came to the other side of the Dunk River.

He stood at a high place and looked ahead: "Hausmann, after so many years, you and I have become rivals again after all, this time I will show you my progress over the years, I hope you will not let me down .”


"The battle begins."

When Foster's order was issued, the Imperial Army began to move.

The basic principles of urban warfare have long been understood by Foster. He understands that in order to take the initiative in urban warfare, he must control the three most important points——

Commanding heights, large buildings, traffic arteries.

As long as these three points are firmly held in the hands, the enemy is equivalent to being blindfolded, and they will occupy the perspective of God.

need to know.

The empire's army exceeds 50, and all of them are soldiers with high quality and high execution ability.

Under this premise, if the competition for commanding heights, large buildings, and traffic arteries is launched, the rebel army is not an opponent at all.The reason why the Imperial Army was defeated last time was because the frontline commanders didn't understand these key points and were caught by surprise. Now that Foster was replaced to personally command the battle, the situation would be reversed.

That's why Housman was ready to abandon the first plan.

It's a pity that the high-level rebels insisted on going their own way after tasting the sweetness, so this scene appeared in the temporary frontline headquarters——

"What? All the commanding heights in Area A are lost?"

"Not only Area A, but also the traffic arteries in Area B were occupied, the soldiers could not retreat according to the original route, and the Third Division had been wiped out."

"What's the emergency report from Area C?!"

"Now all the large buildings and air-raid shelters in Area C are occupied. The Imperial Air Force is about to enter the field. Our army can't find a bunker."


Messages spread to the temporary headquarters like snowflakes.

They discovered that the combat method that was effective before has undergone a 180-degree reversal today.

The imperial army no longer ignored the temptation of small units, and went directly to the commanding heights, large buildings, and traffic arteries.

The rebel army was forced to mobilize troops to repeatedly compete for commanding heights, traffic arteries, and large buildings. This was exactly in the hands of the Imperial Army. In chaotic warfare and frontal battles, the excellent quality of the Imperial Army soldiers had an absolute advantage.

This urban battle lasted for three days and three nights.

In the end, the two sides invested countless troops in order to compete for a commanding height and a large building.

For the imperial army, with strategic points such as large buildings, commanding heights, air-raid shelters, and traffic arteries, the rebels will have nowhere to hide, and the main force of the rebels can be completely wiped out when the air force enters the field.

And for the rebels.

Air-raid shelters and large buildings are life-saving places, and commanding heights and traffic arteries are necessary points for counterattacks, but if they lose any point, they have the risk of annihilation of the entire army.

But the gap in strength cannot be made up by determination.

Early morning of the fourth day.

Light rain was pouring down.

Up to this moment, the imperial army has completed the occupation of the commanding heights, large buildings, air-raid shelters, and traffic arteries in the city of war. Now looking down from the commanding heights, the main force of the rebel army has a panoramic view.

"The air force is starting to enter."

Foster issues a brutal order.

The issuance of this order means that the imperial army will begin to massacre the rebel army.

Because when the air defense facilities such as large buildings and air-raid shelters were all captured by the imperial army, as long as they carried out carpet-like magic strikes on various areas, there were only two options left for the rebel army, either to sit and wait for death, or kneel and surrender.

At this time, the officers in the underground headquarters of the rebel army had already panicked.

They prayed to Housman one by one: "General Housman, think of a way, the enemy's air force is about to enter the field, and all our soldiers are exposed to the enemy's sight. If this continues, the entire army will be wiped out." Already."

"Yes, is the strategy of guerrilla warfare still feasible?"

A division commander said nervously: "Now forcefully occupy a few air-raid shelters and let the soldiers mix in with the civilians. If the imperial army doesn't slaughter all the civilians, they will definitely not be able to find our soldiers."


A staff officer immediately retorted: "Before the plan started, we had 30 guerrilla troops who were dismantled and hidden among the civilians who took refuge in the air-raid shelters. If we intervene now, the imperial army can not only easily find out the main force Soldiers, and may even implicate the guerrilla army integrated into the civilian population, who will bear the responsibility for the failure of all plans."

"Do you want to surrender?"

Another division commander said unwillingly: "But once they surrender, the guerrilla army may think that the situation is over, and then choose to protect themselves wisely and not carry out the next guerrilla warfare."

"Can we just watch 30 main players wait to die?"

When the officer said this sentence, surprisingly no one refuted it.

"You contradict me!"

The officer said helplessly: "Aren't you usually arguing fiercely? Why don't you refute me now? I beg you, please refute me a little and let me know that there are other ways?!"

Still no one answered.

Everyone looked at Housman.

But Housman shook his head pretending to be compassionate and said: "Everyone, I am very sorry. It's not that I don't want to save these 30 people, but that I have missed the best time to save people. When Foster personally directed this war , it’s all over.”

"I regret not listening to the general."

Everyone bowed their heads regretfully, but it was too late.

What answered them was a huge sound of magic explosions, which rang back and forth for three days and three nights. When the air force's magic bombing was over, the army's mage group and main force began to enter the field.

On the evening of the fourth day.

Because the headquarters issued an order to fight to the end and not to surrender, the 30 main force of the rebel army declared that the entire army was wiped out.

The only thing that is still in the hands of the rebels is probably this small underground air-raid shelter that was secretly built, and the Imperial Guard regiment with a number of less than [-].Of course, those guerrillas who have been broken into pieces and integrated into civilians are excluded.

This battle was extremely tragic.

A laissez-faire decision by Housman cost 30 people sacrifice in vain.

But he himself didn't realize it, the death of these 30 lives didn't even cause the slightest wave in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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