Mage Veja

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

"All troops retreat!"

Foster gave orders to the entire army.

This order was issued, and the imperial army rushed towards the other side of the Danke River like a tide.

But when they first came to the Tanke Bridge, they heard a buzzing sound, which came from far to near. A huge black shadow covered the sun and cast a huge haze on the entire army.

"It's a war airship! It's a rebel war airship!"

"Air strike! It's an air strike! Get down!"

This voice spread from ten to hundreds, and the marching army lay on the ground in fright.

But Foster pushed aside the guards, came to the front and raised his binoculars to look towards the sky. This look immediately made him die, and his face lost the slightest bit of blood.

How can he be calm and calm.

Foster grabbed the adjutant's collar and said victoriously: "Quick! Send a signal quickly, let the four air forces stop the enemy's war airship formation at any cost, and absolutely not let them get close to the Dunk Bridge. Remember my words! No matter the cost!"

bang bang bang-

The signal flare went up into the air.

The aviation formation that was covering the retreat of the entire army saw the signal from the rear headquarters at first glance.

Four aviation airships immediately formed a phalanx, blocking the rebel army's only way. When the rebel army's airship came into sight, the first round of air battle broke out.

boom boom-

The elements are raging and fireworks are flying.

Above the city of war, the most intense air battle ever broke out.

The rebels marched forward bravely, wanting to break through the defense line and blow up the Danke Bridge regardless of the cost. The Imperial Army knew that the Tanke Bridge was the lifeblood of their retreat. Once it was destroyed, it would take five days to rebuild it, so they also fought to the death.

Neither side has a retreat.

After an hour of anxiety, the imperial army finally wiped out the remaining half of the rebel army's war airship formation after paying 2/3 of the war airship formation. Now the rebel army has no anti-air force. The Imperial Army also held the Dunk Bridge.

This battle report was sent to the rebel army headquarters as soon as possible.

"My lord, the Air Force is completely destroyed. Do you want to start the second plan?"

"Immediately start the second plan, and the imperial army must be dragged in the city for seven days."

Housman seemed not surprised by the annihilation of the Air Force, and immediately ordered the start of the second plan.

Plan No. 20 is not like an appetizer like Plan No. [-], but the next two are the dinner of blood and fire.I saw a branch of troops assembled like ants, laying down multiple lines of defense on the road of the imperial army. There were more than [-] lines of defense ranging from large to small.

"Soldiers, our war has begun, and the time for revenge has come!"

The commander on the first line of defense waved his hand, and the fire mage released the fire mage, directly igniting the houses on both sides. The raging fire hindered the advance of the imperial army.

The fire mages just took a break to defend against the earth mages, and it was their first time to shine.

A series of thick earth walls rose from the flat and open streets, forcibly turning the city of war into a super-large maze with no exits, and all the wind mages in the city gave up supporting the fire mages and all gathered together Begin joint spellcasting.

The wind howled.

Pieces of dense clouds began to gather.

Under the influence of the wind mage, the sunlight disappeared, and the thick fog began to diffuse.

If you look down from a high altitude, the entire city of war has become a real labyrinth.

The imperial army became adventurers trapped in the maze, trying to get out of the city by all means, while the rebel army became monsters in the maze, trying their best to stop the imperial army from advancing. This "maze game" is limited to seven days.

within seven days.

If the imperial army can escape, the imperial army will win, and if the rebel army can stop the imperial army for seven days, the rebel army will usher in the final victory.In addition, the rule-makers of this game are not the Imperial Army, but the Rebel Army.

However, the Imperial Army is obviously not the kind of master who will obey the rules.

Under the order of Foster, the imperial army with many soldiers and generals formed a sharp knife force.

Fire mages, earth mages, and wind mages exerted their strength at the same time. Under the guidance of the word spirit mage, they rampaged in this large maze, killing in a straight line towards the city gate.

The battle lasted for four full days and four nights.

The magnificent and huge city of war has been reduced to ruins under this war.

The raging fire burned the houses, and the long-standing bluestone roads were cracked inch by inch. Blood stained every inch of the land in the city of war. The wailing of the elements and the crying of the soldiers became the main theme of the city.

The guerrilla army has cost more than 20 lives.

The casualties of the imperial army also exceeded [-].

In the end, the imperial army escaped from the city of war at the expense of [-] lives. Today is only the fifth day, and there are still two days before the death line. These two days are enough for them to separate from the rebel army. distance.

So once the imperial army retreats, is this war game the rebel army winning?

Do not!
There are no winners in this war.

Although the rebel army held the city of war and successfully allowed the imperial army to withdraw to the central region, and they might get the next round of funding from the western countries, but they were already injured and lost almost all of their combat effectiveness.


Housman watched the imperial army go away, and heaved a long sigh.

If there were no 30 main troops sacrificed by the high-level rebel army, it would be more than enough to delay for another ten days. At that time, the rebel army will lose its main force, but the empire will be wiped out.

This kind of transaction is the one that is not losing money.

Fortunately, although the imperial army was repelled, in the end, the rebel army, the victor, was the one that lost the most.

Can the rebels really agree with this kind of aggrieved victory?

Look at the rebels.

All the civilians in the city of war rushed out of the air-raid shelter, raising their arms and shouting the word 'victory'.

Housman said to himself dumbfoundingly: "This kind of victory is a humiliation for me as a commander, but for the rebel army, maybe it is really a big victory."

Except for the last loss to Vega.

This is the most embarrassing victory that Housman has ever won in his life.

Although the main responsibility has already been taken by someone, but not being able to keep Foster is his biggest regret in this battle.

With the victory of the rebels, Vegar and Coverdale and others also returned to the city of war a day later.

Like the rebel army in the city, the troops who attacked the rear were just as miserable.

Out of a total of 8000 people, less than [-] high-level armed forces came back alive, and none of the ordinary soldiers.

It can now be seen together.

Compared with the imperial army on the loser side, the loss of the imperial army in this battle was less than 15, which didn't even reach the level of injury.

But in any case, this battle is a happy one.

The imperial army retreated safely, which is what they would like to see.

The rebels beat back the Imperials and won a respite, which is what they wanted to see.

Veigar kept the rebel army, and he could continue to use the rebel army to contain the imperial army, which was what he wanted to see.

Housman proved his loyalty to Vega in this way, which is also what he would like to see most.

So it was indeed a happy ending.

It's just that under the happy ending, there are many bones that no one cares about.

(End of this chapter)

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