Mage Veja

Chapter 750 Strategic Policy

Chapter 750 Strategic Policy
For this battle, Augustus is full of confidence.

The reason is very simple.

Because his goal is not to win this war.

Just as the Holy Dragon King told him, as long as he can use the human army to weaken the strength of the Jialan Empire, so that the Jialan Empire will be severely injured when it wins the overall situation in the east, it will be equivalent to winning the war.

Use the way of the person to treat the person's body.

Using humans to fight against humans is the plan of the Holy Dragon Kingdom this time.

No matter which side is defeated in the end, there is no loss for the sub-dragon species. Therefore, the Holy Dragon Kingdom invested more than 100 million troops in this battle. Except for a few senior officers headed by Augustus, the 100 million troops There is hardly a single species of drake.

Holy Dragon Kingdom, Gacili City.

Augustus came here with an army of 30.

For the first battle, Augustus did not have the idea of ​​investing the entire army. As far as the defender is concerned, it is the most stupid behavior to directly invest all the main force, because you do not know the details of the enemy.

So the first battle, the second war, the third war...

Even more battles can be used to test out the true details of the enemy.

In order to achieve the goal of knowing ourselves and the enemy, the initial investment is necessary.

Therefore, in previous wars, both the attacker and the defender will hide their cards. Whoever runs out of cards first, and whoever lets the opponent see through first, will be one step closer to defeat and one step further away from victory.

Invest 30 troops.

Augustus was really trying to see something clearly.

For example, the most feared existence of the Holy Dragon Kingdom-the divine mage.

This existence is so entangled in the throat that the Holy Dragon Kingdom is still unforgettable. For races like them with a long history, they know better than anyone how terrifying the divine mage is.

The Shenglong Kingdom side played a big chess game.

Of course, the Jialan Empire will not be late.

This time, Veija mobilized 50 troops, and the imperial conquest started the first battle of revenge. At this time, his army was already on display in the city of ice and fire in the Jialan Empire, ready to launch an attack on the city of Gacili in the Holy Dragon Kingdom at any time.

50 troops.

Including the 30 elite troops that fought against the world's coalition forces, these 30 troops have become the strongest division of the Jialan Empire. For them who have died once, there is nothing in this world that makes them fear.

After all, no matter how terrifying the Holy Dragon Army is, it cannot bring fear beyond death.

In addition to 30 elite troops and 20 ordinary troops, the five aviation armies give Vega an advantage in competing for air supremacy, because the Holy Dragon Kingdom only gathered two aviation formations, and did not invest any flying dragons to compete for air supremacy. .

Finally, there is Shiya, the star mage, and the nonexistent god mage.

Shia will become a sharp weapon in the siege, allowing Veigar to advance the battle line faster without worrying about being blocked by the enemy and dragged into the quagmire of tug-of-war.

As for domestic security, Vega also made arrangements.

Chaozhongyiluo is in charge of the political power, and no longer in charge of the military power. The military power is handed over to General Hausmann Christian, who used his actions to dedicate his loyalty to Vega in the last rebel war.

The existence of the clamping regime and military power is still handed over to Menno.

After the kingdom was destroyed, Menno, who had nowhere to go, became the most loyal existence.


Vega conveyed the news of the upcoming war against the Holy Dragon Kingdom to the Jialan Empire branch headed by Qi Lisi. The reason why they are unable to join forces with their own country is because they are separated by the empire’s Kareni City and the Holy Dragon. Cacilia in the country.

As long as the city of Gazili is in hand.

Then it means that Qi Lisi and Tanier Rheinberg can join forces with their own troops. At that time, the territory of the Jialan Empire will be connected into one piece, and the empire and the Holy Dragon Kingdom will be directly divided, so that the two countries will lose the possibility of joining forces against him again. .

Once the territory of the old Baya Principality is brought into its arms.

It is equivalent to forming a siege to the entire territory of the empire. At that time, the east and north of the empire will be the territory of the Jialan Empire, the west will have the Jialan Mountains like a moat, and the south will be covered with misty seas of dragons. will be a dead end.

Therefore, for the city of Gacili, Vega wanted it even in his dreams.

But Veigar was not in a hurry.

Because he more or less guessed some of the reasons why the Holy Dragon Kingdom did not give up on the East, but invested a lot of troops in the Eastern territory——

This is to hurt yourself a thousand and hurt the enemy eight hundred.

Supporting a large number of human armies to fight against humans is indeed something that sub-dragons who regard humans as pigs will do.

As for the racial equality that the subdragons are now hyping?

That is just a political need. The so-called racial equality policy is just a means to control humans more easily and use humans at the same time.If the position is reversed, Veigar himself will implement this strategy to stabilize the regime.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Only weak, ignorant, and easily deceived fools would believe such nonsense, and at the same time offer their loyalty to the sub-dragon species who slaughtered their compatriots and did not treat their compatriots as human beings.

As for smart people?
Presumably the really smart people have already protected themselves, and those who are between fools and wise people are probably dead.

It was precisely after guessing the intention of the Holy Dragon Kingdom that Vega did not rush to march.

Although analyzing from the current situation, a frontal attack can completely win the war, but Vega doesn't want to fall into the arms of the Holy Dragon Kingdom using humans to weaken the Jialan Empire.

He stayed in the city of ice and fire for seven days.

For the past seven days, Weijia has been thinking hard, and began to think about what strategic policy should be implemented for the next battle of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

A strategic approach is not a specific strategy.

But the strategic policy is the soil from which a series of intrigues and tricks and winning strategies are born.

To describe it, in a protracted war, the strategic policy is the trunk, and the countless winning strategies are the branches. Only by relying on the trunk can the branches and leaves thrive.

This is like when we fought against the world coalition forces.

After analyzing the situation of the enemy and himself at that time, Veigar finally came up with a strategic policy——

A fox pretends to be a tiger, and avoids the truth.

Using a series of means to forcibly pretend to be an invincible division, the main goal is not to defeat the enemy, but to frighten the enemy away.Relying on this strategic policy, Veigar successfully completed the ultimate goal of scaring off the coalition forces of various countries and regaining the territory of the old dynasty. This is also the importance of the strategic policy.

But this strategic approach is clearly inappropriate here.

Because the Holy Dragon Kingdom has made it clear that it is going to fight a war with you, no matter how you threaten at this time, how you pretend to be powerful, avoid the truth and pretend to be false, it is impossible for Augustus to be frightened by you, and finally show his feet Instead it is you.

Since the strategic policy of pretending to be a tiger and fighting the enemy head-on will not work.

So what strategy should be implemented?
Veigar didn't have any eyebrows about this for a while, and before he had any eyebrows, it was absolutely impossible for him to lead the army to die.

(End of this chapter)

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