Mage Veja

Chapter 753 Muddy Waters

Chapter 753 Muddy Waters
If you want to stand first, break first.

Break and stand.

It is difficult to establish a rebel organization capable of fighting against the Holy Dragon Kingdom in a short period of time, because the underground structure of Gacili City has basically been fixed, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to set foot in it.

Therefore, Vega believes that if you want to establish, you must first break.

That is to break the pattern of the underground organization in Jiaxili City, stir up the pool of water enough, and then get involved in it, and then re-establish its own position, growing at a speed faster than others.

How to break the current underground pattern?

This may be a difficult thing for others, but for Vega, it is really a simple thing that cannot be simpler. After all, he is the king of the entire Jialan Empire, and there are countless people behind him. Intelligence personnel and high-level armed forces serve it.These intelligence personnel can even infiltrate the holy dragon army, let alone a group of mobs?
Just less than two days.

Veigar found out where the headquarters of Silgarku, the No. [-] rebel organization in Area D, was located. If Vega wanted to, he could easily kill the leader of the Silgarku rebel organization directly, but he did not do so. .

That night.

Veigar ordered his subordinates to bring a letter to a huge mansion.

This mansion is the mansion of Bunyan Kiss, the Chief Sheriff of Area D of Gacili City. He belongs to the government system and is now mainly responsible for the security of the area and the elimination of rebel organizations in the area.

But unfortunately, he has not made any achievements so far.

Because Augustus doesn't care about these insignificant rebel organizations.

Therefore, although Augustus asked the sheriffs in each district to clean up the rebel organizations, he did not give these sheriffs the assistance of the army and the intelligence support of the intelligence organization. Gustas' blame made them extremely aggrieved.

Bunian sat in the office, unable to sleep all night.

Tomorrow is the date to report to Augustus again. He has already received news that the sheriff of District A has eradicated three small rebel organizations in a row this month. 'The rebel group burned a small granary.If this is compared, the black hat on the head may not be able to keep.

After all, the scene where the sheriff of District C was stripped of his hat last month is still vivid in his memory.

Is he, Bunian Keith, going to follow in his footsteps?
tick tick-

The pendulum is constantly shaking, which is particularly disturbing in the silent night.


Seemingly giving up the last struggle, Bunian stood up, ready to extinguish the magic lamp and finish the final work.Then after daybreak, rush to the headquarters and wait for Augustus to remove him from his post.

But at this moment, the tightly closed door was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind, making a loud noise.This gust of wind blew him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. When the wind calmed down, he suddenly found that there was an extra letter on the desk.

"Guards! Guards!"

After calling the guards to search the mansion, Bunian locked the door and opened the unsigned letter.

"This is……"

Bunyan's face changed because he saw the contents of the letter.

This letter not only explained the coordinates of the headquarters of the rebel organization Siljaku, but also attached all the information of the leaders and high-level leaders of the organization that they have not been able to control so far, and explained that the organization was conducting a high-level meeting at this time.

The end of the letter.

The existence signed as 'Shadow' clearly stated that this is a gift to meet and hope to establish a friendship with him.

"Is this... a trap?"


Bunian hesitated in his heart.

In normal times, he would definitely not pay attention to this kind of thing, but this time is different from the past.

After tonight, he may have to step down from the position of the sheriff of District D. At this time, even if he knows that it is a trap, he must go into it. If what the letter says is true, then he will be able to keep his Status, even if it is false, seems to have no loss.

It is not too late.

Bunyan threw the letter into the fire and destroyed it, then walked out the door and shouted to the soldiers: "Call all the security teams and rush to the abandoned building at No. 19 in the eastern suburbs immediately. I got information that the headquarters of the Silgaku rebel organization is here over there!"

"Yes, Lord Bunian."

Following Bunian's order, the security team of more than 7000 people marched towards the eastern suburbs.

Veigar, standing on a high ground, witnessed all this.

He smiled slightly and said, "No matter how many times you play this kind of drama of borrowing a knife to kill someone, you can't stop playing it."

Use the knife of Shenglong Kingdom to achieve your own goals.

Veigar saw clearly the intricate relationships in the city at a glance, and finally chose to let the people of the Holy Dragon Kingdom mess up the pool. When the time is right, he can stand out in this chaotic pool and lead the overall situation.

This is the quickest and most effective way.

After all, there are limited intelligence personnel and high-level military forces who can infiltrate the city. If you want to mess up the pool, you can't do it in a short time by relying on your own ability, but it is different with the power of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

After tonight, I'm afraid there will be no more Silgaku groups.

And everything was as Vega had planned. On the premise that he provided accurate information, the Silgarku organization was uprooted, and all high-level officials including the leader were wiped out, and Area D fell into chaos again.

Carrying the head of the leader of the Silgarku rebel group.

Confident Magistrate Bunian wrote a debriefing report in just a few hours. At the debriefing meeting the next day, he was awarded the second-class meritorious service by Augustus and had a cordial meeting with him for 5 years. minute.

Don't underestimate these 5 minutes.

Since Shenglong Kingdom's eyes are mainly on the army, the security team has never been taken seriously, otherwise it would be impossible to wipe out a rebel organization, and even get intelligence support from the military.Therefore, when each magistrate only had 1 minute to report on his duties, he got 5 minutes alone, which shows that Augustus's appreciation for him has almost reached the level of middle and high-level military officers.

At this moment.

Bunyan was extremely grateful to the mysterious person named 'Shadow'.

Since this shadow provided him with information about the rebel organization, he was not an enemy.

How could the enemy help him in turn?
Based on this speculation, Bunian concluded that this shadow is a capable but unsatisfactory capable person, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to join his account, and now he can't wait to see this shadow named 'Shadow' the mysterious man.

This 'shadow' can even be found in the lair of the largest rebel organization in District D, so isn't it easy for other rebel organizations?

If you get the help of this capable person, wouldn't it be just around the corner to get promoted and make a fortune?
The more he speculated, the more excited Bunian became.

(End of this chapter)

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