Mage Veja

Chapter 762 1 Field Empty

Chapter 762

On the roof of the security building, a flag of the Dragon Slaying Organization fluttered in the wind.

This flag indicated that the dragon slaying organization had won a big victory in this battle, and the entire security team collapsed, and the chief of security was also captured by Veigar's shadow mage team and killed on the spot in front of everyone.

"Long live mankind!" "Long live mankind!"...

Below the security building, more than 70 people chanted Long Live Humanity.

Although this battle did not kill a single sub-dragon species, and even under the premise that the security team fled, the number of deaths did not exceed [-], but for the civilians who have been enslaved, occupying the notorious Public Security Bureau is a big deal. It was the most staged victory in the human race against the sub-dragon species, and this battle also gave them hope.

Crowds of people.

The crowd continued to gather, and the atmosphere reached its peak.

A smile appeared on the corner of Vega's mouth, he knew that the general situation of the Dragon Slayer Organization had finally come to fruition.

Next he has two options.

The first is to directly take advantage of this general trend, copy the retreat of the Holy Dragon Army, and cooperate with the Jialan Army outside the city gate to attack from both sides.

Another method is to break up the civilians who have volunteered to join the Dragon Slaying Organization into pieces, and then use guerrilla warfare to fight wits and courage with the Holy Dragon Army in the city, forcing the Holy Dragon Army to withdraw from Gacili.

The former is a quick fix.

The latter figured it out slowly.

Whether to choose the former or the latter, Veigar had obviously decided before it started.

If the former option was chosen, it would be impossible for Veigar to send only [-] tentative troops instead of the entire army.

The reason why he chose the latter was because Vega considered the variables of the first choice.

After all, these new members of the rebel organization just came here to take advantage of the situation, relying on their large number of people, they dared to act fiercely against generals like the security team. If they were replaced by the army, they would collapse immediately at the sight of blood.

There is only one combat method suitable for civilians with no experience in war——


This kind of small team unit is simple and easy to carry out, and can also make use of their hidden identity. It is suitable for this kind of unarmed civilians who have extremely little experience in war.If it is changed to a frontal battle, it is obvious that it will definitely lose.

Because Veigar chose to break it into pieces.

He intends to use this extremely disgusting and non-targeted means to fight against Augustus.

Taking advantage of this time difference, he began to order the members of the organization to organize the troops from top to bottom, and at the same time explain the matter of breaking them up into parts.

From top to bottom, the simplest concept of decreasing levels and breaking them into parts begins to be conveyed.

at the same time.

Veigar's unexpected move really startled Augustus.

He didn't expect that his eyes were fixed on the front, but his back was on fire instead.

"How many people are there in the rebel organization?"

Augustus frowned and said, "What does Yul Jelin do for a living? With 3 security forces, can't he guard a security building? Can't he control a rebel organization?"

"Report to the head of the legion."

The soldiers ruthlessly told the truth: "The number of rebel organizations exceeds 70, the security team has scattered and fled, and even the flag of the Holy Dragon has been cut down from the sky above the General Public Security Bureau."

"Seven, 70?"

Augustus exhaled in disbelief.

At the beginning, he only knew that the security team was defeated by the rebel army, but he never thought that the rebel army had such a huge number. If he was not careful, he might even be defeated by this little-known rebel army. hand.

"Lord Legionnaire."

An intelligence officer pushed the door in and said with a happy face: "Our plan has taken effect. The Jialan Army has been held back by us. As long as we persist for another 90 hours, although we can't keep the high-level troops and those A star mage, but at least more than [-]% of the Jialan army can be left behind, which will deal a heavy blow to the morale of the Jialan army."

The originally overjoyed news failed to make Augustus laugh heartily.

He frowned, his eyes filled with hesitation.

The pressure brought by the 70 rebel organizations in the city was too great. He wasn't sure if after another twelve hours of fermentation, the rebel army would take over the mountain and drive them out of Gacili.

But they were not reconciled to letting the Jialan army go like this.

After sacrificing tens of thousands of people, the magic power of the enemy star mage was finally exhausted to the warning line. The holy dragon envoy also restrained the star mage, preventing her from using magic strikes again.This club is preparing to exert its strength to the Jialan Army. If you give up now, not only will it not be able to hit the morale of the Jialan Army, but it will also seriously damage the morale of your own side.

Divide troops into two places?

Two-front war?
It's not like Augustus didn't think about this kind of thing, but the rebel organization has too many people after all, and the Jialan Army is definitely not a good person. He hasn't been so arrogant yet.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling, there is only one plan for the present——

Turn gun head.

Augustus said to the messenger: "Send the order, stop blocking the Jialan army and let them go. Now the main force is starting to turn their guns, and we must first annihilate these damned rebel organizations."

"Yes, my lord officer."

Everyone responded in unison, and acted according to Augustus's order.

The front line of defense against the Jialan army began to disintegrate, and instead, a group of holy dragon troops marched into the city in an encircling manner, obviously trying to wipe out the rebel army inside the city.

As soon as the Holy Dragon Army moved, Vega also received the news of course.

"Boss, it's almost time."

A member of the shadow mage team appeared out of nowhere beside Veigar who was organizing the troops, and reported the news: "In about three hours, the holy dragon army can encircle us."

Veigar nodded, and turned to several senior members of the organization that were recruited last time: "Let's start the plan to break it up into pieces, let them go home first, don't hold any gatherings without receiving orders, and wait for organizational orders with the group as the basic unit. .”

The group is the basic unit.

Orders are transmitted from top to bottom, which is where the flexibility of guerrilla warfare lies.

In just two hours, 70 people rushed in like a tide, and then dispersed like ants, disappearing from sight.

Looking at the empty avenue.

The previous trend was like a dream.

But those who have participated in this operation know that they have become members of the Dragon Slaying Organization. They are not alone. There are more than 70 people standing behind them. The huge number of 70 gives every member unlimited courage.

Immediately after the civilians.

Veigar also disappeared above the security building.

So when the third hour came, the encircled Holy Dragon Army looked at the messy public security building, and they didn't even know where their enemies were or who they were...

(End of this chapter)

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