Mage Veja

Chapter 764 A strategy for progress!

Chapter 764 A strategy for progress!

What is the rescue strategy?

What is an aggressive policy?

The so-called rescue strategy is to attack as a passive side, and the initiative lies with the Holy Dragon Army and not the Dragon Slaying Organization.

The Sacred Dragon Army set up a game and let Vega take the lead. In this case, the Sacred Dragon Army naturally took the absolute initiative.Whether it is in war or other fields, the side that takes the initiative will always have a greater chance of winning than the passive side.

The aggressive strategy is to hold the initiative in your own hands.

Therefore, for the threat of the Holy Dragon Army, Vega did not intend to send people to rescue, but adopted another more extreme strategy, kicking the ball to the feet of the Holy Dragon Army.

"According to the plan."

Veigar gave this order to his subordinates.

The plan he had just formulated began to be passed down from top to bottom, level by level, and finally it took half a day to reach the ears of the captain of each team, and the captain told every member.

Time passed slowly.

The sky gradually darkened.

The patrols of the Holy Dragon Army filled the streets and alleys.

With the security team withdrawing from the stage, the city defense has been handed over to the army.

Having learned the lesson from last time, the curfew time has now been moved forward by an hour and a half. Just after 09:30, there are no pedestrians on the street, only the army is moving.

But in every dark corner of the city, there are still crowds of people.

Of course, these people are not the Holy Dragon Army. From the red armbands on their shoulders, it can be seen that they are members of the Dragon Slaying Organization.

It is different from the holy dragon army who came from afar.

The members of the dragon slaying organization are all local natives of Gacili City. These people have lived in Gacili City all their lives and know the local terrain well. Therefore, it is easy to avoid the eyes of the Holy Dragon Army.

Usually no patrols pass by this dark alley.

Even if there is a patrol passing by, they can escape directly through a secret door on the side.If you want to ask why, of course it is because the building on the right side of the alley is the property of a member of the team. As a major taxpayer in Gacili City, no one will doubt that he is a member of the rebel organization.

thin salsa --

There were rustling sounds in the alley, as well as deliberately lowered conversations.

"Captain, what number is this?"

"Probably 11, no, 13."

The rich middle-aged man in the lead squeezed his greasy beard: "This group of human traitors are really easy to deceive, no wonder they are bewitched by those sub-dragons, but stupidity itself is a kind of original sin, and this kind of traitor can never be forgiven."

"These people really deserve hell!"

Another man in his fifties echoed: "However, I never thought that ten of us could kill thirteen enemies without any one being injured. This kind of thing is simply unheard of and unseen. It is worthy of being the leader." The way I came up with is like tailor-made for us.”

"How can the leader be an ordinary person..."

Before the other member finished speaking, fragmentary footsteps and a woman's coquettish laughter came from outside the alley, and in this quiet environment, it was very easy to reach the ears of every member in the alley.

"It's time to live again, everyone is ready."

The rich captain sneered, and then led his team members to hide behind the debris piled up in the alley.

After a while, the footsteps got closer and closer.

Just at this time, a ray of moonlight broke through the clouds and brought light to the dark alley in less than 20 seconds.

During these 20 seconds, a silver light flashed, matching the moonlight.

When the silver light and moonlight disappeared, two human heads fell on the ground. The bodies that lost their heads were wearing the military uniform of the Holy Dragon Army. In front of the bodies was a woman who was dressed but quite sexy.

She spat at the corpse: "Hmph, is my tofu still delicious? Damn traitor."

After scolding, she turned her eyes to the rich middle-aged captain holding a knife: "Captain, those human traitors are about to find out that something is wrong, it's time for us to change to another place and repeat the old trick, didn't we plan three in advance?" place?"

The captain took out his pocket watch and looked at it, then nodded and said, "Comrades, please move to location two."


A group of people tore off the blood-stained epaulets of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Army, and left a mark of the dragon-slaying organization on the ground, followed the path and turned out of this area.

This is the essence of guerrilla warfare.

As seen earlier.

The civilians can easily master this method of combat without even a little training. Sometimes they act alone, and sometimes they work together in small groups, using seduction, temptation, poisoning, traps, etc. to eliminate soldiers one by one.

Just one night.

The death toll of the Holy Dragon Army patrol exceeded 2.

Vega even hung the head of a major general of the Holy Dragon Army on the execution ground where members of the Dragon Slaying Organization were to be executed three days later, as well as shoulder badges of ordinary soldiers of the Holy Dragon Army who had died everywhere, and attached a warning letter...

If the Holy Dragon Army dares to execute a thousand organization members, then the Holy Dragon Army will have to pay 10 times the price!

Not a rescue, but a warning.

Veigar directly took the initiative from the Holy Dragon Army.

Even if a thousand members of the organization are executed on the spot, Veigar's dragon slaying organization does not have to worry about losing popular support because it cannot save the team members. Rather, the death of a thousand members of the organization will make the organization more united and unite for the dead comrades. 'revenge.

Vega is now holding on to the Diaoyutai.

Instead, the Holy Dragon Army was cornered.

If they execute a thousand members of the rebel organization, then the rebel organization will retaliate frantically. If a large number of soldiers die and there is nothing they can do about the rebel organization, then the army will inevitably feel resentment towards the higher-ups.Especially since the commander-in-chief is still a sub-dragon, this will make them feel that the sub-dragon does not respect their lives, and there is no guarantee for them to work for the sub-dragon.

If you choose to compromise.

This will only contribute to the prestige of the rebel organization, allowing the rebel organization to continue to grow in Gacili City.


Now is the real situation of the Holy Dragon Army.

However, this situation is not impossible to resolve. The only way to resolve it is to wipe out the rebel organizations, so that the so-called threat will no longer exist. In the final analysis, the nature of "threat" must be carried out from an equal or higher perspective.

But now the problem is-

They couldn't find any trace of this organization.

After all, who would have thought that simple and law-abiding civilians during the day would turn into executioners who took their lives at night?

It is simply impossible to find out the members of the rebel organization hidden among the civilians.

So they fell into a passive state.

If three days ago, the Holy Dragon Army still hoped that the drama of killing chickens and monkeys would come quickly, now they would like to postpone the public execution indefinitely, but regardless of whether the Holy Dragon Army is willing or not, the dawn of the third day has still arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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