Mage Veja

Chapter 767

Chapter 767

Holy Dragon Army, headquarters.

When the time came to the tenth day, Augustus completely lost his mind.

He never imagined that he would be pushed into this situation by a small rebel army.

Send a large number of troops to patrol, 24 hours a day may be killed by all sorts of strange methods one after another patrol team.Don't look at the loss of only a few people each time, the whole city adds up to an astronomical figure.

It won't work if you don't send a patrol team to maintain law and order.

The reason is very simple, without a patrol team monitoring the entire city, wouldn't it be tantamount to giving up the city to the Dragon Slaying Organization?I'm afraid the Dragon Slaying Organization is just waiting for this opportunity to grow bigger and drive them out of the city completely.

"This damn guerrilla tactics!"

Augustus has cursed this sentence countless times.

It is precisely because of this tactic that their elite army and huge high-level force have nowhere to go. This feeling that they are clearly superior to the enemy but have no room to use them makes him go crazy.

"It can't go on like this."

Augustus didn't dare to underestimate this rebel army anymore. He began to realize the seriousness of the matter. If he was careless, the failure of this war was a foregone conclusion.

So how should it be?
There are also ways to deal with guerrilla tactics.

It can be summed up in two ways-

One is to gain the support of the common people, so that the members of the rebel organization have nowhere to hide, no matter where they go, they cannot hide their tracks. Under the premise of gaining the support of the people, the members of the rebel organization can only sit and wait to die.

But this approach obviously doesn't work.

As the leader of the legion, he is a sub-dragon species. He can use force and policies to temporarily appease civilians and let the human army work for them. However, compared with real humans, humans will of course choose humans who are also rebel organizations.

In addition, last time he chose to execute publicly.

This put him on the opposite side of the civilians in Gaxili City, and there was no possibility of reconciliation forever. This made it even more impossible for the civilians to betray the rebel organization and support the Holy Dragon Army.

The so-called guerrilla tactics.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a competition for the hearts of the people. The side that wins the hearts of the people will surely win, and the side that loses the hearts of the people will surely lose.

Therefore, when it is impossible to win the hearts and minds of the people, the only remaining way to deal with guerrilla tactics is——

Behead to kill.

As long as the civilians in the city are slaughtered, there will be no popular support, and members of the rebel organization will not be able to rely on civilians to hide their figures.

This is a strategy of last resort.

At the very beginning, Augustus had rejected this idea deep in his heart, because once the massacre was carried out, it would be tantamount to declaring that 'racial equality' was a piece of paper, and no one would choose to believe the promise of the sub-dragon species.

But to this day, Augustus once again had this terrible idea in his heart.

Because this is the only way he has the ability to do, and it is also the simplest and most brutal method. If he does not choose this method, he can only give up the city of Gacili and hand it over to the rebel organization, which is equivalent to admitting that his skills are not as good as people.

He could forgive himself for losing to Veigar.

But what he couldn't allow was that before losing to Vega, he lost to a little-known rebel organization and the leader of the dragon-slaying organization who was hiding his head and showing his tail. This was a humiliation for Augustus.

Wealth is in danger.

Augustus chose to take a gamble, and he had to use the only remaining method.

However, before the massacre of the city was officially launched, Augustus first announced an order to the whole city——

"Within seven days, all personnel except the army will be withdrawn from Gacili City."

"After seven days, the army will clean up against Lingbu."

The meaning of the announcement is already very obvious. Those who voluntarily leave the city of Gacili will let them live, and the civilians who choose to stay will of course be killed on the spot.

Augustus saw it very clearly.

If the city of Gacili is a pond and the rebel organizations are the fish, then civilians are the water that the rebel organizations depend on for survival.

As long as a canal is opened to drain all the water and fish in the pond, won't there be no rebels targeting them?They can also use this city of Jiaxili to continue to deal with the Jialan army.

In this case, once the civilians disobeyed and refused to obey, it would be reasonable for the Holy Dragon Army to massacre civilians, let alone the Holy Dragon Army's tearing up of the "racial equality" policy promulgated by itself.

This little way of pretending to be innocent has been played badly, but it still applies.

So can the civilians of Gaxili City agree to this kind of thing?

Obviously not.

Not to mention that Jiaxili City is their hometown, and it is also the foundation of their survival. If tens of millions of people leave this city, 90.00% of them will probably starve to death in the wild.

Because no matter which city, there is no capital to take over a population of more than [-] million.

The biggest possibility is that the cities closed their gates to keep them out. With nowhere to go, they could only end up lying dead.

This is tantamount to an indirect massacre of the city!
When Veigar saw this announcement, he immediately realized that Augustus was finally going to ruin the war with his own hands.

He immediately asked the members of the organization to guide public opinion, and let the civilians realize that leaving the city is definitely a matter of death, and there is only a chance of survival if they stay and fight against the enemy.

"Protest! Protest! Protest!"

"This is our city of Gazili!"

"This is our hometown, you have no right to let us leave!"


The civilians raised their flags and held demonstrations near the Holy Dragon Army station.

They blocked the gate of the barracks, trying to make Ocastas take back his order. This is a matter of their life and death. They must not take a step back in this kind of matter. If they make a slight concession, they will die in a foreign country.

until now.

In the entire city of Gacili, no one believes in any equal treaty anymore, and the Holy Dragon Army has completely lost the hearts of the people.

At this time, someone raises their arms and shouts, and can even start a war directly.

Of course, Veigar understood that this was a good time, but he thought that it was still not the perfect time. Only by bleeding these civilians could they truly arouse their blood.

The Holy Dragon Army is very compatible with Vega's inner thoughts.

With the idea of ​​killing chickens and monkeys, they intend to let the civilians in the city know their determination for this announcement, so they sent a group of mages to release magic on the civilians who dared to march and demonstrate near the military camp. .

"Escape! Escape!"

The fire and blood terrified the civilians.

Under the suppression of force, the demonstrators scattered and fled.

These civilians who escaped by chance began to publicize the incident the next day, causing the entire city of Gacili to fall into despair. They also seemed to understand that the Holy Dragon Army was going to be serious this time.

(End of this chapter)

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