Mage Veja

Chapter 775 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 775 Meeting in a narrow road

Since ancient times, those who have become major events have been informal.

From the perspective of logical reasoning, assuming that this sentence is true and there are no exceptions, then I am afraid that Veigar will not be able to achieve any great achievements in his life, because he does not have that kind of informal courage at all.

Not only does he like to care about everything, but he is also very greedy.

Now the two armies are fighting.

Whoever is more patient, courageous, and informal will naturally give up the location and attack the enemy.

in this war.

Although geographical advantages can affect the situation of the battle to a certain extent, the influence is very small, and it is something that can be given up directly.

However, Veigar was obviously very greedy for petty gains, and it was impossible to expect him to give up that insignificant advantage to attack the holy dragon army first. He believed that he must not be the one who suffered the disadvantage, not even a little bit.

So he has enough patience to wait for the Holy Dragon Army's attack.

Speaking of patience.

Augustus believed that he would never lose to the leader of the rebel army.

After all, the Jialan Army, a third-party force, is on the way. The reason why the rebel army rushed here is to prepare the Jialan Army to defeat its own army first, and then take away the Holy Dragon City, so as not to give the Jialan Army any chance.

So it is the rebels who should be anxious now.

Every day of delay, the Jialan army is one step closer, which means that the hope of the rebels getting the holy dragon city is one point less.

On the premise of knowing this.

Augustus simply spent time with the rebels like this, as if if you don't come over, I won't go over.

In fact.

This 'geographical advantage' Augustus is not uncommon, because his army crushed the rebel army in all aspects. Even without the support of the air force, the army alone can defeat the opponent. Where the decisive battle is is not enough to affect the final outcome. .

But people hold their breath.

I can give up this advantage, but it doesn't mean I will give it up.

It was you who came all the way to attack me with the army, and now you are not even willing to let go of this insignificant geographical advantage. If this is the case, let everyone spend it, and he wants to see who is more anxious.

Augustus snorted disdainfully in his heart.

What Augustus didn't expect was that Vega also believed that his patience was as good as that of the Holy Dragon Army.

They confronted each other for five full days, but the rebel army did not move at all, not even the slightest intention to attack.

need to know.

Although the Jialan army needs to go around more than half of the territory of the Old Kingdom to get here, they have already completed half of the journey, and they will arrive in ten days. Now the rebel army is still calm?
This is incomprehensible to Augustus.

He has already started to think about it, not to fight for it, and directly give up the trivial advantage to the opponent, so that he can lead the army directly to the battlefield set up by the opponent to fight the opponent.

But he made another consideration.

Could it be that the leader of the rebel army is already impatient and just pretending to be patient?
It's not impossible.

The more excellent a commander is, the more calm he will behave when he is afraid and uneasy.

So Augustus was going to observe for another three days.

These three days are the deadline. He must eliminate the rebel army before the Jialan army arrives here. He does not want to let the variable of the rebel army intervene in the next war with the Jialan army and become the biggest winner.

Three days is enough.

Augustus believes that if the leader of the rebel army is really pretending to be calm now, then these three days are enough for the other party to reveal his true colors.

Veigar obviously wasn't pretending to be calm.

Rather, Augustus not attacking is something he could only wish for.

His original intention was to delay the decisive battle with the Holy Dragon Army until the right time, so that when the rebel army was wiped out and the Holy Dragon Army was seriously injured, the Jialan Army could directly step in and take over the war.

of course.

Veigar also had a deadline in his mind—five days later.

If Augustus doesn't take the initiative to attack after five days, then in order to prevent Augustus from seeing that the time is too late, he doesn't want to fight with him, and even withdraws the army to the city, he will give up the factor of 'location' and take the initiative. Start a war.

Once Augustus is allowed to hide back in the city.

Then it might be a bit difficult to achieve the goal of hurting eight hundred and self-damaging one thousand.

He may need to pay three times the price, that is, he will injure himself three thousand before he can injure the enemy eight hundred.

This is what Vega absolutely does not want to see.

After all, the purpose of this battle is to use the rebel army to weaken the Holy Dragon Army's military strength to the greatest extent.

Suo Xing Augustus is not the kind of sub-dragon that fights for nothing. With his own courage, he handed over the insignificant advantage of 'geographical advantage', and directly led the army deep into the valley three days later.

The vanguard occupied the entrance to the canyon.

Then, after the reconnaissance troops repeatedly confirmed that there were no traps or ambushes near the decisive battle site, the 40 holy dragon army advanced steadily, and finally met the Jialan army who had spread out in an unnamed canyon.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

This is indeed a good place for a decisive battle.

There are towering broken walls on both sides, no trees grow, and there is no fork road to escape, there is only a wide road in the middle leading to the distance.

Just get into it.

Unless one party surrenders, the other party may not even be able to escape once it fails.

This is the real decisive battle, either you die or I live the decisive battle.

"What courage!"

Augustus felt moved when he saw this decisive battle.

He turned to the front and said to himself: "Although your courage is commendable, I accept the victory of this war."

Augustus waved the long sword in his hand.

He shouted angrily towards the front: "Order the whole army to attack!"

The conical formation unfolded, and the Holy Dragon Army took the initiative to charge. They were like sharp arrows, ready to smash the enemy to pieces.

"Defensive formation."

The signal flare went up into the air.

The 20 incorporated surrendered troops are on the front, another 20 soldiers are on the flanks, and [-] soldiers are left behind for support at any time.

At first glance.

The formation looks decent, and it seems that they are not lost to the Holy Dragon Army.

"For victory!"

The holy dragon army roared loudly, and their sharp spears pierced the shields of the rebel army.

"Human beings will never be slaves! Traitors must die!"

Not to be outdone, the rebel army blocked the next blow and gave the enemy a backhand sword.

boom boom-

Magic roars, weapons collide.

The real frontal battle was launched in this narrow road.

The rebel army is undoubtedly heroic, because every member of the rebel organization has the same desire in their hearts - to overthrow the rule of the dragon species and restore the status of human beings.

Under the blessing of this wish.

They burst out with unparalleled courage, and it is self-evident how powerful the power brought by courage is.

But this time they met on a narrow road, courage alone seemed not enough for the rebel army to win, because now it can be seen that the rebel army possessed unparalleled courage, but the offensive was forcibly suppressed by the holy dragon army.

(End of this chapter)

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