Mage Veja

Chapter 793

Chapter 793
the next day.

Inside the Holy See.

Pope Andrews Eddington got up early at 6:[-] as usual, and then went to the meeting hall after breakfast to listen to the reports of bishops and mid-level clergy, and then deal with these daily affairs.

He has persisted in this way of life for 50 years.

50 years ago, the previous pope passed away. As the son of God, he defeated more than 20 other saints and saints, and sat in this position. He dedicated his life to this country and the god of war he believed in .

Although he believes in the God of War.

But in fact, in the past 50 years, Gundy City-State has not experienced a war, and they are not a warlike country.

Just like in the last world war, no one came to attack them, and they didn't attack others. The only thing they did seemed to be to send an army to go around and announce their position as a Western country.

Therefore, for Pope Andrews Eddington, what kind of existence war is is actually vague. The only thing he knows is the last world war, in which famous generals of the empire emerged in large numbers, which made all countries in the world frightened.

But this time is different.

He did not expect that this time the war would burn to the city of Gundy.

Fortunately, the war species was finally awakened more than ten years ago, and the war props of the gods gave him enough courage.

Although one of the war species was lost due to his own carelessness, it is known that one of the escaped war species has been used, so now only the city of Gundy in this world has the magic of the god.


This time, he still has no desire to participate in the war. The Gundy City-State follows the philosophy of "Being Strong Without Desire", and has not been destroyed until today through self-reliance and self-improvement.

However, this does not mean that they have no strength to resist aggression.

Rather, Gundy City State is actually very powerful.

The number of troops is the smallest, but high-level force is everywhere, including two one-time god magic.

For a long time, Gundy City-State also has their strategy.

That is to keep the mainland in a tripartite situation, so that they will not be in danger in the city of Gundy.

After all, they hold two hole cards in their hands. If anyone wants to launch a war against them, they can directly use the two hole cards to threaten them. As long as the attacking forces know these two hole cards, they will not risk their defeat. Come to war.After all, other countries are also eyeing you. Once your side loses the battle, I am afraid that others will invade you on the other side.


These two hole cards are directly related to whether the meeting can be carried out as planned, so these two hole cards must not be lost again. After learning the lesson last time, Andrews Eddington thinks that these two hole cards Hidden well enough.

As for where to hide?

Andrewes Eddington learned his lesson and directly sealed the memories of the two war-species, and then ordered the two dead soldiers to pretend to be the parents of the two war-species, and live the lives of ordinary people in the eastern part of the Holy City of Gundy. Life.

Each of these two dead men has the strength of a high-ranking mage.

In addition, the neighbors nearby are all members of the direct line of the Holy See, and everyone has at least the strength of a low-level mage, allowing them to monitor and defend the war family.

In order not to expose the war species.

The Holy See even only asked someone to report to him about the living conditions of the war species once a month.

Especially this month.

Due to the arrival of the heads of state, Andrews Eddington even canceled this month's routine report, and he was wary of people like Vega who follow the rules. He didn't believe that Vega would wait quietly for more than ten days. The meeting begins.

And everything was exactly as he expected.

The 'No.1 general' who was trying to make a name for himself was indeed gathering intelligence, which made him look down on Veigar even more.

This feeling of being in control made him even a little reluctant to stop the war, because even Vega's level can win every battle, so if he chooses to join the international war, wouldn't he be able to become famous in one battle?
But this kind of thing can only be thought about after all.

The city of Gundy is surrounded by allies, who are equal to the shield of the city of Gundy, protecting the city of Gundy from any war, and the city of Gundy is also leading them as their leader, which is destined The city-state cannot expand its territory.

Unless he can make up his mind to attack the allies first.

Therefore, in order for the allies to develop, and for the Western camp to be able to fight the Eastern camp, the armistice agreement must be completed.

Sol Veigar looks pretty easy to deal with, so the truce is safe.

But just when Andrews Eddington was relieved, a piece of unexpected news came——

The underground black market is selling war species.

This news made him stunned for a few seconds, and then he straightened his face and said angrily: "Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for someone to find the war species. Whoever issued this deal, give him I dig it out!"

"I ask the Pope to forgive me."

The knight knelt down on one knee and said: "It is the anonymous person who posted the transaction, and the underground black market also refused to provide information about the seller. We have no way of knowing who the anonymous person is. Fortunately, most people don't know what the war species is. Things, plus the price is as high as one billion universal gold coins, so no one has submitted a transaction application for the time being."

Just after the knight's voice fell, another knight broke in from the door.

"Your Majesty the Pope."

The knight said anxiously: "The emperor of the Jialan Empire has just walked out of the guest house, and he seems to be walking towards the underground black market in a hurry."

Bean big cold sweat slipped from the Pope's forehead.

Although he didn't believe that anyone could find the war species, and even less believed that someone could snatch the war species from the guards and dead soldiers under such strict guards, but it was precisely because he didn't see it with his own eyes that he Panic.

"Immediately block the underground black market and prevent them from trading!"

The Pope stood up and said in a panic: "The others will follow me to the East District, and I want to confirm it myself."

As the order was issued, the whole city jumped up and down.

The Pope couldn't care less about thinking at all. He summoned the army and rushed to the East District with a group of people to confirm the safety of the war species.

So the more flustered you are, the more you will make low-level mistakes.

Pope Andrews Eddington, who was dominated by gains and losses, never thought that Vega never went to the underground black market at all, but always used tricks to follow him, following him all the way towards his goal place to go.

(End of this chapter)

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