Mage Veja

Chapter 795 Instant Kill

Chapter 795 Instant Kill
"I am willing!"

Without any hesitation, almost in unison, the two shouted this sentence at the same time.

Yes, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

Even if it was a whisper from the devil, they would accept it without hesitation.Because letting them return to that 'cage' and wait to be 'used' is better than seeking a moment of peace and freedom, even if the price is to pay their lives.

They have already hesitated once.

The last time Isa left, they couldn't understand Isha...

No, it should be said that they didn't have the courage to make that choice, and ended up staying in that cold cage. Finally, after Yisha left, in order to prevent them from escaping, even things like memories and thoughts were not allowed to be kept.

They are props.

They are not human.

So thoughts and memories are not allowed to exist.

This is to control their minds. When depriving them of their memories, the cruel 'father' said it himself.

Already missed once, will you make a second mistake?

After losing their memories, can they still be their original selves?
If you lose even your memory, wouldn't you become another 'I', which is no different from death.

Recalling the scene where they recognized the thief as their father over the past year or so, they feel that their life is worse than death at this moment.

So obey the devil's whisper now and give everything for freedom and respect!
"I have received your request."

What followed the words was an epee that separated the 'father' and 'daughter'.

The epee fell across the sky, scaring the 'father' to death, subconsciously let go of the hands holding the two 'daughters', and immediately retreated, because his fighting instinct told him that this If you don't dodge a sword, you will die on the spot.

"Who dares to obstruct the Holy See?!"

As if he was ashamed that he was scared away by a kid who was less than half his height, anger appeared on the face of the upper mage as the 'father', and he drew a short blade at the same time, obviously also a shadow mage.

"Your Majesty the Pope, please be safe."

Veigar didn't even pay attention to the high-ranking mage, and turned his attention directly to the Pope.

The moment Pope Andrews Eddington saw Vega's expression changed, he gritted his teeth and spit out a few words: "Vega Saint Laurent! What is your purpose of appearing here?!"

This is a question asked knowingly.

In fact, the moment Vega appeared, Pope Andrews Eddington knew how big a mistake he had made. Now that he recalled the previous details, he was afraid that the so-called war species sold on the underground black market would not be Vega is directing and acting on his own.

no doubt.

This self-directed and self-acted was very successful.

In a panic, he was stupid enough to lead the way for the enemy himself.

It was not until this moment that the pope really put away his contempt. As a flower in the greenhouse, he experienced the cruel storm outside for the first time in his life.

How ridiculous it seemed at this moment to be smart before.

It turns out that under those seemingly stupid masks, there are creepy and cunning faces hidden.

Probably everyone is calculating each other, only he is the existence being calculated.

The anger in his heart has gone straight to the sky. As a king, his dignity and IQ are all trampled under the feet of the enemy today. This kind of humiliation makes him want to chew his flesh raw.

Anger eats sanity.

Pope Andrews Eddington ignored why Vega had the confidence to show up, and the light was very strong against him. He directly issued an order: "Go up, go up to me, kill that Brat."

Hearing the pope's order, the first person who couldn't help it was the 'father'.

He had already lost one war species under his hands before, and now he wants to snatch the other two from him?This made him how to explain to the Pope, so he rushed towards Vega when he heard the order.

Although he didn't know how Vega lied to the Word Spirit Mage.

But looking at Veigar's age, no matter how talented he is, he can't reach the level of a high-ranking shadow mage, or does the other party think that the status of a 'king' can guarantee his safety?

"I'll tell you."

"This is the Holy City of Gundy, not your Saint Laurent!"

Under the blessing of trickery, his body disappeared directly. Less than a few seconds later, a dagger appeared out of thin air, targeting Vega's throat. It was obviously impossible to dodge at such a short distance.

The upper mage showed a cruel smile.

He regards Veigar as a shadow mage who relies on his status and thinks that no one dares to kill him, but at the same time is very conceited. Unfortunately, this is the holy city of Gundy. Even if he is the supreme king abroad, he is nothing but a An ordinary person.


The short blade slashed at Veigar's neck, but an unexpected scene happened.

Veigar's body shattered like a broken mirror in an instant.

"This is……"

"Level 2 Magic Mirror Image?!"

An unbelievable voice spit out from the mouth of the upper shadow mage.

At the same time, the high-ranking mage felt a huge sense of crisis coming from behind him. When he turned around to resist Vega's volleying blow, it was too late for him who had lost the opportunity.

Under the blessing of the Infinity Blade, this blow was devastating, together with the weapon, the mage's shield, and the magic defense, it directly killed the upper shadow mage in place.

From the attack of the upper mage to the death.

This process did not add up to more than 1 minute.

Veigar leaned on the Infinity Blade on the ground, and blood flowed down the blade. He said with a regretful expression: "Sora has brute force, and he doesn't even know that the most basic core of a shadow mage is deceit. Why do you come here?" Fight me?"

A master of shadow manipulation, he never puts himself in danger.

When a shadow mage dares to appear in close combat, it must be [-]%, or even [-]% able to kill the enemy with one blow. This is why Veigar placed the mirror image.

As a star shadow mage.

It can be said that Veigar gave enough respect to the high-ranking mage. He did use his own strength and intelligence to fight with all his strength.

He also thinks that the upper shadow mage has his own routine, so it should be impossible to run amok like this.

It's a pity that he overestimated his opponent. The opponent didn't have this awareness at all, or he didn't understand what the real core of the shadow mage's battle was. .

Not even a mirror image trick can be debunked.

It's no wonder that such an opponent made Vega feel a sense of regret and regret. He began to understand the words "expert loneliness" a little bit. Defeating a rookie who is not even familiar with the "rules" really does not have any sense of accomplishment.

The death of the upper shadow mage finally calmed down the pope.

He looked directly at Vega, and asked coldly, "Your Majesty Vega Saint Laurent, are you trying to make an enemy of the city-state of Gundy?"

(End of this chapter)

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