Mage Veja

Chapter 818 Normal Action

Chapter 818 Normal Action
In the northern part of Jialan Country, the city of ice and fire.

Hausman's 40 troops are stationed here. As for the 40 troops on the West Bank, they are commanded by Major General Scolo Darne, who surrendered with Hausmann in the east last time. This person is now highly valued by Hausmann.

The 80 troops of the Jialan Kingdom will be released here.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the Jialan Empire preparing to jump over the wall and make a desperate fight. It intends to take down the empire first before the world coalition forces attack, unify the entire East, and then force a [-]-[-] split with the Western countries.

But the forces are not in a hurry at all.

Because the probability of taking the Nuolan Empire before the world coalition forces attack the Jialan Empire is less than [-]%, and they can send troops to support them at any time, the Jialan Empire's move is completely self-defeating.

This is not only known to other forces, but also to the generals of Jialan Kingdom.

At a meeting in the City of Ice and Fire, the former defender of the City of Ice and Fire asked Housman: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, we have received information that the Imperial Army has dispatched 80 troops to support Kareni City. With a force of 40 in the city, and the enemy is still defending the city, it might not be appropriate to rashly launch a war of aggression.”

Everyone looked at Housman suspiciously.

If the person sitting in that position was Veigar, the people here would never have any doubts, because if Veigar said that this war could be won, they would dare to fight to the death even if there was only one army group, but sitting there It's Housman's words...

The answer is obvious.

No one thought that Housman could win this absolutely unwinnable war.

Housman was not surprised by this, he said kindly: "I think you have misunderstood something, when did I say that I would attack the territory of the empire?"

"Then why did you mobilize the entire 80 troops and the eight aviation armies to divide the North Ice and Fire and the West Bank Black Gold?" A staff officer obviously did not believe Housman's nonsense, and said in a suspicious tone.

"Everyone misunderstood."

Housman said with a surprised expression: "I just received an order from His Majesty the King to bring troops to the border to garrison in order to prevent the empire from launching a sudden attack at this point in time."

"Is this an order from His Majesty the King?"

The major general of the defending army showed a surprised expression, and Housman said that he didn't know anything, but came to carry out the garrison work according to Vega's order, and suddenly showed admiration: "Sure enough, His Majesty the King is far-sighted, he It must have been expected that the empire would suddenly launch a surprise attack at this time, so we took precautions early."

"His Majesty the King is wise."

"With His Majesty in the Jialan Kingdom, the war in the coming year will surely be victorious."

"Speaking of guilt, His Majesty even counted the empire's surprise attack, and our officers at the border didn't even notice it."

"Isn't this the greatness of His Majesty? How can we compare."


In the meeting room, each person said a word, fully explaining the worship of Vega.

It seems that in the army of the Garan Empire, as long as anything is connected with Vega, even if it is unreasonable, it will become a matter of course.Housman also saw this clearly, and calmed down the senior management with just a few words.

After appeasing the high-level.

Housman made another response based on the response action made by the empire——

Send one hundred thousand troops to the border to station,
Hausmann's action immediately startled Foster, who was near Kareni. He thought that the Jialan Army was about to launch an attack, so he hurriedly ordered the closure of Kareni City and prepared to defend it. city ​​work.

But what he never thought of was.

The Jialan army did not cross the border to launch a war against them, but set up a defense line near the border of the Jialan country itself, as if you would never come here even if you had a million troops.

"Is this news true?"

Foster frowned when he heard the battle report brought back by the scouts.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense."

Foster walked up and down the conference room.

If the Jialan Army really wanted to attack them, why would they set up defensive lines in their own country? Once an attack is launched, those lines of defense will have to be stationed separately. Isn't this weakening the power of the attack?

It doesn't make sense to say that you leave yourself a way out.

The rear is the City of Ice and Fire. Once defeated, the Jialan Army can completely withdraw to the City of Ice and Fire. How can those defensive lines be as useful as the City of Ice and Fire, which is a heavy city like the City of Ice and Fire, so this makes Foster puzzled.

At this time, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that... the Jialan Kingdom is not attacking at all, but is... defending?"

This idea is really normal. If another country is at a disadvantage and mobilizes 80 troops to the border, his first thought must be that the enemy is deploying defense instead of preparing to attack.

But it is precisely because the enemy is the Jialan country.

This caused him to never think about the normal behavior of the Jialan Congress to make heavy defenses from the beginning to the end.

If you really use this reason to explain the actions of the Jialan Army, then everything makes sense.

The reason why the Jialan Kingdom sent troops to the City of Ice and Fire and the City of Black Gold was to prevent them from suddenly attacking the Jialan Kingdom. On the other hand, it was also to deal with the war in the coming year. These two cities were the front line of the war.

Later, when they mobilized 160 million reinforcements, Jialan Kingdom immediately sent [-] troops to the border to build a defense line. Isn't this a normal response to fear of their attack?
That's normal!

It's so normal that it can't be normal anymore.

"Sure enough, we were all scaring ourselves before?"

Foster's expression of eating a fly appeared on his face. If the situation is true, then this embarrassment can be embarrassing.People just raised their hands in a normal way, and they would think about it, work hard and frighten themselves to the point of being paralyzed.

"No, it's not certain yet."

In order to test the real intention of the Jialan Army, Foster mobilized a group army with a total of [-] troops to establish a defense line at the border, and warned the commander of the [-] army to retreat immediately once the Jialan country attacked.

This group army is actually a decoy.

If the purpose of the Jialan Empire is to attack, it will definitely not let go of this piece of fat.

But if the Jialan Kingdom has no intention of attacking at all, and this time it is really here to garrison, then there are only two possibilities, one is to ignore his actions, and the other is to strengthen the defense line.

And everything turned out as Foster expected.

Foster received the news the next day that the enemy had sent another [-] troops over and was building a stronger line of defense.

At the same time, the war spies lurking in the City of Ice and Fire also brought back information. There was no trace of Vega Saint Laurent in the City of Ice and Fire, and only Hausmann Christian was commanding the army.

And at the last high-level meeting.

Housman's answer to the generals was also to garrison, not to attack.

This made Foster depressed like a discouraged ball. It turned out that all this was really just scaring himself, so at this juncture, how could the Jialan Empire fight a game with a winning rate of less than [-]% war.

Should have thought of it earlier.

At this time, strengthening the defense of the border and paying attention to the movements of the mainland countries is what the Jialan Empire should do most, and these actions of the Jialan Kingdom are perfectly normal and completely logical.

(End of this chapter)

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