Mage Veja

Chapter 826 Quick Attack

Chapter 826 Quick Attack
dong dong dong-

The northern heavy city of Kalieni, Lops.

The important cities in the east are Elchea and Xielantu.

On this day without the slightest smell of gunpowder, at the same time, the endless alarm bells sounded.

"War airship! It's a war airship!"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, the Jialan army's war airship is here!"

"Quick, inform the general, open the crystal hub!"


The soldiers were in a mess, and the sudden blow made them panic to the extreme.

Kareni City Command.

The garrison commander Lieutenant General Senji Barry Edin got up from the warm blanket in a panic, and ran to the meeting room before he even had time to put on his military uniform. His face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

"It's fine, it's going to be fine."

Lieutenant General Senci Barry Edin continued to comfort himself: "Kareni still has 20 defenders, two air forces, and an air defense crystal hub. Lenny City."

"Yes, it must be so."

When he came to the meeting room, the right hand of Sencibari Edin, who was sitting on the main seat, kept trembling: "The Jialan army is seeking its own death this time, as long as it supports the arrival of reinforcements from the central region, drag the Jialan army here, The next year's war can be won without a fight."

"It must be so!"

Repeating this sentence again, Senji Barry Edin's eyes were bloodshot: "There is absolutely nothing wrong. As long as the Jialan Army is held back, I will be the biggest hero in this battle. What is waiting for me is To become an official and a nobleman."

boom boom-

Just at this moment, a series of flame explosions hit the roof of the underground conference room, and the command building on the ground was probably razed to the ground.

Senji Barry Edin could no longer suppress the uneasiness in his heart. He yelled at the brigadier general beside him: "What are the city defense forces in the core control area of ​​the crystal hub doing? Why haven't they opened the crystal hub yet? We must ensure that the airspace of Kareni is safe." Be safe, otherwise the orders from the headquarters will not be communicated at all!"

"General, general."

The commander of the Brigadier General also said with a pale face: "Just now, the crystal hub has been completely destroyed by the enemy... I am afraid that it is impossible to rely on the crystal hub to ensure the safety of the airspace."


Senji Barry Edin stood up and grabbed the collar of another brigadier general: "Bastard, how do you do intelligence work? You let the enemy sneak into the city openly and let them destroy the crystal hub!"

"My lord commander, you are wronged."

The short Minister of Intelligence shouted: "It is you who said that the Jialan Army is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to attack and ordered to lift the ban on the city. Recently, many businessmen have come in and out. It is difficult to check everything one by one. They are probably in It was mixed in at that time."


Senji Barry Edin slammed the Minister of Intelligence to the ground.

He also understood that, strictly speaking, the Minister of Intelligence was not to blame for this matter, because the ban on the city was lifted, and for a city with a population of tens of millions, the flow of people coming and going was an astronomical figure.

In addition, the whole army is quite lax from top to bottom.

At this time, the defenders were too lazy to strictly check the people entering the city, and it was easy for the enemy to sneak into the city.

It's different if it's in combat readiness.

First of all, the city will be directly closed, allowing people to leave and not entering. Then, for those who have recently entered the city, the intelligence department will spend a lot of time investigating one by one.Under the detection of professional magic props, anyone with magic power will never escape the eyes of intelligence personnel, so that the threat can be minimized.

But because it is certain that the Jialan Army will not attack.

Even the inspection work of entering the city is carried out using spot checks, not to mention these more complicated tasks.

"Calm down, calm down."

Although distracted by the roar of magic on the ground, Senji Barry Edin kept reminding himself to calm down, and he said in a slightly calmer tone: "Without the crystal hub, we still have the air force to contend with. You send people to break through the magic bombing circle of the headquarters and go to the air port to make Major General Rupert move, we need him to find a way to lift the war airship into the air and regain our air supremacy."

"Your Excellency Commander...have never told you..."

The head of the intelligence department climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, and said in fear: "The enemy's move is so fast that we don't even have time to react. On the one hand, it's because we didn't expect them to attack, and on the other hand, they took action. Air Force-based combat system..."

Having said that, the Minister of Intelligence glanced at Senji Barry Edin with trepidation.

"Go on."

Senji Barry Edin had a bad feeling.

And everything was as he expected, the Minister of Intelligence said cautiously: "That is to say, our air force was completely destroyed by the enemy before even returning to the airport, and the enemy's air force and marines have officially landed from the war airship, focusing on attacking Our command headquarters at all levels have been destroyed, and now the entire army command system has been paralyzed, and the enemy's army is probably about to arrive."

"This, what kind of speed is this?"

After Senji Barry Edin heard the news, he almost fainted.

Everything happened so fast that he didn't even have the chance to activate the emergency plan.

From the beginning of the war to the present, in less than three hours, the Crystal Hub was destroyed, the air force of Kareni City was completely wiped out, and the 20 defenders had not really exerted their strength, and the command system was completely paralyzed from top to bottom. The super army is probably surrounded by air-raid shelters, and the only way to wait for them is to surrender...

Familiar, too familiar.

Such a scene was all too familiar to the generals defending the city of Kareni.

Mr. Alcott Owen, who experienced the first fall of Kareni, muttered to himself: "The tactic of the Kingdom's fall of Kareni City is the tactic of the United Kingdom's fall of Kareni City. That time it was faster and more precise!"

Desperation spread across the isolated command.

Just as Kareni, which claimed to never fall, fell into the hands of the kingdom, this time the war almost copied the blitzkrieg of the United Kingdom at that time, and it was more accurate and faster than that time.

The scariest thing is...

This time the enemy is the Jialan Empire, which is more terrifying than the United Kingdom. Their army strength is definitely not comparable to that of the United Kingdom. Once the army enters the city, this war is a foregone conclusion.

Jedi comeback?

The most desperate thing is that the hero who led the comeback of Kareni City back then was just on the opposite side this time.

Want to repeat guerrilla warfare in front of him?
This is probably no different from playing tricks.

As for praying for new heroes to show up to save them?This kind of thing can happen once, which is already a one-in-a-billion chance. Not everyone is Vega Kareni.

Therefore, each of them knew that this battle was defeated, and the defeat was very complete.

Now they can only pin their hopes on the air force base in Rops City. As long as the air force there supports them, they will definitely be able to regain the air supremacy.

But what they don't know is.

The superpower that sits on the territory of the Old Dynasty, the Old Kingdom, and the Principality of Baya is not as powerful as the United Kingdom at the beginning, but this time it is on the fourth front... No!Plus the Northwest that has not yet started, that is the five-front battle.

(End of this chapter)

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