Mage Veja

Chapter 830 Introducing the Wolf

Chapter 830 Introducing the Wolf
La Cassia.

This is a heavy city in the northwest. It was originally the capital of hundreds of tribes, but was later occupied by the empire.

It is backed by an extension of the Kareni Mountains, the Siwangjalan Mountains.

Lakasia, a heavy city in the northwest, can resist the Old Kingdom in the north, deter the west in the west, and intimidate the small vassal countries in the northwest. It can be said that it is the most important city in the northwest besides the city of war, and it also symbolizes the original The prosperity of hundreds of tribes.


Now the city is the first line of defense in the northwest of the empire.

As long as the city is in the hands, the northwest can be guaranteed safe and sound, so if you want to invade the empire, this is an insurmountable hurdle.

Coupled with the complex terrain of La Cassia.

This caused Housman to never think of using the northwest as a breakthrough from the very beginning, because it was too difficult.

Generally speaking.

The city of Lakasia will be attacked at the end. The correct offensive posture of this city should be to take the central area of ​​the empire, and then turn from the central area to the northwest. Only attacking from the inside is the most correct choice.

So La Cassia is absolutely safe.

This also led to the fact that the Imperial Army has not paid attention to the northwest until now.

Because if you think about it with common sense, you will know that there are so many offensive positions in the southeast, northwest, and why bother to choose an offensive point that is difficult in hell. As long as you are a general, you will not do such a thankless thing.

But what the empire never thought of was that there were traitors among them.

The rebellion of the hundreds of tribes has long been suppressed by the empire, and their people have been included in the ranks of third-class citizens. Not only have they been driven out of the city of Lacasia, but they also need to pay a large amount of taxes to the empire every year. These taxes are as high as the total fiscal revenue 50.00% to [-]% of them, which basically put them in captivity as livestock.

North of La Cassia.

That is the current field of activity of the Hundred Tribes.

They rely mainly on grazing and forest breeding, planting, and rebuilt a city, and at the same time elected a co-lord to lead them, that is, the great patriarch Meru Scimitar.

But the size of this city is really worrying, because the empire does not allow them to build cities above medium size, and each tribe is not allowed to have an army of more than 3000 people, and the co-owner needs to report to La Cassia City every month...

The empire used countless methods to oppress hundreds of tribes.

Obviously this is trying to make an example to others.

Only when the hundred tribes are oppressed harder, the other vassal forces will dare not make mistakes.

At the same time, the empire used this behavior of oppressing hundreds of tribes to increase the national pride and sense of superiority of the common people in the empire, making them more united and stabilizing the turbulent situation in the northwest at once.

The behavior of the empire finally made Meru Scimitar intolerable.

And today is the day of revenge and rise of the hundreds of tribes.

With cruel eyes in his eyes, he looked at the city gate that La Cassia slowly opened.

creak creak-

The suspension bridge over the moat was lowered, the city gate was opened, and the imperial soldiers on the tower looked down at the team of hundreds of tribes.

"This year it's finally time for these animals to pay tribute again."

"I can't wait for this time of year."

"The commander-in-chief will probably issue an order to reward the three armies later, hahaha."

"Everyone will not return tonight if they are not drunk!"


A group of soldiers mocked the transportation convoy of the Hundred Tribes while looking forward to the next show.

Every year, the large-scale tribute of hundreds of tribes will be collected by the city of Lakasia. At this time, every soldier in the army can receive a "subsidy", and that night will be celebrated like a festival of grace.

Therefore, for soldiers, today is what they look forward to most every year.

The same goes for officers.

Soldiers ate soup, but meat.

Therefore, just looking down from the city tower, the endless convoy made the officers salivate.

These carriages wrapped in tarpaulins are all valuables.


The officer stepped forward and looked at Meru and his son Dill with disdain: "You are the great patriarch Mei...what's the matter with Mei?"

"My lord, it's Meru Scimitar." Meru said in a low voice.

"I don't care what Meru Messi you are."

The officer walked to the front of the first carriage, looked it up and down and said, "There is nothing in this carriage that is not allowed to enter the city, right? I can tell you, you third-class pariahs had better not play tricks, and be careful not to cause the disaster of extermination. "

Dill Machete subconsciously tightened the staff in his hand, a nervous expression already appeared on his face.


He called softly.

But Meru ignored him, but flatteringly stepped forward and handed a large bag of gold coins into the hands of the officer: "What did your lord say, how could we do such a thing, if you don't believe me, let them lift the tarpaulin , open the box for you to check."

"Hahaha, I'm sorry you don't dare, the inspection is unnecessary, we don't have such leisure time."

The officer left contentedly, and at the same time gave the order to let them go.

Meru thanked him repeatedly, and then led the team into the city, heading all the way to the barracks.

All along, these things are handed over by the army logistics, and then handed over to the government the next day, so the destination of this trip is the army garrison, not the government.

The handover went very smoothly.

According to the usual practice, the army will clear an open space, let the hundreds of tribes unload their goods, and then drive them out of the city.

It can be said that the empire not only wants things from hundreds of tribes, but also uses them as free coolies.

This unloading was unloaded at night.

And at night, the commander-in-chief really ordered to reward the three armies, and the army fell into carnival from top to bottom.

This side is acting like a cow and a horse.

They're having fun over there.

The people of the Baizu tribe can only suffer in silence every year.

The purpose of the military doing this is, of course, to further stimulate the hundreds of tribes, and at the same time increase the pride and cohesion of the soldiers, so that they can feel the superior status of the imperial camp.

This carnival arrived in the second half of the night.

At two o'clock in the morning, the army fell silent, and even the soldiers on duty were staggering.

Seeing this, Meru Machete smiled.

He ordered his subordinates to pull down the tarpaulin that wrapped the supplies. It turned out that what was wrapped in the tarpaulin were not small boxes, but a huge box as tall as a person.They tapped the box lightly a few times, and big living people jumped out of the box one by one.

Obviously, these are all soldiers from the Hundred Tribes.

Including the 3000 people transporting the convoy, the Hundred Tribes had assembled more than [-] soldiers at this time.

At the command of Meru Cutlass.

Part of the soldiers went to the city gate, seized the city gate, and covered the main force to enter the city; another part of the team went to the airport to destroy the war airship of the empire, so that the air force of the Jialan Empire could occupy the air supremacy; the last team was responsible for setting fire and executing beheading tactics, The main purpose of doing this is to paralyze the command system and at the same time plunge the city into chaos. The more chaotic the scene, the better for them.

Three-pronged approach.

I'm afraid that the imperial army never thought that this time they completely lured wolves into the house, and instead they were reduced to lambs as wolves.

It's not just that the defenders here are defenseless.

Veigar's target, the City of War, was also unprepared.

(End of this chapter)

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