Mage Veja

Chapter 832

Chapter 832
It's the seventh day.

The entire territory of the Northwest, dominated by the City of War and the City of Lakasia, has declared a complete fall.

Among them, the commander of Lakasia City led wolves into the house, and got drunk in front of the enemy. In the end, the army of hundreds of tribes took the whole city without any effort, and directly created the major battlefields of the Northwest Front. Record fewest casualties.

On the contrary, it was the Jialan Army.

Due to Neville's vigilance, it took Vega a lot of effort to take down the city of war, but faced with the loss of air supremacy and the crushing of absolute strength, Neville could only abandon the city and flee.

As two important cities were taken down.

Whether it was Veigar or Meru Scimitar, they all radiated to the surroundings at the fastest speed, annihilating the remnants of the imperial army in the northwest direction, without giving the imperial army any chance to counterattack.

In this regard, Vega followed Housman's strategy of destroying the enemy.

The Baizu tribe is different, they mainly advance the boundary line of the occupied area.

The purpose of doing this is self-evident. They want to occupy as many territories as possible within a limited time. Under the premise of the allies, Vega is of course hard to say anything.

So during these seven days, the pattern in the northwest was basically stable.

The Hundred Clans Tribe acquired about half of the Northwest Region, and announced the official establishment of the Hundred Clans United Kingdom in La Cassia City.

Among them, Meru Scimitar is the king, Prince Lidir Scimitar is the first heir, and Alysia Saint Laurent is the princess. At the same time, the chiefs of the patriarchs are enshrined as Grand Dukes, and letters are sent to all countries in the world.

Of course, the first ones to receive the notice were the Jialan Kingdom and the Nuolan Empire.

When the head of the empire, Eldir, read the letter, he wished to destroy the hundreds of tribes.

He glared at Neville Dahlberg, who was kneeling on the ground, and another brigadier general who had escaped from La Cassia, and said, "Tell me the detailed situation of the battle in the northwest, without any omission."

"Report, report to the head of state."

The brigadier general reported in fear: "Your officer is the chief of staff of the Seventh Division of Lacasia City. Our army did not expect that the tribes of the hundred tribes not only suddenly rebelled, but also hid the soldiers in the carriages transporting goods. When the commander gave the order to reward the three armies, when the whole army was drunk, they launched a sneak attack at two o'clock in the morning. The air force at the airport was the first to be destroyed. Then they occupied the city gate, beheaded the officers, and led the main force Entering the city, coupled with the assistance of the Jialan Empire Air Force, we failed to organize a resistance force, and the Commander died immediately..."

"Okay, very good!"

Eldir said bitterly: "Military law stipulates that drinking is not allowed in the barracks. Where do you put the general law? Now a tribe of hundreds of tribes dares to occupy the mountain and become king, and they sent us a letter to demonstrate in a fair manner. .”

"Yuan, the head of state, please forgive me..."

The brigadier general hurriedly said: "It's not that we know the law and break the law, but that our Northwest Army has had this tradition for decades, rewarding the three armies in front of the third-class untouchables. It will increase the morale and cohesion of our army."

As the brigadier general said.

Who would have thought that there would be such a big murderous intention hidden in the things that have been taken for granted for decades.

But failure is a fact, Eldir did not spare the officer.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad.

Seeing the fate of the people beside him, Neville suddenly broke out in sweat.

At this time, Eldir also looked at him: "I remember your father is Kafyn Dahlberg."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Führer."

"Well, let's talk about it in detail."

Hearing Eldir's words, Neville quickly explained: "My lord, although the city of war is deep in the hinterland, the officer has never let down his vigilance, especially in the days before the outbreak of the war, the officer sent an airship to Carry out all-round reconnaissance work, but the enemy's army is too large, and our army with less than 7 people cannot resist..."

"I see, you go down."

"The head of state forgives... eh?"

Neville thought Eldir was going to kill him, but he realized after listening, is the head of state going to let him go?

"It's not your fault."

Eldir said with a tired face: "I didn't expect that the tribes of hundreds of tribes would collude with the Jialan Empire, and I didn't expect that the border guards would dare to be negligent in this war and let the entire northwest fall. .This matter has nothing to do with you. In the face of a huge army, it is only natural for the city of war to fall. What you have done is good enough. I hope you can still maintain a vigilant heart in dealing with war in the future .”

"Thank you, Mr. Führer, I promise you!"

Neville is now very grateful for his hard work before the outbreak of the war. If he hadn't raised his vigilance and made those countermeasures in advance, he might be regarded as a typical example of dereliction of duty and be taken down.

After Neville left.

Eldir handed the notification letter to Foster: "Let's have a look."

After receiving the notification letter from the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans, Foster discovered the key point just by glancing at it: "Alysia Saint sure to take precautions, if you can't prevent the Jialan Kingdom from staying Now, what are we going to do next?"

"It's really a killer move every step, and it's a deadly move."

Eldir did not answer Foster's question, because the answer was already very obvious——

With the loss of the northwest, they no longer dare to launch a war of revenge, and now the focus is to return to the central area.

It's not a big deal in normal times.

However, the declaration of the war of revenge has just been made, and the confidence of the people has been awakened again. When they are about to go all out... the army has not yet deployed, and they will announce the cancellation of the war of revenge and shrink the central region.

This kind of thing is simply a fatal blow to the morale of the whole country.

They thought they could save their confidence and morale, but this time they shot themselves in the foot instead.

No matter from which angle you look at it now, this is Hausman's trick, and they are caught in the rhythm of war in the Jialan Kingdom.

If they can't get rid of this rhythm, then there is only death waiting for them.

How to get rid of it?

This requires a lot of time and energy to think about countermeasures and make a layout.

But neither Housman nor Vega will give Eldir a chance to breathe, because the quick attack strategy must be a quick cut, slap the enemy to death, and not give the enemy any buffer time.

So just now, a piece of news came again.

20 on the western front, 40 on the northern front, and 40 on the eastern front, a total of 100 million troops marched into the central part of the empire.

Three-pronged approach.

Do not!
Coupled with the fact that Housman destroyed the morale and confidence of the empire, which is a crucial link, strictly speaking, it should be the current four-pronged approach, and the empire was forced to a desperate situation.

(End of this chapter)

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