Mage Veja

Chapter 836

Chapter 836
The periphery of the central part of the empire.

Hausmann's 40 troops are stationed here.

But for more than ten days, he was rejected by the cradle of the army, Sobi City, and was not allowed to enter.

Now he has a terrible headache.

Originally thought that taking the northeast dominated by Kareni, the northwest dominated by the city of war, and the southeast dominated by Elchea, coupled with shaking the confidence of the empire, a four-pronged approach would surely defeat the imperial army in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that the battle situation is more severe than imagined.

After all, the foundation of the empire is too deep, even if the entire army has no morale, but with the accumulation of thousands of years of history, it can still use excellent 'hardware' to keep him out, making it impossible to force a breakthrough in a short period of time.

"The rhythm is about to stop."

Housman's worst fears are happening, and he's powerless to stop them.

The fast attack is to make the enemy slow down, and use a slap to slap the enemy directly to death.

Once the rhythm breaks down and you give the enemy enough time to get rid of your offensive rhythm, it means that this war can only stop here, and the enemy will use a watertight defense to make you return without success.

Reality is also moving in this direction.

Because of the respite, the empire has made up for all the weak points one by one in the past ten days. The copper and iron walls arranged around the three cities are no longer something that the 100 million troops of the Jialan country can break through. .

Now even if the Jialan Army has tripled.

The imperial army is also sure to defend against the ice and snow melting in the coming year, and the western army invades Jialan country.

of course.

Thanks to the huge advantage that Housman had gained before, the empire still had no choice but to retreat if they wanted to retreat, let alone take the initiative to go out of the city to hold back the Jialan army.

But how could Housman be satisfied with just that.

He had promised Veigar at the beginning that he would take the entire empire.

Therefore, although such a battle situation was unexpected, he did make some worst plans——

In the case that the goal cannot be achieved, Vega is forced to use the war species.

So all he can do now is wait, waiting for Vega to make up his mind to take out the war species.

Although the empire also guessed that Jialan Kingdom might use war species.

But the generals of the imperial army and the western countries still let go of their hearts.

"The battle situation is finally moving in the direction we want to see."

"The enemy's offensive has stopped here."

Eldir and Foster smiled at each other, happy to get rid of the rhythm of the enemy.

As long as you don't fall into the breathless attack rhythm, as for the war species, there is always a way to solve it. After all, the war species is limited. Once all the war species are used here, what should the next year's war be? ?

Compared with attacking with war species.

The empire believes that half of the Jialan country may be used for defense in the coming year.

Regardless of whether it is used for defense in the end, if one of the enemy's hole cards can be consumed, the chance of winning will be [-]%.

"You still can't take it lightly."

Eldir once again played a cautious character: "I want you to pay close attention to the movement of the Jialan army, and at the same time strengthen the central defense line, especially on the weak points, and absolutely not give the Jialan army any breakthrough."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Führer."

Foster assured: "We have sent people to do intelligence work. At present, the enemy's troops in three directions are blocked by us. It is absolutely impossible to break through the line of defense. I think we have the initiative now. I think My lord, if the enemy wants to retreat, should we stay or not?"

Hold Jia blue army.

As soon as the western countries arrive in the coming year, the Jialan country will be destroyed by itself.

Of course Eldir knew this, but he didn't agree: "If the Jialan Kingdom wants to retreat, let them go, because it doesn't rule out that the other party is luring us out of the city, and it doesn't rule out that they will jump over the wall with war breeds. Be careful."

"Yes, Mr. Führer."

If this was put in the past, Foster would definitely think that Eldir was timid, but this time he surprisingly did not refute it, and agreed with Eldir's point of view.

the other side.

After receiving the latest battle report, the western countries also relaxed.

"If you want to destroy the empire in four months, the Jialan Kingdom is really beyond its capabilities."

"The Jialan Kingdom has run out of three axes, and there is a high probability that they will retreat next."

"The empire should hold back the Jialan army at this time, and it will definitely win without a fight in the coming year."


While gloating over other countries' misfortune, the Western countries began to imagine how to win the war in the coming year.

However, it was while Housman was waiting for Vega to make up his mind to use the war species.

Veigar's order was delivered to Housman.

At first Hausman thought that Vega had already made up his mind, so he specially sent a letter to inform him.

But when he opened this secret letter, he found that it was not the case.

In this secret order, the next offensive plan was elaborated in detail, and Housman was required to cooperate.

"Good good!"

A few minutes later, Housman said three good words again and again.

Use the navy to land in the southwestern hinterland, and attack the city of Shira, the shield of the empire, from a safe rear.

He really hadn't thought of such a plan.

Because the continent is surrounded by sea water, this commonplace thing has become the most easily overlooked winning condition.

Even he hadn't noticed it, let alone the imperial army whose land was basically not near the sea would have noticed this.

Therefore, Housman believes that this plan is very promising, and it is even more practical than using warfare to forcefully break through the city.

"Huh? Who is Elena Anistora?"

Housman discovered that the owner of the plan was not Vega, but a person named Alina.

"This Alina Anistora is... a war species?!"

Housman finally remembered the name: "I didn't expect... I'm not even as good as a little girl. Now I'm starting to look forward to what kind of expression the empire will have when it finally knows that it has been defeated by an unknown little girl. "

Bad idea.

Housman followed the order and began to cooperate with Vega in combat.

As for how to cooperate, it couldn't be easier. He only needs to order the three armies to attack the three cities without interruption every day. The empire will naturally attract attention here, for fear that there will be loopholes again, and will not pay attention to the safe rear.

The fact is as Housman said.

The three lines of the Jialan Army launched an attack together, and the empire immediately became suspicious, thinking that the Jialan Army had discovered some loopholes, immediately organized staff to investigate overnight, and even Foster and Eldir joined in.

This also caused them to not notice at all that the sea of ​​dragons was already raging.

The time has come to No. 20 days of stalemate.

The army of the Jialan Kingdom has already touched an uninhabited island near the coastal city in the southwest of the empire without anyone noticing.

The role of the Word Spirit Mage is highlighted here.

They were able to accurately predict which day would be foggy and which day would not be foggy. Thanks to the Word Spirit Mage along the way, they were able to come here safely.But now, according to the prediction of the Lingling Master, there will be a heavy fog covering the nearby sea area in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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