Mage Veja

Chapter 842 Confrontation Period

Chapter 842 Confrontation Period


In the sky above the city of Xierla, the flag of the empire fell in response.

The battle lasted 32 hours, and finally won the battle after Housman's 80 troops arrived and flanked the city of Silla back and forth.

In this battle, the Jialan Army suffered more than 12 casualties.

On the other hand, the actual number of casualties on the imperial side was probably less than 40. In the end, as many as [-] troops broke through. As for the remaining half, they surrendered or fled directly.

Veigar didn't really care how many enemy troops he wiped out.

The real significance of this battle lies in the fact that the central gate was opened, and from now on, it can be advanced, attacked and retreated, and the pressure has completely come to the side of the empire, because Vega's army can directly attack the imperial capital.

all the time.

The empire is proud of the imperial capital.

Once the imperial capital falls, it means that the imperial regime has come to an end.

This concept has been continuously strengthened in the minds of common people for thousands of years, which has created a special belief.

So the Empire began to panic.

In particular, the city of Shira, the shield of the empire, is one of the granaries in the central region. Now that Shira has fallen, nearly half of its wealth has been lost. For an empire that needs to support millions of troops, it is a huge problem in itself.

If nothing else.

Even if Veigar doesn't attack next, I am afraid that the empire will start to reduce its army.

Once the disarmament starts, it means that the morale of the empire is completely lost. Veigar has already started planning to launch a general attack on the Immortal City when the empire announces disarmament when there is no other way.

of course.

During this time he will try other methods as well.

Because before the start of this war, he had indeed made some layouts, but he had not yet completed the systematic plan.

So what we have to do now is just to wait and defend the city of Xierla.

During this period, the possibility of the empire jumping over the wall and forcibly taking back the city of Xierla was not ruled out.

at the same time.

This news also reached the ears of the Western countries.

"Navy landing? Front and rear attack?"

The transmission of this piece of information can be said to have severely slapped all the military officers in the West in the face.

Because not long ago, they also vowed that the Jialan country's three axes have been played, and the empire will definitely hold the central part, and even delay the Jialan army, so that the Jialan army will be defeated without a fight in the coming year.

But the reality is.

The empire lost the city of Xierla, and the iron barrel array in the middle was torn a huge hole by the Jialan army.

As long as the Jialan Army wants to, they can come to the Immortal City now.

Therefore, no one is optimistic about the empire this time, especially after the empire failed to defeat a cannon fodder unit of the Jialan Army in an almost face-to-face army battle, it was judged by everyone that the destruction of the country was a foregone conclusion.


"I didn't think of a powerful empire, but I was only strong on the outside."

"I really don't understand how we lost to such a country in the first place."


The wall fell and everyone pushed it. When the empire was not favored, the countries began to look for another way out——

United Kingdom of Hundred Nations.

This country entered their field of vision for the first time because of the express favor of the Liberty Alliance.

Judging from the current situation, gaining the favor of the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans may become a breakthrough in entering the East in the coming year.

Therefore, all countries sent envoys to visit the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans.

This move still did not attract Vega's attention, because the war on the empire's side seemed to be a sure thing, but the reality was not as simple as the Western countries imagined.

After all, there are more than 200 aviation regiments and more than [-] million soldiers in the empire.

If there is a frontal battle with such a huge army, even if you use this magic again to absorb the fear of the allies, it will be difficult to get any benefits from the front. The large number is enough to cause headaches to a certain extent.

Therefore, the two sides have entered a period of gearing up.

The Empire began to rebuild the last line of defense based on the Immortal City, the Army Fortress Rossoby City, and the Air Force Base Langley City, while Vega began to clean up and control the newly occupied city of Silla.

The city of Xierla is both an entrance and a retreat.

Once the decisive battle with the empire is fought, if an accident occurs in the rear, his army may be directly left in the central area, and then suffer a crushing defeat. Therefore, the cleaning and control work in the city becomes very important.

Veigar leaves the cleanup to Kaja and Chivo.

Because Kajia was extremely brave during the siege of Xierla, and he and Chiwoben were natives of Xierla, so they knew the situation here well, and let the locals perform this task It's the most suitable.

At the same time, Vega believes that the people who will really affect him must be the elite class.

Therefore, he ordered all the nobles to be taken into custody, and the rebels to be killed on the spot, and the property of the nobles was evenly distributed to the common people. This act of beating the local tyrants and dividing the fields made Vega gain a lot of favor in the local area.

Because the contradiction between the powerful class and the common people is not a day or two.

Veigar chose to stand on the side of the common people and help them fight against the powerful. Of course, the simple commoners regard Veigar as their own.

Through the ages.

Most of the regimes choose to please the powerful at the beginning, because it is more difficult to fight against the powerful, and they have a lot of resources and force in their hands, but Veigar doesn't care.

No matter how powerful the dignitaries are, can they still surpass his 80 troops?
Compared with the dignitaries, civilians not only have a larger base, but are also easier to control and less likely to rebel.It can be said that as long as you treat them well, they will be grateful to you, so Vega used force to easily complete the control of Xierla City.

throughout the city.

The powerful called Veigar an inhuman devil, while the civilians kindly called Veigar a kind angel.

This made Vega more certain that there are no absolute good or bad people in this world. If one side is beneficial, it will definitely hurt the other. If one party calls a good person, the other party will definitely be called a wicked person.

So he has to do it.

It is to choose which side to be a good person and which side to be a bad person.

After controlling the city in all directions, Veigar once again set his sights on the Immortal City of the Empire.

Now his goal is only, and only the Immortal City remains.

After taking the Immortal City, the imperial regime was declared to be destroyed, and the pattern of the East-West war was formed.

If the Immortal City is not captured, the Jialan Empire will die without a place to die after the ice and snow melt in the coming year.

And there are still more than two months left for Veigar. Is it really possible to win the Immortal City in these two months?

If you are willing to use the war species, it is a breeze to take down the Immortal City.

But the problem is, Veigar doesn't want to waste war species here.

The situation in the coming year is far more serious than imagined now. Every time a hole card is lost, the probability of failure will increase by [-]%.And one more hole card means more hope of a comeback.

Therefore, during this period of time, Veigar began to calm down to perfect the previous layout and form a systematic plan.

Apparently he was already preparing to make his first move against the imperial capital.

Same as Vega.

Of course, it is impossible for the imperial side to do nothing.

In fact, they also began to actively welcome the arrival of the decisive battle.

(End of this chapter)

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