Mage Veja

Chapter 845

Chapter 845
The empire was on the brink of collapse.

The Jialan Kingdom is eyeing it like a tiger.

At a time when the two countries are supposed to be the focus of the world, the eyes of the western world are all on the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans. As a country that has just been established less than two months ago, this kind of treatment can be regarded as unique. .

The United Kingdom of Hundred Clans, the capital city of Lakasia.

Inside the palace, King Meru Machete will welcome an important guest today.

This person is none other than the envoy of the Freedom Alliance who braved the ice and snow from the west, Admiral Swinburne of the Nightborn.

"I have seen His Majesty the King."

Swinburne saluted gracefully, then smiled at Meru.

"The general has come all the way to work hard."

Meru Scimitar personally welcomed Swinburne into the living room. After a few pleasantries, Meru Scimitar took the initiative to say: "I thank you for your help when the country was founded last time. I don't know why you came here this time?"

"Before explaining the purpose of coming here, I have a presumptuous question to ask you."

"Your Excellency, but it's okay to say."

Hearing this, Swinburne put down the cup in his hand, and said in an unhurried tone: "Recently, I heard that His Majesty seems to have very close personal relationships with other Western countries. As an ally of the Jialan Kingdom, it seems a bit inappropriate to do so."

"Your Excellency came all the way to me to ask this question."

Meru didn't lower his face, but laughed and said: "But since your Excellency asked, then I can't let the guests leave disappointed. Our country is a sovereign country, and whoever we want to establish diplomacy with is entirely our own business. I think this matter does not need the permission of the Jialan Empire."

"Your Majesty is not afraid of Vega Saint Laurent's anger?"

"I think His Majesty Veigar will not only not get angry, but will support this move."

"Hahaha, you are indeed His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Hundred Clans."

After Swinburne laughed, he said, "I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. Since His Majesty already has a way to appease His Majesty Vega Saint-Laurent, he doesn't care about having our entire ally."

"It's an honor for our country."

Meru Machete's smile became brighter: "But friendship doesn't just come to an end. Fifteen countries, including our friends Gundy City, Heye, Xibin, and Kabilin, promised to support our country after the war. I don’t know what the Freedom Alliance represented by your Excellency can bring me if I have captured 2/3 of the territory in the northwest, east, center, and north of the empire.”

"On their basis, provide resource assistance to your country."

Swinburne brought a list to Meru Scimitar: "War airships, food, gold coins, technology, scarce resources... Is His Majesty satisfied with these? But next year we want an exclusive marching channel."

"Please tell His Majesty Strachey Foggton that everything is as he wishes."

Greed flashed in Meru Scimitar's eyes, and he readily agreed to Swinburne's proposal.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Swinburne saluted with a smile, and then left the conference hall with his attendants.

After Swinburne completely disappeared, Dill Scimitar couldn't help but said worriedly: "Father..."

"How many times have I said, call me king father, you are a prince now!"

"Father, father king."

Dill Machete said with some fear: "Western countries and Jialan country are deadly enemies, and we are allies with Jialan country, but now you have established alliances with almost all countries in the West. If this matter is Jialan Kingdom knows..."

"Starve to death for cowards!"

Meru said disdainfully: "Before I bowed my knees to the Jialan Kingdom, it was to establish the country smoothly and enter the field of vision of Western countries. Now that the goal has been achieved, of course I cannot be satisfied with this."

"Father, do you want to..."

"Isn't that natural?"

Meru said as a matter of course: "Vega Saint Laurent is a greedy person. This time in the Northwest War, if we hadn't acted quickly, we wouldn't even be able to get half of the Northwest. If Jialan Kingdom is really unified Blue Continent, we are their thorn in the side, the thorn in the flesh, and they are talking about sovereignty, it is good if the country is not destroyed, so this is an opportunity."

"An opportunity to replace the empire and become the dominant country in the East!"

Meru became a little crazy: "Now the empire seems to be dying, so the western countries need us to act as a springboard for them to invade the east. We can take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the carve-up of Jialan country as a victorious country after the war." Among the ranks of big cakes, this is also the best choice for our Hundred Clan Kingdom to rise."

"Aren't you afraid that you will be wiped out by the Jialan Kingdom before spring?"

Dill felt that his father was thinking a little too naively: "Although the main force of the Jialan Kingdom is confronting the empire, with our national strength, a third-rate army casually sent by the other side is enough to wipe us out countless times."

"Hmph, this is exactly what I want to solve."

Meru Scimitar stood up and said: "It's just a reckless king who can only fight. Next, I will let him know that the confrontation between countries is not just war. You immediately notify the guards, and I will rush Go to Silla and meet Vega Saint Laurent."


Silla City.

Vega sat in the meeting room, calmly waiting for the atmosphere in the imperial capital to continue to ferment.

This heart attack is his first ultimate move.

Judging from the current situation, the empire has absolutely no way to deal with it, so Vega believes that it is enough to just sit here quietly and wait for the empire to collapse naturally.

The most difficult fortress to conquer must collapse from within.

It was precisely because of this that Vega began to lay out the layout when attacking the city of Xierla.

Whether it's the surrender effect caused by the two navies, or the turmoil and panic brought about by the war, all have achieved Vega's expected goals, and even surpassed them.

these days.

There are countless officers who escaped from the empire with their families, and Veigar has properly accommodated them, which has formed a good cycle effect, making more officers who have nowhere to go to surrender their hearts.

In order to prevent officers from surrendering on a large scale, the empire launched a high-pressure policy at the same time.

This has caused the officers in the army to dare not speak out, and most of them are already in Cao Ying and their hearts are in Han.

Therefore, Veigar's smile has become more and more intense recently.

Also because of the extra spare time, Veigar finally found information about the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans.

The information detailed the fact that the United Kingdom of Hundred Clans had been in frequent contact with Western countries during this period of time, which naturally attracted Vega's attention.

After all, the northwest of the empire is backed by the Jialan Mountains.

If the western countries want to invade the east, the Kingdom of Hundred Clans must be the best choice for entry.

Therefore, just in case, Vega asked the adjutant to bring the daughter of Meru Scimitar, which is his current cheap sister Alysia Saint Laurent, to inquire about specific matters.

(End of this chapter)

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