Mage Veja

Chapter 850 How many pieces of waste paper?

Chapter 850 How many pieces of waste paper?

psychological warfare.

Strictly speaking, every war involves a psychological game between the commanders of both sides.

Whether consciously or passively, the officers of the two sides are engaged in psychological contests all the time. The side that finally guesses the opponent's movements or induces the opponent's commander to step into the trap has a higher probability of winning.

The so-called conspiracy and tricks also came from this.

But in the final analysis, whether it is to speculate on the psychology of the enemy commander, or to use means to induce the opponent, it is only aimed at the behavior of at least one officer, as many as a dozen or twenty officers, and the ultimate goal is to induce one or dozens of officers. It is mainly an officer, and does not involve or affect more people.

Foster also understands these superficial truths.

After paying so much "tuition fees" to Vega, he has already upgraded from head-to-head confrontation to knowing how to guard against the enemy, and at the same time set traps for the enemy to induce the enemy to fall into his own rhythm of war.

But Foster...

No, not only Foster, even other officers who have paid a lot of "tuition fees" to Vega, have not noticed that Vega not only sets psychological traps for the commanders in every war, but also not Forget about motivating the masses.

Others see crowd-inducing as a by-product.

Therefore, when they blindly imitate Veigar, they become just like the shape but not the god. Therefore, the same strategy used here is like divine help, but it becomes nondescript when used on the other side.

So how to induce the public, almost everyone's eyes are darkened.

In other words.

The average officer wants to win by tricking one, Veigar wants to win by tricking the 99%.

In his view, as long as 90.00% of the people are deceived, even if the remaining [-]% are all high-level officers, they will not be able to change the direction of the war, because war is never a matter for the commander alone.

Just like an avalanche, there is no innocent snowflake.

The soldiers only thought that the failure was due to the improper command of the officer, but the fact is that each of their soldiers contributed their own strength to the defeat.Veigar, who stood on the shoulders of giants, saw everything clearly and clearly.

In the history of the earth, there are countless such wars.

The so-called besieged on all sides, the last the commander who used means to induce and deceive almost all the soldiers of the enemy or his own side, and this established the victory.

Regardless of Foster or other officers.

Their eyes fell on Veigar from beginning to end, hoping to guess Veigar's next move, or to deceive Veigar's eyes so that Veigar could not predict their plan.

They've been targeting Veigar alone, and Veigar has been targeting a group of them.

So there is no need to say more about who wins and who loses.

This time too.

On the surface, whoever persists in this war for a long time will be able to win.

The rules are very simple and straightforward.

Veigar seems to have a showdown with Foster. Let's toss a coin together, and let God decide the final victory.

Because Foster's army may collapse at any time, and may persist for two months, or even three months.

So Foster is also betting, putting all his hopes on luck.

As a result, Foster increased his efforts to control the army on the one hand, and on the other hand, fixed his eyes on Vega to prevent Vega from launching a surprise attack on him. As long as these two aspects are managed well, both sides will eventually Resign yourself to fate.

But Foster was wrong.

Veigar would not put his fate on the collapse of the Imperial Army. He was different from Foster. This time, his eyes fell on Foster at all, but on his millions of troops.

Just find a way to induce these millions of troops.

Then the enemy can be defeated without a fight. This is the real power of psychological warfare.

So how to induce these millions of people?
Dealing with hesitant people, cutting off their retreat, they can only choose to move forward, this is the so-called last stand.

Dealing with desperate people, destroying their last hope, making them completely desperate, this is the so-called besieged on all sides.

And now the imperial army is in despair, but this despair is not complete. They still have a hope in their hearts that when the ice and snow melt in the coming year, they will be able to win without fighting.

As long as this hope is still there.

Then the empire implements a high-pressure policy, and the rebound will not be so strong.

After all, if you can stand up and live, why bother to kneel down and beg for mercy from the Jialan Army.

Therefore, in Vega's view, at this time, as long as they imitate the besieged enemies and make the already desperate enemies completely desperate, they can speed up their collapse, so that they will be in chaos and win without a fight.

of course.

Not that Veigar actually wants people to sing.

The core of the so-called ever-changing and beleaguered is to make desperate people completely desperate, so as long as you find this core to formulate a plan, Vega can make the superficial plan at his fingertips.

The only luck left in every soldier's heart is that the western countries have stepped through the Jialan Mountains.

If this is the case, as long as they know that the western countries don't need them anymore, and they don't plan to help them after the ice and snow melt in the coming year, then they will definitely fall into complete despair.

It sounds simple, but is it really that simple?

If it is placed before, it is indeed a bit difficult to implement. After all, it is still difficult to persuade millions of people to believe that the Western countries have given up their empires and will not invade the East on time in the coming year.

But it just so happened that a few days ago, Meru Machete helped a lot.

He sent the covenant with the West, the contract on how to blow the empire after the war, and the list of material assistance to Vega, which gave Vega the confidence to completely collapse the Imperial Army.

This is all solid evidence.

With the ironclad evidence and the rumors, Veigar believed that it would be easy to directly detonate the Imperial Army.

The sequelae of the high-pressure policy last time will inevitably bounce back this time with profits.

So Vega ordered the Minister of Intelligence to copy a large number of these contracts on the same day, and used the spies and the "smart soldiers" in the Imperial Army who thought they saw the overall situation and were especially angry with the high-pressure policy to try to get them to report this matter to the Imperial Army. Advertise it in China.

Evidence is needed.

If there are rumors, there are rumors.

If you want the internal navy, you need the internal navy, and if you want the tap water of the imperial army, you also need tap water.

With almost all the favorable conditions, this spark spread like a prairie fire in a very short period of time, and because the imperial army was too bloated, their top management did not react immediately.

By the time the higher-ups found out, it was already too late.

Meru Scimitar far in the northwest would never have imagined in his dreams that the few scraps of paper he used to show his loyalty and make Vega think he was loyal were actually used by Vega as the key to turning the tide of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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