Mage Veja

Chapter 87

Chapter 87
Imperial Third Army, 7th Division A91 Brigade.

The A91 Brigade is a reorganized standard brigade-level force, with 4 standard regiments under its jurisdiction and a total of 6000 soldiers.

These 6000 soldiers were all disrupted and reorganized from the cannon fodder troops transferred back from the border, which means that this is a brand new force, and this force is preparing for systematic training of the backbone force.

After the systematic training is over, this force will officially enjoy the treatment of the backbone force.

The highest officer of this new army is Gunther Burton who has just been promoted. Originally, it was impossible for him to be the highest officer of this new army according to his seniority. , and even he has made great contributions, so he got this once-in-a-lifetime promotion opportunity.

Sit at a spacious desk.

Gunther Burton looked at the new office with satisfaction.

Bigger, roomier, brighter and tidier than the original...

I thought that there was no hope of promotion in this life, but I didn't expect Ganther Burton to meet such an excellent subordinate as Vega, and it was precisely because of Vega that he entered the core decision-making level of the division during his lifetime.

Gunther sincerely thanked Vega.

Originally, according to his idea, he must apply for the transfer of Vega to this new army.

But Veigar made a mistake that made the empire taboo—killing the superior officer.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that Vega has made no mistakes, the mistakes made by the superiors cannot be judged by the subordinates without authorization. Even if the chief has surrendered, the only ones who can judge him are military courts or superiors. department.

The authority of superiors cannot be violated.

If this matter is accepted by a military court.

Then, in order to maintain its own judicial power and the authority of its superior officers, the military court of the empire will definitely not let Vega kill his superiors by exceeding his authority.

Thinking of the court-martial, Gunther Burton shuddered, because it was independent of the military system and was directly responsible to the chief judge of the empire. Even the status of the judge of the military court of the Third Army could be equal to that of the commander-in-chief of the Third Army.

This is also the fact that there is no way.

The empire implements a system of separation of powers. The head of the empire is in charge of force, has the largest army, and is in charge of war.

The Grand Judge of the Empire is in charge of the law, has the most advanced power, and is responsible for justice.Its Judgment Legion is composed of the highest-level mages in the empire. Although the number cannot be compared with the number of mages in the army, its strength makes the enemy country frightened, especially those officers who served the enemy country after surrendering. The jury will even cross the border to kill.

As for the last power is politics.

It is under the responsibility of the Great Speaker of the Empire, who holds the largest think tank team and resources, and is mainly responsible for the future planning and development strategy of the Empire.

Whether it is the head of the empire, the chief judge, or the great speaker of the empire.

The status of these three people is equal, they don't belong to any faction, their only goal is to make the empire prosper, but anyone who hinders this goal, no matter whether it is noble or what class, they will mercilessly eradicate.

At the same time, the three also had an agreement.

Neither party is allowed to intervene in the scope of rights of the other party to a large extent, and any disagreement should be decided by three votes.

Therefore, although Vega was saved by the division with special means, and the military court did not want to make trouble with the military, but if someone brought a lawsuit to the military court one day, they would have to accept it, which would inevitably affect the superior.

This is the reason why Ganther hesitated to accept Vega to serve in the current army.

But at this moment, his daughter Diane Burton hurried into his office.


Diane stabilized her breathing, and then said briefly: "Second Lieutenant Veigar is in the process of being certified as a magician."


Gunther Burton stood up suddenly: "How is it possible, he just became a professional this year, where did you get the news from?"

"I saw him enter the mage area with my own eyes." Dai Ni said affirmatively.

Gunther Burton's face changed, as long as he entered the mage zone, the news would be correct, and the reason why the backbone force was called the backbone force was because of the presence of magicians.

Magicians are an important strategic resource, and the Imperial Army gives magicians the greatest degree of freedom.

Although his brigade-level troops have already established a magician squad, but any magician wants to apply for transfer, and the general division-level personnel department will approve the transfer application without hesitation.

His troops are lacking magicians with a strong sense of belonging.

At this time, being able to win over Veigar, a promising old subordinate, would definitely stabilize his position in the army.

The importance of a magician was enough for Ganther to ignore all risks. He stood up and said eagerly to the adjutant, "Get ready, I'm going to invite Second Lieutenant Vega in person."


at the same time.

When Veigar was hesitating whether to buy the necklace-shaped spell-casting medium worth 6000 gold coins with a loan, a major officer suddenly spoke to him. He claimed to be Andre Hill, the commander of the K21 Regiment of the Sixth Division.

Andre smiled at Vega and said, "Second Lieutenant Vega, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Andre Hill, the head of the K21 Regiment of the Sixth Division."

"Second Lieutenant Vega of the 7rd Regiment of the 3th Division, send your greetings to the commander." Vega quickly saluted the other party.

Andre Hill is a middle-aged man with a flat face and a height of about 1.6 meters [-]. From him, he does not feel the iron and blood temperament that a soldier should have at all. Instead, he shows arrogance and self-righteousness everywhere.

"Second Lieutenant Veigar has really good eyesight."

Andre looked at the spell-casting medium in front of Vega and said: "Although this spell-casting medium is only a low-level spell-casting medium, its cost-effectiveness is undoubtedly one of the best among the same level."

"Head Andre still has research on the medium of casting spells?"

"Don't hide it from Lieutenant Veigar."

The corner of Andre's mouth pulled a smile and said: "There happens to be a level 2 shadow mage in my army, so I am quite familiar with this kind of magic item. If you want to buy it, Second Lieutenant Vega, it will be quite a bargain."

Andre's words strengthened Vega's determination.

With his current financial resources, it is difficult to come up with 6000 gold coins, because although the subsidy for a professional second lieutenant is higher than that of an ordinary lieutenant officer, it is only more than 200 gold coins per month, and with the wings of the empire, it is only 300 gold coins when fully paid .

Although becoming a magician provides an additional 500 gold coins per month, it is not enough to get it, and it will take another month to get it, so he can only take a loan to buy this spell-casting medium first.

Vega took out his military officer certificate and mage certificate and said to the waiter, "Please go through the loan procedures for me. Here are my mage certificate and military officer certificate."

"I paid the money for Second Lieutenant Veigar."

Before the waiter could accept the certificate, Andre immediately took out a receipt issued by the Imperial Gold Bank and stopped him.

The waiter did not take the receipt, but looked at Veigar.

Veija quickly refused: "You don't get paid for nothing, how can I let you pay the bill on my behalf."

Andre laughed loudly and said, "Why did Second Lieutenant Vega say that? As the head of the K6 Regiment of the 21th Division, I formally invite you to serve in my army. With my financial resources, I may not be able to give you a spell, but this The spell-casting medium is a gift for you."

Without waiting for Vega to answer.

Ganser's angry voice sounded outside the door: "Andre, are you trying to recruit my subordinates?"

(End of this chapter)

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