Mage Veja

Chapter 872 Is it war or surrender?

Chapter 872 Is it war or surrender?

Allied Forces, Freedom Alliance Station.

The second meeting of the nations took place at the Free League's premises.

Because the kingdoms were afraid that Vega would use war to create a pot, in fact, each other's residences were very scattered, and the kings did not get together often, but with the arrival of Vega's ultimatum, they had their second meeting after being surrounded .

conference table.

King Strachey of the Liberal League sat at the head, and the kings of other countries sat on both sides.

It is now visible.

Compared with the previous meeting, four seats have been vacated on the oval conference table.

One of them is the Holy Dragon King, and the other three are three medium-sized countries that have recently surrendered.Seeing such a scene, all kinds of feelings flooded everyone's hearts, which immediately made them feel a little sad.

Because they don't know...they can't wait until the next meeting.

Perhaps this will be the last meeting attended by the present as a king.

"Cough cough..."

The voice of the King of the Liberty Alliance interrupted everyone's sentimentality: "You must have received Vega Saint Laurent's ultimatum, and now the war situation has become so severe that we have to face it. What do you think about this? ?"


A king said somewhat unwillingly: "What can you think? Even if Vega Saint Laurent doesn't issue an ultimatum, and we run out of ammunition and food four days later, we can't recover. It's just a few days of defeat in the morning and a few days in the evening." It's the difference between defeat and defeat."

"We have lost this war."

Another person shook his head and said: "Among our allies, including the Holy Dragon Kingdom, four countries have already surrendered, and they have all received preferential treatment. Anyway, they will lose sooner or later. Why don't we surrender before the ultimatum time limit? Maybe we don't have to end up here. Dead without a whole body."


The king of the Xibin Kingdom snorted and cursed in a low voice.

This sentence also angered the king who advocated surrender: "After the meeting, regardless of whether you surrendered or not, I will follow in the footsteps of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and surrender to the Jialan Empire. If you have the ability, please resist to the end. "

If these words were put in the past, they would definitely be condemned by all countries.

But now that he said it, even the king of the Xibin Kingdom who called him a traitor did not dare to speak again.

Despite his reluctance, he also knew that he had to surrender before tomorrow, and if he didn't choose to surrender, Meru Scimitar was a lesson for them.Anyway, life and death can't change everything, it's better to live on.

Even King Strachey of the Liberty League had this thought.

It's just that because he is the chief of the Allied Forces, it's not easy to express his opinions publicly at this time.

But at this time, a person standing behind Pope Eddington suddenly said: "Everyone here is the king of a country, don't you think that this happened too suddenly? Why did Vega Saint Laurent suddenly tell us Issue an ultimatum? Obviously the other party has already sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, so why care about how many days are in the morning and how many days are late?"

Everyone looked at the man behind the pope.

The king of the Liberty League asked, "This is...?"

"He is His Excellency Carol, the guardian knight of Princess Sia Saint Laurent of the Holy Dynasty." Pope Eddington introduced.

Hearing Carol's identity, everyone no longer paid attention to it.

The king of the West Bin Kingdom said: "It's not surprising to me that Vega Saint Laurent suddenly issued an ultimatum for a knife and I'm a fish. Maybe it's just a whim?"


At this time, Carol and the Night Seed Admiral Swinburne standing behind King Strachey of the Freedom Alliance actually said the word 'no' in unison, which immediately made the atmosphere of the meeting strange.

"Your Excellency, please speak first."

Swinburne gracefully gestured please.

Carol nodded: "Compared to you guys, I don't think anyone in this world knows Vega Saint Laurent better than me. Although I don't know anything about military affairs, the only thing I'm sure of is that Vega Saint Laurent Roland never does meaningless things, and behind seemingly meaningless actions, there may be a huge motive hidden."

"As Lord Carroll said."

Swinburne stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips: "Vegar Saint Laurent couldn't wait for three days, so he gave us an ultimatum and threatened to carry out the last big siege against us if he didn't surrender before tomorrow night. In my opinion, this can only explain one problem—”

"Vega Saint Laurent is getting anxious."

Swinburne, the general of the Night Seed who has lived for more than 500 years, has more and more sharp eyes: "Everyone here may not have realized that since Vega Saint Laurent rose to the present, the number of frontal battles can be counted on the fingers. It has always been his combat style to win many battles and fight without bloodshed, and it is impossible to change this combat style that has been ingrained in his bones."

"Please think about it carefully."

Swinburne seems to have seen through everything: "A general who likes to win more with less and fight without bloodshed, why would he suddenly want to use a frontal battle to end us when he obviously waited a few more days to take us down without a fight? Then the answer It is obvious that Vega Saint Laurent is starting to worry."

"The question is, is there any reason for the Jialan Empire to be anxious?"

A king couldn't help but ask.

Because the whole of the West is locked here, he really can't think of any power in this world that can make the giant Jialan Empire so anxious.

"Have you forgotten a force—"

Swinburne showed a gentle smile: "As one of the main powers, the Principality of Baya was absent from this operation. If I guessed correctly, it must be that the reinforcements of the Principality of Baya have already crossed the Jialan Mountains, and the Jialan Army wanted to encircle We have already exhausted all our strength, and now we simply have no extra energy to manage the principality army."

"Do you have any proof?"

Pope Eddington couldn't help but ask.

Swinburne glanced in the Pope's direction in disgust, then shook his head and said, "Because the encirclement of the Jialan Kingdom is too tight, it's a pity that we can't get even a sliver of information from the outside world. All of this is just my guess."

"You mean, you want us to pay for your guesswork?"

Pope Eddington's voice rose a few decibels, obviously thinking that Swinburne was talking gibberish.

Swinburne didn't care: "That's all for now, I'm just expressing my opinion, the final decision is yours."

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, I don't know how to make a choice.

This is to ask them to bet their lives, a gamble.

If you win the bet, you can return to the West and regroup.

But if they lose the bet, they don't even have a chance to survive...

Is it war or surrender?

Everyone subconsciously looked at Strachey Fogerton, the king of the Liberty Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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