Mage Veja

Chapter 877

Chapter 877
West of the Jialan Mountains.

Grand Duke Baya has been busy and happy recently.

The last victory made his Baya Principality's national power soar several times, and its prestige increased to an unprecedented level. At the same time, it also allowed him to obtain the entire territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, which directly led to an exponential increase in government affairs.

But these are secondary.

He didn't expect that the Principality of Baya would have such a glorious day, and it was only because he followed an opinion from Aiden Gary and missed the rich rewards brought by a war.

"Thanks to the general, the Principality of Baya is today."

Grand Duke Baya, who was idle, thanked Aiden Gary again.

Aiden Gary replied lightly: "As a subject, this is my duty. Please don't be polite, Your Majesty. In addition, you have repeated this sentence no less than twenty times in the past ten days. Please don't do this, Your Majesty." polite."

"Hahaha, Your Excellency General is still as unreasonable as ever."

Baya laughed openly, not paying attention to Aiden Gary's attitude at all.

You need to know that because of Aiden Gary's arrogant attitude, he wanted to kick him away and let him know that the dignity of a king cannot be desecrated.

But because of this war.

Directly let Grand Duke Baya regard all the shortcomings of Aiden Gary as advantages, let alone kick the opponent away now, if someone wants to rob him of the talent of Aiden Gary, he might go into battle shirtless and fight the opponent to the death.

"General Eden."

After Grand Duke Baya laughed, he turned his attention to Aiden Gary: "Although we annexed the Holy Dragon Kingdom and became the second largest power in the west, we are the closest to the east after all, and the existence of the Jialan Empire is like a thorn in our throats." , I have trouble sleeping and eating, so in the long run, what advice does Your Excellency General have?"

People without thought, he must worry about.

Conversely, people have long-term concerns without near-term worries.

Right now, the Principality of Baya is proud of the spring breeze, but the Grand Duke of Baya is not a short-sighted king after all. While his own strength has skyrocketed, he has begun to care about the affairs of the Jialan Empire.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Aiden Gary said confidently: "Although the initiative in the war has changed hands and the West no longer has the strength to conquer the East, this does not mean that we have no defense capabilities. When we invaded the East, the biggest problem was how to break through The natural barrier of the Jialan Mountains goes deep into the Jialan country, and now the Jialan army wants to deal with us, and they will encounter the same problem."

"The existence of the Jialan Mountains has a natural advantage for the defender."

Aiden Gary said with a smile: "As long as we in the west are united, even the Jialan Empire will not be able to easily break through our defenses."

"And His Majesty need not worry."

Aiden Gary said sharply: "Although it seems that we have suffered heavy losses in this war, the aftermath of Jialan's annexation of the empire has not been resolved. The failure of this encirclement plan has severely damaged Vega Saint Laurent's personal prestige. Domestic conflicts It will inevitably appear on a large scale. I am afraid that the mainland will enter a period of peaceful development in a short period of time. There is still plenty of time left for us. When we digest the resources of the original Holy Dragon Kingdom, we will really fight at that time. Who will win? Not yet known."

"Greetings, General."

Although Grand Duke Baya didn't understand it very well, but at this moment, he felt that it was over if he praised Aiden to death.

But at this moment, a guard walked in.

He presented a letter to Grand Duke Baya and said, "Report Your Majesty, we have just received a letter from the Jialan Empire."

"Jialan Empire?"

Grand Duke Baya raised his voice a few decibels like a frightened bird.

For the entire West, the words Jialan Empire and Vega Saint Laurent are indeed nightmares. Whenever they hear these words, they are enough to make them tremble with fear.


Grand Duke Baya opened the letter nervously, and then read it.

The letter stated that after the Shenglong Kingdom and other three countries surrendered, they had handed over the sovereignty of the territory to the Jialan Empire.Now the Principality of Baya has sent troops to occupy the territory of the four countries without authorization, which is an illegal act of aggression.In view of this, the Jialan Empire officially issued a warning to the Principality of Baya, asking the Principality of Baya to withdraw its troops immediately, otherwise the Jialan Empire will not rule out the possibility of using force to defend the integrity of the country's territorial sovereignty and the right to pursue subsequent responsibilities.

After reading it, Grand Duke Baya was startled, and then gave Aiden Gary a weird look.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, what did the Jialan Empire say?"

Aiden Gary could hardly restrain his curiosity, and he also couldn't guess the content of the letter.

Grand Duke Baya hesitated to speak.

Because of the front foot, Aiden Gary vowed that the Jialan Empire will not launch a war in the near future, and the mainland will enter a period of peaceful development, but the rear foot of the Jialan Empire wants their army to withdraw from the entire territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the other three medium-sized countries , otherwise the possibility of sending troops to defend territorial sovereignty cannot be ruled out... This blatant slap in the face was simply caught off guard.

In order not to embarrass Aiden Gary, Grand Duke Baia wisely chose to let Aiden watch it by himself.

After Aiden Gary read the letter, he was not as embarrassed as he imagined.

He said again in a very sure tone: "Your Majesty, please don't worry, this is just a threat method of the Jialan Empire. I dare to say that during this period, the Jialan Empire will definitely not use weapons rashly."

Grand Duke Baya was still a little worried and said: "What if the Jialan Kingdom really comes to attack?"

"Is Your Majesty questioning me?"

"Hahaha, I feel relieved with the general's words."

Grand Duke Baya nodded, and chose to believe Aiden Gary's words. After all, Aiden Gary helped him obtain such great benefits, and now even if Aiden Gary turned a deer into a horse, he still believed it.

Therefore, the Principality of Baya chose to ignore this letter.

In the next period of time, the Jialan Empire sent two more warning letters, the contents of which were similar, both of which condemned the illegal occupation of the territory by the Principality of Baya and demanded immediate withdrawal.

Of course, the Principality of Baya still ignored it.

After being a little annoyed by Veigar for the last time, Grand Duke Baya even wrote back and insulted Veigar.

He was ignored twice, and after being insulted once, Veigar began to inform the whole country about it.

Veigar understands that war is an existence that is hated by everyone. Unauthorized launching a war will make the already contradictory domestic situation even worse. Same.

The Baya Principality ignored it twice, and insulted it once, and it was trampling on the dignity of the Jialan Empire in Dali.

Fighting for the dignity of the camp, who else would object?
Opponents, aren't you a citizen of the Jialan Empire?
(End of this chapter)

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