Mage Veja

Chapter 880

Chapter 880
Aiden Garry didn't want to go to war with Veigar.

But whether to fight or not to fight, this matter is not up to him.

Because he also understands that the initiative of the war has been handed over to Dongfang since the end of the last war. If Vega wants to fight, they have to accompany them, and there is no possibility of avoiding the war.

Since there is a war.

The goal then is to win.

But the problem now is that due to the skyrocketing land area in a short period of time, they have not had time to expand their army. With the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom added to the mainland, their defense seems to be stretched.

When it is impossible to determine from which point Veigar will attack.

It can be said that it is a breeze for Vega to break through the defense line of the Jialan Mountains.

"So I think there are only two options left for us."

Aiden Gary looked at Grand Duke Baya and said: "The first is to immediately abandon the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and withdraw the army to the country. With our current military strength, it is more than enough to ensure the safety of the mainland."

"in addition.""

Aiden Gary continued: "Vega Saint Laurent will definitely choose to take over the territory of the original Holy Dragon Kingdom first because of our concession, and stabilize the heel of the West. It will take a long time to digest such a large territory. And they are in the name of regaining the country, once they achieve their goals and want to make progress, they will become unknown, so we can guarantee our domestic security in a short time."

"Give up the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom?"

Grand Duke Baya had a pained look on his face, obviously he didn't like this suggestion a little bit.

How can it be so easy to spit out something that has been eaten into his mouth? The territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom is larger than their Baya Principality. I can stand it.

Therefore, Grand Duke Baya couldn't help asking: "What about the second method?"

"Reinforcement please!"

Aiden Gary pointed to other countries and said: "The West is united, last time we saved the whole West, this time Vega Saint Laurent brought 50 troops ready to go to war against our country, and we are a member of the West , This is tantamount to launching a war against the entire West. As long as the entire West can be mobilized, it will be a breeze to resist the attack of the Jialan Kingdom."

"good idea!"

Grand Duke Baia obviously liked the second suggestion very much.

He quickly said: "You immediately ask other countries for support, as long as they are willing to come, I can subsidize their military expenses."

"I see, Your Majesty."

Aiden Gary saluted, and then began to go down to prepare.

What Aiden Gary didn't say about the second suggestion, however, was that he didn't actually support it.

As for the reason for not supporting them, it is because he believes that Western countries may not necessarily support them.

need to know.

After the last war, the vitality of the western countries was severely injured, and they could not recover in just two months. They needed a longer time to recover their peak combat effectiveness, which left them with no extra energy to help Pakistan. Principality of Asia.

This is just one of them.

The second reason is that Veigar only brought 50 troops this time, and it was clear that he was here to trouble the Principality of Baya, not to settle accounts with the Western countries. On this point, Veigar has clearly stated that In vain, otherwise it would not be an army of 50, I am afraid that it has already come out in full force.

In other words.

If they arbitrarily invest in the army and support the Principality of Baya, Vega is likely to be angered. At that time, the border army of the Jialan Empire will collectively cross the Jialan Mountains and start a war between the East and the West in advance. In their current state, they will lose eight out of ten.

In other words, no country wants to escalate the war at this time.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will not support the Principality of Baya. With Vega not dispatching many troops, they are more willing to see the Principality of Baya and the Kingdom of Jialan pinching each other to buy time for them to recover their strength.

in short.

They didn't believe that Vega could destroy the Baya Principality, the second largest force in the West, with an army of 50.As long as the Principality of Baya is not destroyed, they don't care.

If you really want support.

That must not be to support at the beginning, but to wait until the Principality of Baya really can't hold on, and then send troops to support.

Giving charcoal in the snow is better than icing on the cake, and it can get more benefits.

As for the grace of saving lives, the sympathy?
Are you kidding me, revenge is the greatest kindness.

Although Aiden Gary had seen through everything, he still applied for reinforcements from various countries in accordance with the instructions of the Principality of Baya.

Because he knew that Grand Duke Baya would not give up if he didn't give it a try.

Western countries responded quickly.

But the content of the reply letter was exactly the same. At the beginning, I thanked the Principality of Baya for its great kindness before, and then vomited a lot of bitterness, saying that a lot of waste is waiting to be done, and the national power is empty.

"Bastards! These bastards."

In the past few days when Grand Duke Baya received letters one after another, he didn't stop swearing: "This group of white-eyed wolves, they don't even think about who helped them return to the west. Without me, they would have been reduced to Vega St. Roland's prisoner, now I have a problem, and none of them is willing to help me, bastard! Bastard!"

After scolding, it stopped.

Reluctantly accepting this fact, Grand Duke Baya looked at Aiden Gary: "Your Excellency General, you don't seem to be surprised by the replies from the nations?"

"From the very beginning, I already had some premonitions."

Aiden Gary said: "Western countries don't want to anger Veigar now, let Veigar invest more troops to the west, and then directly escalate the local war into a full-scale war between the East and the West."

"Then why didn't the general say it in the first place?"

"Even if it is said, will His Majesty not ask for their support?"


Seen through his thoughts, Grand Duke Baya was a little ashamed and Xu Cheng was angry.

But the other party was Aiden Gary, and he didn't dare to get angry, so he could only smile to ease his embarrassment and said, "Then, general, are you really going to give up the original territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and shrink the defense line?"

"That's right, the only way to survive is to shrink our forces."

Aiden Gary said with certainty: "If you don't shrink your troops, the result of wanting everything is that instead of getting the watermelon, you even lose the sesame seeds in your hand. Sometimes you can give up something to better protect the more powerful people." Important stuff."

"I see, everything should be done according to your wishes."

Grand Duke Baya sat back on his seat decadently, and the cooked duck flew away like this. This incident made him bleed with distress, but unfortunately this is indeed the only way to avoid the battle.Whether it is the Principality of Baya or the West, it will take too much time.

"Please don't be sad, Your Majesty."

Aiden Gary smiled and said: "Losing is for gaining better, please don't forget, Your Majesty, this is the West after all, and the East and West are separated by the Jialan Mountains. Once winter enters, the East will not be able to threaten the West." when……"

(End of this chapter)

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