Mage Veja

Chapter 882 The City of Dawn

Chapter 882 The City of Dawn
after stabilization.

It's time to use force.

Veija came this time, not really coveting the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

This territory is actually quite tasteless for the Jialan Empire, because the Jialan Mountains are separated in the middle, and the resources here cannot be transported to the east, and the materials from the east are also difficult to transport to the west. It’s as simple as isolating things physically, but objectively speaking, it’s almost isolating everything from culture, politics, race…etc.

without any exaggeration.

Beyond the Jialan Mountains, there is another world. Even in the east far away from the Jialan Mountains, no one has ever heard of such a vast world beyond the mountains.


For countries that do not want to focus on the West for development, this piece of land can indeed be said to be tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

This is like the original Baya Principality and Shenglong Kingdom.

Either transfer with the West as the center of gravity and completely overshadow the East, or use the East as the base point and place a small amount of power in the West.I have never heard of any country that allows the development of the eastern and western territories to go hand in hand.

The same is true for Jialan Empire.

Veigar knew clearly that once winter entered, he could only reluctantly abandon this place.

It is impossible to give up.

Although chicken ribs are tasteless to eat, it would be a pity to throw them away.

Therefore, Vega thought of a way to directly let this place form its own operating system in the form of an independent country.

The establishment of the Holy Dragon Province is for this purpose.


The Holy Dragon Province belongs to the Jialan Empire, but in fact, it has independent politics, military, law, and culture... and the king who rules here is Qi Lisi Luo, who stepped down from the intelligence department of the Jialan Empire. Deni.

Now Jialan's intelligence department has been handed over to Mennuo.

Qilisi has a high degree of autonomy in this land, especially when the Jialan Mountains are closed by ice and snow in winter, and the headquarters of the Jialan Empire can hardly take care of the west. At this time, a reliable person is needed to bear the pressure in the west.

of course.

To complete this project will not happen overnight. It will take one or two years to establish an independent army in the Holy Dragon Province and complete relevant training. Now it depends entirely on the 50 blue troops in the town.

However, if the 50 troops are really used for national defense, I am afraid that even the border is not enough to defend.

Therefore, 90.00% of the cities, even heavy cities, do not have any regular army, only some temporary security teams are maintaining the order of the city.If other countries launch an attack at this time, there is almost no ability to resist.

But at least until winter, no country dares to cross the border.

Because the existence of Jialan Empire and Vega is too scary.

No one wants to provoke Vega at this time, and let Vega directly set off a war between East and West in a fit of anger.At that time, millions of troops will cross the Jialan Mountains, and the countries that offend the Shenglong Province will probably be raised up by the western countries to worship the heavens.

To be precise, let alone attack the Holy Dragon Province.

Even if they support the Principality of Baya, they dare not.

This point Vega had already been confirmed when he led his army south to prepare to attack the Principality of Baya.

Because of this, Vega breathed a sigh of relief.

He is also sure that he has bluffed other Western countries.

In fact, it is not as bad as the Western countries imagined. Once something provokes him, the war will escalate. This is purely frightening the West itself to frighten itself.He has absolutely no ability to let an army of 500 million cross the Jialan Mountains to set off the final decisive battle. If he could do it, he would have done it long ago, because no matter whether it is time or national power, he is not allowed to do it.

The vitality of the West has been severely damaged, and the Jialan Empire is also waiting to be rebuilt.

Wanting to mobilize more than 500 million troops for an expedition would consume an astronomical amount of resources. The little money left in the original imperial treasury was not enough for the post-war reconstruction work, and militarism would have no good end.

So Veigar is now making an attempt.

Try to take down the Principality of Baya, and then use the ready-made team of the Principality of Baya to stabilize its foothold in the west. In this way, it may be possible to forcibly hold the territory in winter.At the end of the next spring, when the ice and snow melted, the east would have a direct springboard to invade the west, and it would not be hindered by the natural moat of the Jialan Mountains.

This time the Western Expedition.

In fact, the anger towards the Principality of Baya is only one of them.

After all, Veigar's anger is anger, and he will not let anger overwhelm his reason.

Therefore, borrowing chickens to lay eggs is Vega's hidden real purpose.

No matter the West or Jialan China, they never knew that what Vega wanted was to use chickens to lay eggs, not only to destroy the Baya Principality, but also to take away the team that the Baya Principality took several years to build up with great difficulty.

Of course, the difficulty in doing so is self-evident.

First, he cannot send too large an army. If there are too many troops, it will arouse the vigilance of the West.

The idea of ​​all the West participating in the war became impossible.

Second, he must hurry up.

The time left for Vega is less than 4 months. In 4 months, if he fails to win the Principality of Baya, he can only be forced to return to the east, hand over the Holy Dragon Province, and stay in the west forcibly. There is a high probability that they will be besieged by a pack of wolves.

Once the time drags over to the next year.

The countries that have regained some vitality will not ignore Vega's occupation of the territory of the Holy Dragon Kingdom like this time. At that time, they must surround the Jialan Mountains to block the Jialan Army, and let the Jialan Army just cross the mountains. Layers of skin.

So make or break it.

Four months is Veigar's deadline, and if he succeeds, the success rate of unifying the West in the coming year will increase to 80.00%!

This is a crucial battle.

Veigar can't guarantee that he will win, and he can only do his best to obey the destiny. He is happy to win, but if he returns without success, he should vent his anger and disgust the Principality of Baya, but there is nothing to lose.

This is the benefit of taking the initiative in war.

Unlike the Principality of Baya, if it wins, it will not make any money, but if it loses, it will have nothing.For Vega, winning can be said to be a huge profit, and it doesn't matter if you lose. The forces that have completed the primitive accumulation of capital can always do whatever they want.

Cross the border and stand on the commanding heights.

Veigar looked at his first target—

The important city in the northeast of the Principality of Baya, the City of Dawn, San Simmons West.

The City of Dawn is located near the Jialan Mountains. It is one of the checkpoint cities in the Jialan Mountains. It is also the core strategic point of the border of the Principality of Baya. At the same time, as the first place in the west to welcome the rising sun, it is named the City of Dawn. It symbolizes " Dawn and Hope'.

Don't know if it was intentional or a coincidence.

Veigar finally chose this city as his breakthrough point, and its significance could not be more obvious——

Bury hope!

(End of this chapter)

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