Mage Veja

Chapter 99

Chapter 99
On the collar of the cloak.

There is a special symbol.

This symbol is like a mysterious rune on the rune page, and most people will only regard it as a decorative pattern.

But the law enforcement team 079 squadron, the captain Oli is obviously not an ordinary person.

As a powerful civil servant at the bottom of the General Administration of Law Enforcement, he was absorbed into the Kareni United Kingdom spy organization half a year ago, because the idiots who don't know the current affairs have been cleaned up by the director.

So of course he, being a spy, recognized the symbol.

This is the exclusive mark of the insiders of the espionage organization. As long as they have this symbol on their body, they can know whether the other party is a friendly army at any place, and it also largely prevents other forces from infiltrating them.

Because this symbol changes every month.

And he saw the symbol on the cloak at first glance, coupled with Veigar's clothes and the staff in his hand, this was exactly the same as the description of the target person that the director and the army were looking for.

Finally found!
Oli was overjoyed, the entire law enforcement team was dispatched these days, led by professionals, went back and forth in the city for an unknown number of times, but still failed to find the target person, did not expect that the credit would eventually fall to him on the head.

He hastened to greet him: "Sir, you can be regarded as showing up. This is not a place to talk. Our director has prepared a high-quality guest room for you. Please move to the General Administration of Law Enforcement."

Without waiting for Vega to answer.

Ole said to the people around him, "Find me a carriage within five minutes."

"Yes, squadron leader."

The action of this law enforcement officer was very fast. In less than 5 minutes, he pulled a carriage from nowhere. Looking at the coat of arms on the carriage, it seemed to be a certain nobleman's car.

Oli put on a flattering smile: "Sir, the carriage is ready, let's set off now."

Veigar wanted to refuse.

But the words he was about to say were held back abruptly.

Judging from the other party's various performances, the other party seemed to regard him as a United Kingdom mage who had been stabbed by him and committed suicide. He began to realize that this might be an opportunity, so he followed the other party into the carriage.

"No. 1, No. 2."

Oli drove the carriage himself. Before leaving, he said to his two subordinates: "You will lead the team to deal with the follow-up work of the fire. If someone asks the cause of the fire, just find a perfunctory excuse."

"Yes, squadron leader."

The two saluted Oli, and after watching the carriage disappear from sight, they began to lead the entire law enforcement team to carry out the follow-up work on the fire. On the way, the army people came over to take a look, and after finding out that it was a fire, they didn't even ask Without any desire, he left the scene directly.

And this time.

Squadron leader Oli drove the carriage towards the General Administration of Law Enforcement.

Along the way, he looked normal, without showing the slightest guilty conscience, and even greeted several officers of the army hunting for magicians, and by the way, showed off how he snatched the carriage from the nobles just now.

It was also this kind of performance that made the army people never suspect that there was still a person sitting in the carriage.

So the carriage went unimpeded and drove into the backyard of the General Directorate of Law Enforcement.

Veigar, who was sitting in the carriage, heard the whole process, and he was even more certain that the official of the law enforcement team had already firmly believed in his identity, and he would have the opportunity to use this identity to obtain some important information.

Opportunities and risks coexist.

Although it seems that there is a great chance of obtaining the evidence and intelligence he wants, it is an extremely dangerous thing to go deep into the enemy's headquarters. Once his identity is found out, he may not even have a choice in the way of death.

It's too late to regret now.

Veigar looked at the gate of the backyard of the General Administration of Law Enforcement, as long as he repented and left now, then he would not be in any danger.

What's more, even if he entered the General Administration of Law Enforcement, he didn't have a letter, so the risk of exposure was too great, and he might not find any evidence, so it's better to go back and find a way slowly.


Veigar clenched his fists loudly.

There is no tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den, and now he has nowhere to escape.

Throw it all out and make a fuss.

Veigar completely abandoned the idea of ​​fear and hesitation, and decided to play the role of "spy" carefully, and waited for the opportunity to find some evidence about the treason of Bruno Varen, the director of the General Law Enforcement Bureau.

Da da da--

As the sound of the last few horseshoes hitting the ground echoed, the carriage stopped firmly in the backyard of the General Administration of Law Enforcement.

"Sir, it's already here."

Oli's flattering voice came, and Veigar opened the exquisitely carved black-lacquered wooden door.

He slightly blocked the glare of the sun with his right hand.

Although it is already deep winter, today's temperature is higher than the previous few days.

Get out of the carriage.

What Veigar saw was Kareni's Law Enforcement Directorate.

Led by Oli, he walked from the back door towards the chief's office on the top floor.

When he got here, Veigar knew that he had no escape route, and the final result was nothing more than two. Either he found evidence and escaped from the General Administration of Law Enforcement, or his identity was exposed and his body was torn into pieces. He did not want to choose the second option anyway. .


The door opens.

Veigar was not taken directly to the director's office on the top floor, but was taken by Oli to the reception room next to the director's office.

"Sir, please rest here for a while."

Oli stood at the door and made a gesture of invitation: "I will notify the chief for you."

In line with the principle of saying more, more mistakes, less good.

Veigar didn't speak, he just nodded, and then sat on the sofa in the reception room, waiting to be received.


Ole closed the reception room door.

Then he walked to the director's office next to him and knocked on the door a few times: "My lord, Oli, the captain of Squadron 091, please see me, and I have something important to report."


The door opened, and an assistant made a please gesture to Oli.

"Ori, what's the matter?"

Bruno turned his back to Oli, shaking the wine glass gracefully in his hand, his eyes were always fixed on the map of Carleni on the wall, and he didn't turn around even when he heard Oli's footsteps entering the door.

Oli glanced at the assistant, and then repeated again with an emphatic tone: "My lord, my subordinates have something important to report."


Bruno finally turned around, and then said to the assistant: "You guard the door, don't let anyone approach the office."

"Yes, Director." The assistant stepped out and closed the door carefully.

Bruno smothered his red wine lightly, and smiled gracefully like a gentleman. He was always full of calm and steady temperament: "Squadron Captain Ole, there is no problem now."

"I found the person you want." Ole said in a deep voice.


The goblet in Bruno's hand shattered, and the red wine flowed down his wide palm like thick blood. His eyes were filled with madness and excitement: "War, is it finally coming?"

 It seems that the launch time is coming earlier than I thought, but I haven't started preparing yet, I feel like taking jujube pills TT~~~
(End of this chapter)

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