Chapter 138 Martial Arts Conference (4)

Originally, the battle between Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing was considered to be such a wonderful event, but it just subsided like this, I really haven't seen enough of it.

But there are a lot of people at the scene, and there will definitely be some people who are unwilling to be lonely.

"Step aside"

Suddenly, the loud shouts in the crowd came out and gave way to a passage not long after.

"It's the beggars coming"

"People from the beggar gang."

All of a sudden everyone started talking, no matter how bad the Beggar Gang is, it is also the largest gang in the martial arts world. Even if the beggar gang with a large number of people does not have any high-end combat power, no one will provoke them.

The gang of beggars went straight to the front, led by a masked man, dressed in tatters, without the slightest aura of a superior.

Seeing the beggar gang coming, the crowd became relatively quiet, but many people were also discussing the new leader of the beggar gang.

Looking at the situation of the beggar gang, Zhao Bi smiled directly. After all, this is the same as the original plot.

With the arrival of the beggar gang, this martial arts conference has officially begun, but the climax that Zhao Bi wanted to see has not yet appeared, so he can only wait for a while.

The new head of the Beggar Gang seems to be a bastard. Seeing that Zhao Bi, who is sitting on the top, still has a chair, but he, the person who organized this martial arts conference, is still standing here, and immediately shouted at Zhao Bi, " Then who, this gang leader is standing, what right do you have to sit there?"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd sighed instantly, and even Quan Guanqing, who was next to him, hurriedly reminded, "What are you doing?"

"It's not what you said, you want to show your aura when you come up? Could it be that I made a mistake?" Zhuang Juxian said in a low voice quickly.

"I asked you to show your aura, but I didn't ask you to seek death~! The one above is the most powerful Mu Wang in the Song Dynasty, the famous Wentian Sect Master in the martial arts, and his strength is even more terrifying. Why do you want to?" Are you looking for trouble?" Quan Guanqing wanted to slap this guy to death now, because he really didn't know his last name after he had some strength.

After hearing Quan Guanqing's words, Zhuang Juxian quickly asked, "Then what should we do?"

"You asked me what to do. You provoked this matter yourself, and you can solve it yourself."

Quan Guanqing was obviously throwing the blame away, but the elders of the beggar gang standing behind were very happy to see the current situation. They originally disagreed with this guy of unknown origin being the leader of the gang, but now it's good.

Hua Wen looked at the members of the Beggar Clan with great interest, and there were also many martial arts people waiting to see the jokes.

It's fine if you say it's a joke, but it's a bit too much to have one of them eating melon seeds.


Before the play was seen, the abbot of Shaolin Temple had arrived with everyone from Shaolin Temple at this time, Zhao Yu rolled his eyes directly, and really didn't want to talk to these bald donkeys.

"Everyone who came to my Shaoshi Mountain, please let go of your grievances for the time being. Since you are going to organize this martial arts conference, please don't fight in my Shaolin Temple." With so many people, without such a method, who can hear it.

For so many people in the martial arts, Shaolin Temple still has to give face, after all, they are still the existence of Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, and they are the current hosts.

Seeing that the scene had quieted down, Shaolin Temple Fangzhan Xuanci stood up and said, "Amitabha, everyone, this martial arts conference is not held by the Shaolin Chamber. I still want to tell you about this. I will not tell you who is doing it. Presumably many benefactors have already guessed it."

"Can I trouble this old bald donkey?" Zhuang Juxian below directly asked Quan Guanqing next to him.

Quan Guanqing thought for a long time and said, "If you want to become famous, you still need the Shaolin Temple. Go, let them see your strength."

Zhuang Juxian went straight to the front, looked at Xuanci and said, "Old bald donkey, this martial arts conference is organized by my beggars' gang, so don't just talk about what's there and what's not there, just let them do it in front of the world's martial arts heroes today." Let's see how much you, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, weigh."

After Zhuang Juxian finished speaking, he slapped Xuanci directly, the force of the palm directly drove the dust on the ground to come out together.

Seeing this situation, Xuanci directly faced each other, and when the two powerful forces collided with each other, they directly raised a large cloud of dust, and even made the two of them take several steps back at the same time.

Fortunately, Xuanci's side was supported by people from Shaolin Temple behind him, but Zhuang Juxian's side basically almost fell to the ground.

Zhuang Juxian who stood up again directly shook his hands, and then said, "The powerful vajra palm of Shaolin Temple is nothing more than that, it doesn't have much power?"

Xuanci looked at Zhuang Juxian, and said solemnly, "I think Shaolin and the Beggar Gang have been friends for a hundred years, is it possible that you want to be an enemy of Shaolin?"

As soon as Xuanci's words fell, the head of the Bodhidharma Academy with a bad temper next to him said directly, "You also said to compete with my abbot of Shaolin, but why don't you use your beggar gang's kung fu instead of using heresy ways?"

The tens of thousands of martial arts people below have only reacted. What is the most famous beggar gang in recent years?Of course it is the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Gang.

Quite a few people shouted, "Use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to hit."

All of a sudden, even the people from the beggar gang were talking about this, Zhuang Juxian looked at those people, and then said with a smile, "Why do you care about the skill, as long as you win, that's the kingly way."

Ignoring other people's gazes, Zhuang Juxian attacked Shaolin again, but this time the internal force used by Zhuang Juxian was obviously different, the black internal force made people see a bad feeling at a glance .

Accompanied by the arrival of palm wind, the head of the Bodhidharma academy directly leaned in front of Xuanci, and together with his junior brother, they gathered their palm strength and started to counterattack Zhuang Juxian.

When the two internal forces collided again, this time it was not as powerful as the first time, but this time the two of Shaolin Temple directly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Uncle Master"

The people from the Shaolin Temple hurried forward to help the two, but they looked at the palm and said weakly, "He actually used poison kung fu."

"Amitabha, Master Zhuang, as the leader of the Beggar Clan, but using the XingXiu Sect's Ding Chunqiu's Poison Kung Fu, this seems to be inconsistent with the teachings of the Beggar Clan, isn't it possible not to use your own Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?" Xuan Ci spoke directly, with no expression of joy, anger or sorrow.

"Hmph, hit as soon as you hit, why bother talking so much nonsense." Zhuang Juxian is most impatient now because these old monks are talking about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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