Chapter 140 Martial Arts Conference (6)

The development of the so-called martial arts conference has reached the climax to this point, and Zhao Yu is very much looking forward to seeing the ending below.

Xiao Yuanshan admitted that he was Xiao Feng's father as soon as he came up, but to Xiao Feng, his father was just what he remembered, and he hadn't seen him for 30 years, and he was not as close as the original plot.

Xiao Yuanshan looked down at all the people in the martial arts scene and said loudly, "Yes, I killed Xuan Ku, I killed Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, and I even killed many people in the martial arts world, but I think they deserve to die , what happened that year, there is only one left who is still alive, and it is also the most important one.

Back then, it was him who made my family ruined and my wife and children separated. I hid in this Shaolin Temple for 30 years, just to find the leading brother who made me what I am now. "

Hearing Xiao Yuanshan's words, Xiao Feng also shouted directly, "Father, tell me, who is the big brother who takes the lead?"

Perhaps the anger on Xiao Feng's side did not originate from the anger of the family, but more mainly because of this matter, the woman he loved the most had been killed by himself.

"Feng'er, the elder brother who took the lead back then was among this group of people, but he hid it very well, but he was still found out by your father." Xiao Yuanshan said to Xiao Feng in a deep voice.

Just when Xiao Feng was about to ask another question, Xiao Yuanshan suddenly shouted again, "Erniang Ye, I took your child away back then, won't you come out and look for me?"

Everyone who was at Xixia Yipintang immediately looked at Ye Erniang, and not many people knew why she often went crazy.

When Ye Erniang heard Xiao Yuanshan's words, there was no anger on her face, but a look of horror. She knew a lot of things, but Xiao Yuanshan said this at this time, obviously it was not a good thing for her.

Ye Erniang walked out slowly, looked at Xiao Yuanshan, now she wished she could die with him directly, but in reality it was definitely impossible.

When Xiao Yuanshan saw Ye Erniang coming out, he immediately laughed out loud, and then said, "Ye Erniang, your child is not dead, and he is also among this crowd. I sent him away after I took him away. When we get to Shaolin Temple, tell me who the father of the child is now, and I will tell you which child it is?"

Ye Erniang didn't say a word from head to toe. When she heard that her child was not dead, she seemed to let go of something.

Immediately Ye Erniang yelled at Xiao Yuanshan, "Back then you took my son away and made me live in pain for decades, what do you want to know from me now? Just give up!"

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Erniang quickly snatched a sword from a martial artist not far away, and instead of rushing directly to Xiao Yuanshan as others thought, she committed suicide instead.

Seeing Erniang Ye who was already lying down, Xiao Yuanshan was also taken aback for a moment, he did not expect Erniang Ye to be so decisive.

"How many people do you want to die for you? Do you really think I don't know your identity? Why don't you dare to say a word at this moment?" Ye Erniang's death directly stimulated Xiao Yuanshan, and he looked directly at Shaolin Temple The crowd over there roared in anger.

It was almost time for a cup of tea after the voice fell, during which no one spoke, only the sound of breathing and wind could be heard in the place where the master was finished, and everyone was looking at what would happen to Shaolin Temple.


At this moment Xuanci came out directly, looked at Xiao Yuanshan and said, "Benefactor Xiao, we were also bewitched by someone in the incident back then, that person only said that the Khitan people would come to steal my Shaolin martial arts secret book, so as to help the Liao Kingdom attack the Great Song Dynasty , I don’t want to make a big mistake because of it, it’s really a sin.”

The abbot of Shaolin Temple stood up and said this matter, which is basically a solid hammer, and everyone just feels that this is ripe.

Unexpectedly, a good martial arts conference turned into a family ethics drama in the end. Zhao Bi said that it was really enjoyable to watch.

Just when Xiao Yuanshan was about to get angry, Xuan Ci suddenly said, "We made a mistake back then, but is the person behind the message right? Murong Bo benefactor."

Everyone is starting to wonder again now, how it is related to a person who has been dead for many years.

But before they could react, they saw an old man dressed in black like Xiao Yuanshan flying out.

When Murong Bo appeared on the stage, he didn't look at other people, he didn't even have a chance for Xuanci to say anything, he went directly to Murong Fu's side, and he slapped him before he could say anything.

Murong Fu was not dissatisfied, he got up and knelt down and said, "Father, is it really you?"

"Hmph, look at you now, it's really useless."

Hearing Murong Bo's words, Murong Fu bowed his head in shame.

"This is new! Mo Wen, keep an eye on this old man. It's okay for others, but I want him to stay." Zhao Yu turned to Mo Wen and ordered, the anger in his heart could be seen from his eyes .

Mo Wen didn't ask why, and responded directly, "Don't worry, the suzerain, the disciples will go and take him down."

Zhao Bi just asked Mo Wen to stare at him, but he didn't expect him to rush towards Murong Bo as soon as he finished speaking.

Zhao Bi also expressed helplessness, but this kind of thing is okay.

Mo Wen saw the anger in Zhao Bi's eyes, and at the same time knew that the old man in front of him was not easy to provoke, and when he went up, he tried his best to kill him directly.

Seeing that Mo Wen immediately used the chivalrous skills, his figure was as fast as lightning, but Murong Bo managed to dodge him dangerously.

Mo Wen's attack directly stunned the people present, Xuan Ci's melons were too late to eat just now, so they hurriedly watched what the hell Wen Tianzong was doing.

In terms of strength alone, Mo Wen's strength is not as good as Murong Bo's, but he is younger and has much better physical strength.

Down there, Murong Fu watched his father being attacked, and just wanted to go up to help, when suddenly there were two more women in front of him, Qingfang and Xiao Yizi from Wentianzong.

"You don't want to participate in senior brother's solo fight, or you won't be guaranteed to survive." Qing Fang looked at Murong Fu who was now in a state of embarrassment and said.

"Father, what's the situation with them? Judging from their appearance, it's obvious that they want this old thief to die?" Xiao Feng said calmly to Xiao Yuanshan next to him.

"Feng'er, dad is not very clear about this matter, but it looks like this is not a show, but they are all starting to get serious." Xiao Yuanshan analyzed, but he didn't understand what the situation was.

Zhao Bi looked at the battle between the two seriously. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that Mo Wen is not the opponent of Murong Bo at all. After all, Mo Wen is still too young and lacks fighting experience.

(End of this chapter)

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